Flower, RM, Gofman, HF 和 Lawson, LI (eds.) 阅读障碍:多学科研讨会。 费城:FA Davis,1965 年,146 页,[美元]2.95

时间:2024-07-19 14:21:21

文件名称:Flower, RM, Gofman, HF 和 Lawson, LI (eds.) 阅读障碍:多学科研讨会。 费城:FA Davis,1965 年,146 页,[美元]2.95



更新时间:2024-07-19 14:21:21

学术 论文

Flower, R. M., Gofman, H. F. and Lawson, L. I. (eds.) Reading disorders: A multi-disciplinary symposium. Philadelphia: F. A. Davis, 1965, 146 pp., [dollar]2.95 202 BOOK REVIEWS the teaching-learning process in the elementary school has to be concerned with behaviors to be learned (i.e., curriculum-prescribed learnings) , the child (i.e. , growth and development, learning style), and the conditions of learning ( i e . , classroom climate). Munson attempts to show that elementary guidan
