
时间:2021-11-05 22:47:27

I want to reverse engineer (import into diagram form) the database definition dump of a database I have, then since no foreign keys are defined in this particular database, I want to be able to manually create the table to table key mappings (using crow feet notation if possible).


I've taken a look at MySQL Workbench, and it gets me 85% of the way there. The nice little relationship lines won't show up though, and the auto arrange is horrible. A quick search of google turns up several other options, so I can evaluate these on my own, but:

我看了一下MySQL Workbench,它让我获得了85%的成功率。虽然不会出现漂亮的小关系线,但自动排列很糟糕。快速搜索谷歌会出现其他几个选项,所以我可以自己评估这些,但是:

Can I get some feedback from you guys for which are your favorite tools to use for this scenario? Why do you like that(your) particular tool?


My intended purpose is to take a legacy database, and train jr. engineers on the organization of the DB. Visual aids are nifty. My fallback option is to recreate an ER diagram by hand. Not fun for 250+ tables.

我的目的是获取遗留数据库,并训练jr。工程师组织DB。视觉辅助工具很漂亮。我的后备选项是手动重新创建ER图。 250+桌子不好玩。

6 个解决方案



You might check out DBDesigner ...

你可以看看DBDesigner ......

Now known as MySQL Workbench

现在称为MySQL Workbench




SchemaCrawler is a free, open source tool that can generate E-R diagrams, with the help of GraphViz. You can use regular expressions to select the tables and columns you want to display. Relationships are inferred from commonly used naming conventions.




I've had some success using two commercial (but relatively cheap!) tools- but I still haven't found any really solid open source ones after months of looking.

我使用两个商业(但相对便宜!)工具取得了一些成功 - 但经过几个月的研究,我仍然没有找到任何真正可靠的开源软件。

  • MyEclipseIDE is a subscription product, I think it's around $60 a year. It's a set of bundled plugins for Eclipse, one of them is an ERD analyzer that works OK. If you're programming in Java (or another eclipse-supported language), it may be worth it.
  • MyEclipseIDE是一个订阅产品,我认为它每年约60美元。它是Eclipse的一组捆绑插件,其中一个是可以正常工作的ERD分析器。如果您使用Java(或其他eclipse支持的语言)进行编程,那么它可能是值得的。

  • SQLMaestro for MySQL: This one is a bit more expensive, with a $99 noncommercial / $179 single seat license. The ERD it generates is much better, and it provides other tools that make it easier to administer and maintain a more complex schema.
  • 用于MySQL的SQLMaestro:这个有点贵,有99美元的非商业/ 179美元单座位许可证。它生成的ERD要好得多,它提供了其他工具,可以更轻松地管理和维护更复杂的模式。

My understanding is that MySQL Workbench is still under active development, but they've been banging on it for a long time without really wrapping it up. Maybe now that Sun owns them, they'll get it together.

我的理解是,MySQL Workbench仍在积极开发中,但是他们已经在很长一段时间内不停地使用它而没有真正包装它。也许现在Sun拥有它们,他们会把它们结合在一起。



Check out Vertabelo.


It's an online database modeler that works under Chrome browser.


It provides you with:


  • DB model versioning and validation,
  • 数据库模型版本控制和验证,

  • generating SQL scripts for particular database,
  • 为特定数据库生成SQL脚本,

  • supports collaboration - allows sharing DB model with other members of your team,
  • 支持协作 - 允许与团队中的其他成员共享数据库模型,

  • supports reverse enginnering.
  • 支持反向工程。

Moreover it's free of charge.




Generate ERD with PHPMyAdmin is also a better option. PHPMyadmin added this functionality from version 3.4

使用PHPMyAdmin生成ERD也是更好的选择。 PHPMyadmin从版本3.4添加了此功能

detail step to generate ERD : http://goo.gl/0z3vFE


You can refer to PHPMyAdmin documentation for more info: http://www.phpmyadmin.net/documentation/#pmadb




I am using Mysql Workbench 6.1. By default the diagram will look crunched for large number of tables, making it difficult to figure out relationship between tables. Many tables will overlay on other tables. This is because, the default layout size is small.

我正在使用Mysql Workbench 6.1。默认情况下,对于大量表格,图表看起来会很紧张,因此很难找出表格之间的关系。许多表将覆盖在其他表上。这是因为,默认布局大小很小。

In the menu, Go to Model >> "Diagram properties and size".


Change width and size to some thing big (for example width 23 and height 5) - 用于mysql的开源ER图表工具

将宽度和大小更改为某个大的东西(例如宽度23和高度5) -

Then in the menu, Go to Arrange >> Autolayout.

然后在菜单中,转到Arrange >> Autolayout。

Now we should see a clean diagram with all the relations. Now we can re-adjust width and height, more meaningfully




You might check out DBDesigner ...

你可以看看DBDesigner ......

Now known as MySQL Workbench

现在称为MySQL Workbench




SchemaCrawler is a free, open source tool that can generate E-R diagrams, with the help of GraphViz. You can use regular expressions to select the tables and columns you want to display. Relationships are inferred from commonly used naming conventions.




I've had some success using two commercial (but relatively cheap!) tools- but I still haven't found any really solid open source ones after months of looking.

我使用两个商业(但相对便宜!)工具取得了一些成功 - 但经过几个月的研究,我仍然没有找到任何真正可靠的开源软件。

  • MyEclipseIDE is a subscription product, I think it's around $60 a year. It's a set of bundled plugins for Eclipse, one of them is an ERD analyzer that works OK. If you're programming in Java (or another eclipse-supported language), it may be worth it.
  • MyEclipseIDE是一个订阅产品,我认为它每年约60美元。它是Eclipse的一组捆绑插件,其中一个是可以正常工作的ERD分析器。如果您使用Java(或其他eclipse支持的语言)进行编程,那么它可能是值得的。

  • SQLMaestro for MySQL: This one is a bit more expensive, with a $99 noncommercial / $179 single seat license. The ERD it generates is much better, and it provides other tools that make it easier to administer and maintain a more complex schema.
  • 用于MySQL的SQLMaestro:这个有点贵,有99美元的非商业/ 179美元单座位许可证。它生成的ERD要好得多,它提供了其他工具,可以更轻松地管理和维护更复杂的模式。

My understanding is that MySQL Workbench is still under active development, but they've been banging on it for a long time without really wrapping it up. Maybe now that Sun owns them, they'll get it together.

我的理解是,MySQL Workbench仍在积极开发中,但是他们已经在很长一段时间内不停地使用它而没有真正包装它。也许现在Sun拥有它们,他们会把它们结合在一起。



Check out Vertabelo.


It's an online database modeler that works under Chrome browser.


It provides you with:


  • DB model versioning and validation,
  • 数据库模型版本控制和验证,

  • generating SQL scripts for particular database,
  • 为特定数据库生成SQL脚本,

  • supports collaboration - allows sharing DB model with other members of your team,
  • 支持协作 - 允许与团队中的其他成员共享数据库模型,

  • supports reverse enginnering.
  • 支持反向工程。

Moreover it's free of charge.




Generate ERD with PHPMyAdmin is also a better option. PHPMyadmin added this functionality from version 3.4

使用PHPMyAdmin生成ERD也是更好的选择。 PHPMyadmin从版本3.4添加了此功能

detail step to generate ERD : http://goo.gl/0z3vFE


You can refer to PHPMyAdmin documentation for more info: http://www.phpmyadmin.net/documentation/#pmadb




I am using Mysql Workbench 6.1. By default the diagram will look crunched for large number of tables, making it difficult to figure out relationship between tables. Many tables will overlay on other tables. This is because, the default layout size is small.

我正在使用Mysql Workbench 6.1。默认情况下,对于大量表格,图表看起来会很紧张,因此很难找出表格之间的关系。许多表将覆盖在其他表上。这是因为,默认布局大小很小。

In the menu, Go to Model >> "Diagram properties and size".


Change width and size to some thing big (for example width 23 and height 5) - 用于mysql的开源ER图表工具

将宽度和大小更改为某个大的东西(例如宽度23和高度5) -

Then in the menu, Go to Arrange >> Autolayout.

然后在菜单中,转到Arrange >> Autolayout。

Now we should see a clean diagram with all the relations. Now we can re-adjust width and height, more meaningfully
