
时间:2022-12-24 23:18:33
更新时间:2022-12-24 23:18:33
文档资料 无锡荣鑫金属涂装有限公司 Wuxi Rongxin metal coating Co., Ltd. "文件名称Procedure Name: "文件控制程序 " " "Document Control Procedure " "文件编号Document ID: "RX-QP-12 " "文件版本Document Version: "A/0 " "发放号Issue No: " " "编 制: "胡仁存 "日期: "2014-04-28 " "Prepared by" "Date: " " "审 核: " "日期: " " "Reviewed by" "Date: " " "批 准: " "日期: " " "Approved by" "Date: " " "发布日期: " "实施日期: " " "Issue date:" "Implement date " " "会签栏 " "Countersignature Row " "部门 "人事部 "生产部 "质量部 "采购部 " "Departmen"HR "Production "Quality "Purchasing " "t " " " " " "签核人 "  "  "  "  " "Countersi" " " " " "gn " " " " " "部门 "物流部 "财务部 "工程部 "业务部 " "Departmen"Logistic "Finance "Engineering "Business " "t " " " " " "签核人 "  "  "  "  " "Countersi" " " " " "gn " " " " " 1、目的 确保公司管理体系文件使用及流转过程中的有效性,避免误用带来的问题和损失。 To ensure that management system documents are effective in the using and transferring process to avoid the trouble and loss due to misuse. 2、适用范围 适用于本公司所有管理体系文件,包括适用外来技术和质量文件。 It is applicable to control all management system documents including applicable external technology and quality document. 技术文件:工程图纸、工程标准、材料规范。 Technology documents: Engineering drawing, engineering criteria, materials specification. 质量文件:质量手册、程序文件、作业指导书、检验指导书及质量记录。 Quality documents: Quality manual, procedure documents, working instruction, inspection instruction and quality records. 3、定义 3.1受控文件:分发、修订或更换均须按书面规定程序进行控制的文件,以保证文件始 终反映现行要求。 Controlled documents refer to the documents that its distribution, revision or change must follow documented procedure to ensure it is always up-to-date. 3.2非受控文件:分发须按文件控制程序进行,但不保证其完全反映现行要求的文件。 Uncontrolled documents refer to the documents that its distribution follows Document Control Procedure, but cannot ensure it is up-to-date. 4、职责 Responsibility 见附录A:职责。Please see appendix A 5、 程序 Process 5.1 文件的编制Establishing Document 5.1.1文件的分类和编号按《管理体系文件编写指导书》。 The classification and serial number of document follows 《Working Instruction of Writing Management System Documentation》. 5.1.2文件的编号由公司文管中心统一管理,各部门归档管理的文件均应在公司文管中心 进行编号备案。 The s
