有没有工具来查看SQL Server中两个数据库表之间的区别?

时间:2022-04-12 00:58:36

What is a good tool to see the differences between 2 tables (or even better, the datasets returned by 2 queries).


EDIT: I'm not interested in the schema changes. Just assume that the schemas are the same.


background as to why: I'm porting some legacy code which can fill a database with some pre-calced data. The easiest way to see if I got everything right, is to check the output of the old program, with the new one. I was thinking that if there is some kind of 'diff' tool for databases, this might be great.


4 个解决方案



I'm sure a lot of people will point to the excellent tools of Red Gate, of which SQL Data Compare is the one that can compare data in tables. I'm using a simpler and cheaper alternative though: SQLDBDiff. It can compare the data in two SQL server tables.

我相信很多人都会指出Red Gate的优秀工具,其中SQL Data Compare是可以比较表中数据的工具。我使用的是更简单,更便宜的替代方案:SQLDBDiff。它可以比较两个SQL服务器表中的数据。



Nah.. Davert just bit faster than Red-Gate, the real new monster is Optillect with its Data Compare SQL Just take a look at the performance: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_SQL_Server_Compare_Tools#Performance

Nah .. Davert比Red-Gate快一点,真正的新怪物是Optillect及其数据比较SQL只需看看性能:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_SQL_Server_Compare_Tools#Performance



Try SQL Data Examiner. This tool allows compare/synchronize not only tables, but also data returned by sql-queries.

试试SQL Data Examiner。此工具不仅可以比较/同步表,还可以比较sql-queries返回的数据。



We would like to suggest you taking a look at our dbForge Data Compare for SQL Server. It is much faster (up to 3 times), comparing to competitors.

我们建议您查看我们的dbForge Data Compare for SQL Server。与竞争对手相比,速度更快(最多3倍)。



I'm sure a lot of people will point to the excellent tools of Red Gate, of which SQL Data Compare is the one that can compare data in tables. I'm using a simpler and cheaper alternative though: SQLDBDiff. It can compare the data in two SQL server tables.

我相信很多人都会指出Red Gate的优秀工具,其中SQL Data Compare是可以比较表中数据的工具。我使用的是更简单,更便宜的替代方案:SQLDBDiff。它可以比较两个SQL服务器表中的数据。



Nah.. Davert just bit faster than Red-Gate, the real new monster is Optillect with its Data Compare SQL Just take a look at the performance: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_SQL_Server_Compare_Tools#Performance

Nah .. Davert比Red-Gate快一点,真正的新怪物是Optillect及其数据比较SQL只需看看性能:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_SQL_Server_Compare_Tools#Performance



Try SQL Data Examiner. This tool allows compare/synchronize not only tables, but also data returned by sql-queries.

试试SQL Data Examiner。此工具不仅可以比较/同步表,还可以比较sql-queries返回的数据。



We would like to suggest you taking a look at our dbForge Data Compare for SQL Server. It is much faster (up to 3 times), comparing to competitors.

我们建议您查看我们的dbForge Data Compare for SQL Server。与竞争对手相比,速度更快(最多3倍)。