用于创建Google Analytics类型图表的最佳图表/图表工具集是什么?

时间:2022-02-26 13:54:50

Given a Rails application on the server, what is the best charting/graphing solution for displaying dynamic, database driven charts/graph on a web page such as those available in Google Analytics.

鉴于服务器上的Rails应用程序,在网页上显示动态,数据库驱动的图表/图表的最佳图表/图表解决方案是什么,例如Google Analytics中提供的图表。

An optimal solution would include components that can speak JSON back-and-forth with the Rails application via AJAX.



5 个解决方案


Check Google Visualization API

查看Google Visualization API


how about open flash plugin ; i have created some nice graphs with this http://pullmonkey.com/projects/open_flash_chart



Take a look at amCharts.



While many good solutions presented above, the best imho is FusionCharts


Including those suggested here, I rank the solution as follows:


  1. FusionCharts

  2. Open Flash Charts (plugin: http://pullmonkey.com/projects/open_flash_chart)


  3. Ziya LiquidRails (which runs on top of XML/SWF Charts)

    Ziya LiquidRails(在XML / SWF图表之上运行)

The Google Visualization API is nice as well but not unless you're comfortable with everything running through their servers (which I doubt most are). Insofar as my #1 option goes above, the only downside is cost (though there is a free lite version as well).

Google Visualization API也不错,但除非您对通过其服务器运行的所有内容感到满意(我最怀疑的是)。只要我的#1选项超越,唯一的缺点就是成本(尽管还有免费的精简版)。

Thanks again for all the suggestions made above.



Morris.js is definitely worth a look.


http://railscasts.com/episodes/223-charts-graphs-revised?view=asciicast http://www.oesmith.co.uk/morris.js/


Check Google Visualization API

查看Google Visualization API


how about open flash plugin ; i have created some nice graphs with this http://pullmonkey.com/projects/open_flash_chart



Take a look at amCharts.



While many good solutions presented above, the best imho is FusionCharts


Including those suggested here, I rank the solution as follows:


  1. FusionCharts

  2. Open Flash Charts (plugin: http://pullmonkey.com/projects/open_flash_chart)


  3. Ziya LiquidRails (which runs on top of XML/SWF Charts)

    Ziya LiquidRails(在XML / SWF图表之上运行)

The Google Visualization API is nice as well but not unless you're comfortable with everything running through their servers (which I doubt most are). Insofar as my #1 option goes above, the only downside is cost (though there is a free lite version as well).

Google Visualization API也不错,但除非您对通过其服务器运行的所有内容感到满意(我最怀疑的是)。只要我的#1选项超越,唯一的缺点就是成本(尽管还有免费的精简版)。

Thanks again for all the suggestions made above.



Morris.js is definitely worth a look.


http://railscasts.com/episodes/223-charts-graphs-revised?view=asciicast http://www.oesmith.co.uk/morris.js/