WISC-R 作为 WRAT 性能的预测指标

时间:2021-06-29 21:18:05
文件名称:WISC-R 作为 WRAT 性能的预测指标
更新时间:2021-06-29 21:18:05
学术 论文 The WISC-R as a predictor of WRAT performance 172 SATTLER, J. SEMMLYR, F. J., & ISCOIG, I. Structure of intelligence in Negio and white children. Journal of Educa- tional Psychology, 1966, 57, 326-336. SILVERSTEIN, A. R. An alternative factor analytic solution for Wechsler’s intelligence scales. Ed- ucational and Psychological Measurement, 1969, 29, 763-767. SWISRDLIK, M. E. The comparability of the WISC and WISC-R: Review of the research and impli- cations for school psychologists.
