1972 年斯坦福-比奈的修订版:告别精神时代

时间:2021-06-29 19:49:27
文件名称:1972 年斯坦福-比奈的修订版:告别精神时代
更新时间:2021-06-29 19:49:27
学术 论文 1972 Revision of the Stanford-Binet: A farewell to the mental age 1972 REVISION OF T H E STANFORD-BINET: A FAREWELL TO T H E MENTAL AGE JOHN SALVIA, JAMES E. YSSELDYKE AND MICHAEL LEE The Peimsylvania Stale University Inspection of the 1972 revised norms for the Stanford-Binet demonstrate that, the average mental age for a particular CA no longer numerically cor- responds to that CA. Thus, mental ages derived from the test cannot any longer be interpreted as mental ages. A table of
