A study of personality variables associated with discrepant achievement

时间:2021-06-29 17:19:35
文件名称:A study of personality variables associated with discrepant achievement
更新时间:2021-06-29 17:19:35
学术 论文 A study of personality variables associated with discrepant achievement If :i ~.~)mpI(~l icnsive theory of motivat i o i I is to he developed it would appear necessary that more empirical evidericc :is to the personality characteristics of discrepant whicvers be found. An interiially rorisisteiit strurture of t host: per- sonality v:iriat)los nssociat ed with under- arid over-ac.hievemeiit is needed. The preseiit study is :HI iiivest.igntioii into the personality variables associated w
