什么是比较两个SQL Server数据库的免费工具?

时间:2021-11-05 22:47:21

What is a free tool to compare two Sql Server tables (data and schema).

什么是比较两个Sql Server表(数据和模式)的免费工具?

It would be great if the tool can script the differences found.


I also went through some older posts. The closest I have seen is SQLDBDiff but I would love to try more options.


7 个解决方案



TableDiff.exe should have everything you need. It is one of the hidden gems in SQL Server 2005. So you don't have to download anything.

TableDiff。exe应该有您需要的所有东西。它是SQL Server 2005中隐藏的精华之一。所以你不需要下载任何东西。

• Table Difference tool allows you to discover and reconcile differences between a source and destination table or a view. Tablediff Utility can report differences on schema and data. The most popular feature of tablediff is the fact that it can generate a script that you can run on the destination that will reconcile differences between the tables. TableDiff.exe takes 2 sets of input; • Connectivity - Provide source and destination objects and connectivity information.

•Table Difference工具允许您发现和协调源表和目标表或视图之间的差异。Tablediff实用程序可以报告模式和数据的差异。tablediff最受欢迎的特性是,它可以生成一个脚本,您可以在目标上运行,该脚本将协调表之间的差异。TableDiff。exe接受2组输入;•连接性——提供源和目标对象以及连接性信息。

• Compare Options - Select one of the compare options • Compare schemas: Regular or Strict


• Compare using Rowcounts, Hashes or Column comparisons


• Generate difference scripts with I/U/D statements to synchronize destination to the source. TableDiff was intended for replication but can easily apply to any scenario where you need to compare data and schema. You can find more information about command line utilities and the Tablediff Utility in Books Online for SQL Server 2005.

•使用I/U/D语句生成差异脚本,以同步目标到源。TableDiff是用于复制的,但是可以很容易地应用于任何需要比较数据和模式的场景。您可以在SQL Server 2005的Books Online中找到关于命令行实用程序和Tablediff实用程序的更多信息。



Even though this has been answered years ago a new comer which works really well is Data Compare within Visual Studio. It is part of Visual Studio 2010 and is part of the Database Professionals GDR update to Visual Studio 2008. This works great when you want to compare the same tables in 2 different databases.

尽管这个问题在多年前就已经得到了解答,但在Visual Studio中进行数据比较是一种非常有效的新方法。它是Visual Studio 2010的一部分,是数据库专业人员GDR更新到Visual Studio 2008的一部分。当您想在两个不同的数据库中比较相同的表时,这种方法非常有效。

If you need to compare 2 tables with the same schema that are in the same database or with different names TableDiff (mentioned earlier) is a great option.




DBComparer is free and works well for MS SQL Server

DBComparer是免费的,适用于MS SQL Server



Atlantis Interactiv, now owned by Pragmatic Works has two free tools called Schema Inspector and Data Inspector that works very much like the Red Gates tools.

现在为Pragmatic Works所有的亚特兰蒂斯Interactiv有两个免费的工具,叫做模式检查器和数据检查器,工作起来非常像Red Gates工具。



We can recommend you a our reliable solutions for data and schema comparison for SQL Server: dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server and dbForge Data Compare for SQL Server.

我们可以向您推荐一个可靠的SQL Server数据和模式比较解决方案:dbForge模式比较SQL Server和dbForge数据比较SQL Server。

Their main advantages are high speed (up to 3 times quicker than most competitors) and extreme reliability.


Those tools are not free, but you can use 30-days trial for free and you have an opportunity to get a free license for both of the products - please refer to our free license conditions page.




Try CompareData from Zidsoft. It's free for comparing table/view data and has 30-trial for metadata comparisons

试着从Zidsoft CompareData。它对表/视图数据进行比较是免费的,对元数据比较进行了30次尝试



A SQL Server specific database table diff tool is Volpet's Table Diff




TableDiff.exe should have everything you need. It is one of the hidden gems in SQL Server 2005. So you don't have to download anything.

TableDiff。exe应该有您需要的所有东西。它是SQL Server 2005中隐藏的精华之一。所以你不需要下载任何东西。

• Table Difference tool allows you to discover and reconcile differences between a source and destination table or a view. Tablediff Utility can report differences on schema and data. The most popular feature of tablediff is the fact that it can generate a script that you can run on the destination that will reconcile differences between the tables. TableDiff.exe takes 2 sets of input; • Connectivity - Provide source and destination objects and connectivity information.

•Table Difference工具允许您发现和协调源表和目标表或视图之间的差异。Tablediff实用程序可以报告模式和数据的差异。tablediff最受欢迎的特性是,它可以生成一个脚本,您可以在目标上运行,该脚本将协调表之间的差异。TableDiff。exe接受2组输入;•连接性——提供源和目标对象以及连接性信息。

• Compare Options - Select one of the compare options • Compare schemas: Regular or Strict


• Compare using Rowcounts, Hashes or Column comparisons


• Generate difference scripts with I/U/D statements to synchronize destination to the source. TableDiff was intended for replication but can easily apply to any scenario where you need to compare data and schema. You can find more information about command line utilities and the Tablediff Utility in Books Online for SQL Server 2005.

•使用I/U/D语句生成差异脚本,以同步目标到源。TableDiff是用于复制的,但是可以很容易地应用于任何需要比较数据和模式的场景。您可以在SQL Server 2005的Books Online中找到关于命令行实用程序和Tablediff实用程序的更多信息。



Even though this has been answered years ago a new comer which works really well is Data Compare within Visual Studio. It is part of Visual Studio 2010 and is part of the Database Professionals GDR update to Visual Studio 2008. This works great when you want to compare the same tables in 2 different databases.

尽管这个问题在多年前就已经得到了解答,但在Visual Studio中进行数据比较是一种非常有效的新方法。它是Visual Studio 2010的一部分,是数据库专业人员GDR更新到Visual Studio 2008的一部分。当您想在两个不同的数据库中比较相同的表时,这种方法非常有效。

If you need to compare 2 tables with the same schema that are in the same database or with different names TableDiff (mentioned earlier) is a great option.




DBComparer is free and works well for MS SQL Server

DBComparer是免费的,适用于MS SQL Server



Atlantis Interactiv, now owned by Pragmatic Works has two free tools called Schema Inspector and Data Inspector that works very much like the Red Gates tools.

现在为Pragmatic Works所有的亚特兰蒂斯Interactiv有两个免费的工具,叫做模式检查器和数据检查器,工作起来非常像Red Gates工具。



We can recommend you a our reliable solutions for data and schema comparison for SQL Server: dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server and dbForge Data Compare for SQL Server.

我们可以向您推荐一个可靠的SQL Server数据和模式比较解决方案:dbForge模式比较SQL Server和dbForge数据比较SQL Server。

Their main advantages are high speed (up to 3 times quicker than most competitors) and extreme reliability.


Those tools are not free, but you can use 30-days trial for free and you have an opportunity to get a free license for both of the products - please refer to our free license conditions page.




Try CompareData from Zidsoft. It's free for comparing table/view data and has 30-trial for metadata comparisons

试着从Zidsoft CompareData。它对表/视图数据进行比较是免费的,对元数据比较进行了30次尝试



A SQL Server specific database table diff tool is Volpet's Table Diff
