
时间:2022-09-25 23:34:19

Does anyone know under what conditions you can receive an 1146: Table '<database>.<table>' doesn't exist error when your table does, in fact, exist?

有谁知道在什么条件下您可以收到1146:表' <数据库> 。


I use the same code on 5 servers, only one that I recently rented is showing this error, so I suspect it may be a settings or install error of some kind. I can execute my sql statement from the command line just fine. I can, obviously, see the table from the command line as well. I don't get any connection errors when I establish a connection (I'm using mysqli, btw).


Any help would be appreciated.


exact query:


$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(mm_dic_word) AS word FROM spider.mm_dictionary WHERE mm_dic_deleted=0";

10 个解决方案



This just happened to me and after a while I found the answer on a blog article, and wanted to put it here as well.


If you copy the MySQL data directory from /var/lib/mysql to /path/to/new/dir, but only copy the database folders (i.e. mysql, wpdb, ecommerce, etc) AND you do have innodb tables, your innodb tables will show up in 'show tables' but queries on them (select and describe) will fail, with the error Mysql error: table db.tableName doesn't exist. You'll see the .frm file in the db directory, and wonder why.

如果你从/var/lib/mysql MySQL数据目录复制到/道路/ /新/ dir,但只有复制数据库文件夹(比如MySQL,wpdb、电子商务等)和你有innodb表,innodb表将显示在“显示表”但查询(选择和描述)将失败,错误MySQL错误:数据库表。表名不存在。您将在db目录中看到.frm文件,并想知道为什么。

For innodb tables, it's important to copy over the ib* files, which in my case were ibdata1, ib_logfile0, and ib_logfile1. Once I did the transfer making sure to copy those over, everything worked as expected.


If your my.cnf file contains "innodb_file_per_table" the .ibd file will be present in the db directory but you still need the ib* files.




Using the mysqlcheck would be in order in this case - so you can discard table sanity problems & repair them if neeeded.




Could it be that your one server is a linux box? Mysql is case sensitive on linux but insensitive on windows.

您的一个服务器可能是linux box吗?Mysql在linux上区分大小写,但在windows上不区分大小写。



Basically, I believe the problem that I was experiencing was due to differing password hash lengths. In my case, I got a new server, did a complete mysql dump on it which transferred passwords and user info also. The new server was already initialized with a root user that had a 16char length hash, but my old server was using the newer 32 char hash lengths.

基本上,我认为我遇到的问题是由于不同的密码哈希长度。在我的例子中,我得到了一个新的服务器,它完成了一个完整的mysql转储,它也传输了密码和用户信息。新的服务器已经用具有16char长度散列的根用户初始化,但是我的旧服务器使用的是较新的32 char散列长度。

I had to go into my.conf set the old passwords setting to 0 (other wise every time I tried updating the database, the new update was 16 chars in length). I then updated all the passwords to be the same via the command UPDATE mysql.user SET password=PASSWORD('password here');, then I flushed privileges.

我必须进入我的。conf将旧密码设置为0(每次我尝试更新数据库时,新更新是16个字符)。然后通过命令UPDATE mysql将所有密码更新为相同。用户设置密码=密码('password here');然后刷新权限。

Obviously, having every user with the same password is a really bad idea, so I changed them one by one after I confirmed that it was working.


I typed up a blog entry that goes into some of the other things I did that didn't work here, before I happened upon this solution (just in case one or more of those changes effected my outcome) however, I think that the above solution to be complete... but I haven't tried to reproduce the error so I can't be 100% sure.




I had this kind of behaviour once. Later on I discovered that the JDBC driver I used changed my query to lower case, so I couldn't reach my database (which used mixed case letters) with it, although my code was using the correct mixed letters.




If you're logged in as someone who doesn't have permission to view that database/table then you'll probably get that result. Are you using the same login on the command line as you are through mysqli?




It could be related to having InnoDB and MyISAM tables together. If you copy the database files, the MyISAM will be fine and the InnoDB will show up but fail to work.




I have seen this on a centos 6.4 system with mysql 5.1 and an xfs filesystem.

我在使用mysql 5.1和xfs文件系统的centos 6.4系统上看到过这一点。

The tables show with 'show tables' but a select or describe fails with the table not existing message as you described. The files are where I expect them to be.

表显示为“show tables”,但是选择或描述失败,因为表没有如您所描述的现有消息。这些文件是我所期望的。

The system was running fine for months, then after a service mysqld restart after changing /etc/my.cnf to set table_cache to 512 instead of 256, it went sideways.


According to arcconf the raid controller thinks everything is fine. xfs_check does not find anything. the system-event-list of IPMI is clear. dmesg shows some complaints by iptables about connection tracking and dropping packages, so we may have been DOS'd, but since there is nothing really running outside facing on the server I don't see how it could affect mysql data integrity?


I ended up promoting the slave to master and reloading the system, and now am wondering what could have caused the error, and if the choice of xfs on centos 6.4 is still a stable choice, or if the culprit was mysql 5.1.

最后我升级了从服务器来控制和重新加载系统,现在我想知道是什么原因导致了这个错误,如果在centos 6.4上选择xfs仍然是一个稳定的选择,或者罪魁祸首是mysql 5.1。

Oh yeah and never change a running system :)




Mac OS X? STOP, don't recopy anything yet...

Mac OS X ?停止,不要再复制任何东西……

I had this problem a couple of times on Mavericks. MySQL is no longer included, but my install is essentially the same as what you'd expect to find on Snow Leopard, I think, rather than MAMP or something.


After migrating from one computer to another I had this problem. It was the result of the MySQL control panel starting mysqld, rather than my starting it on the command line. (When migrating, this somewhat obsolete control panel forgets that you told it NOT to start on boot.)


Look at the processes (top or activity monitor), on my system: if owner is root, it was started by launched and doesn't work properly; the correct process will have _mysql as owner.


Sometimes, I have both process running side by side!


Oddly, you can do everything, including use mysql via command line. However, even though innodb tables are listed they generate a do not exist error on querying.


This seems to be an ownership issue, which may apply on other systems as well.




This happened to me when I was trying to select a table using UPPERCASE and the table name was lowercase.


So, to solve this question, I put "lower_case_table_names=1" on my.cnf file.




This just happened to me and after a while I found the answer on a blog article, and wanted to put it here as well.


If you copy the MySQL data directory from /var/lib/mysql to /path/to/new/dir, but only copy the database folders (i.e. mysql, wpdb, ecommerce, etc) AND you do have innodb tables, your innodb tables will show up in 'show tables' but queries on them (select and describe) will fail, with the error Mysql error: table db.tableName doesn't exist. You'll see the .frm file in the db directory, and wonder why.

如果你从/var/lib/mysql MySQL数据目录复制到/道路/ /新/ dir,但只有复制数据库文件夹(比如MySQL,wpdb、电子商务等)和你有innodb表,innodb表将显示在“显示表”但查询(选择和描述)将失败,错误MySQL错误:数据库表。表名不存在。您将在db目录中看到.frm文件,并想知道为什么。

For innodb tables, it's important to copy over the ib* files, which in my case were ibdata1, ib_logfile0, and ib_logfile1. Once I did the transfer making sure to copy those over, everything worked as expected.


If your my.cnf file contains "innodb_file_per_table" the .ibd file will be present in the db directory but you still need the ib* files.




Using the mysqlcheck would be in order in this case - so you can discard table sanity problems & repair them if neeeded.




Could it be that your one server is a linux box? Mysql is case sensitive on linux but insensitive on windows.

您的一个服务器可能是linux box吗?Mysql在linux上区分大小写,但在windows上不区分大小写。



Basically, I believe the problem that I was experiencing was due to differing password hash lengths. In my case, I got a new server, did a complete mysql dump on it which transferred passwords and user info also. The new server was already initialized with a root user that had a 16char length hash, but my old server was using the newer 32 char hash lengths.

基本上,我认为我遇到的问题是由于不同的密码哈希长度。在我的例子中,我得到了一个新的服务器,它完成了一个完整的mysql转储,它也传输了密码和用户信息。新的服务器已经用具有16char长度散列的根用户初始化,但是我的旧服务器使用的是较新的32 char散列长度。

I had to go into my.conf set the old passwords setting to 0 (other wise every time I tried updating the database, the new update was 16 chars in length). I then updated all the passwords to be the same via the command UPDATE mysql.user SET password=PASSWORD('password here');, then I flushed privileges.

我必须进入我的。conf将旧密码设置为0(每次我尝试更新数据库时,新更新是16个字符)。然后通过命令UPDATE mysql将所有密码更新为相同。用户设置密码=密码('password here');然后刷新权限。

Obviously, having every user with the same password is a really bad idea, so I changed them one by one after I confirmed that it was working.


I typed up a blog entry that goes into some of the other things I did that didn't work here, before I happened upon this solution (just in case one or more of those changes effected my outcome) however, I think that the above solution to be complete... but I haven't tried to reproduce the error so I can't be 100% sure.




I had this kind of behaviour once. Later on I discovered that the JDBC driver I used changed my query to lower case, so I couldn't reach my database (which used mixed case letters) with it, although my code was using the correct mixed letters.




If you're logged in as someone who doesn't have permission to view that database/table then you'll probably get that result. Are you using the same login on the command line as you are through mysqli?




It could be related to having InnoDB and MyISAM tables together. If you copy the database files, the MyISAM will be fine and the InnoDB will show up but fail to work.




I have seen this on a centos 6.4 system with mysql 5.1 and an xfs filesystem.

我在使用mysql 5.1和xfs文件系统的centos 6.4系统上看到过这一点。

The tables show with 'show tables' but a select or describe fails with the table not existing message as you described. The files are where I expect them to be.

表显示为“show tables”,但是选择或描述失败,因为表没有如您所描述的现有消息。这些文件是我所期望的。

The system was running fine for months, then after a service mysqld restart after changing /etc/my.cnf to set table_cache to 512 instead of 256, it went sideways.


According to arcconf the raid controller thinks everything is fine. xfs_check does not find anything. the system-event-list of IPMI is clear. dmesg shows some complaints by iptables about connection tracking and dropping packages, so we may have been DOS'd, but since there is nothing really running outside facing on the server I don't see how it could affect mysql data integrity?


I ended up promoting the slave to master and reloading the system, and now am wondering what could have caused the error, and if the choice of xfs on centos 6.4 is still a stable choice, or if the culprit was mysql 5.1.

最后我升级了从服务器来控制和重新加载系统,现在我想知道是什么原因导致了这个错误,如果在centos 6.4上选择xfs仍然是一个稳定的选择,或者罪魁祸首是mysql 5.1。

Oh yeah and never change a running system :)




Mac OS X? STOP, don't recopy anything yet...

Mac OS X ?停止,不要再复制任何东西……

I had this problem a couple of times on Mavericks. MySQL is no longer included, but my install is essentially the same as what you'd expect to find on Snow Leopard, I think, rather than MAMP or something.


After migrating from one computer to another I had this problem. It was the result of the MySQL control panel starting mysqld, rather than my starting it on the command line. (When migrating, this somewhat obsolete control panel forgets that you told it NOT to start on boot.)


Look at the processes (top or activity monitor), on my system: if owner is root, it was started by launched and doesn't work properly; the correct process will have _mysql as owner.


Sometimes, I have both process running side by side!


Oddly, you can do everything, including use mysql via command line. However, even though innodb tables are listed they generate a do not exist error on querying.


This seems to be an ownership issue, which may apply on other systems as well.




This happened to me when I was trying to select a table using UPPERCASE and the table name was lowercase.


So, to solve this question, I put "lower_case_table_names=1" on my.cnf file.
