JSON中的“TypeError:list indices必须是整数,而不是str”

时间:2023-01-02 17:07:55

Ok, so I am having trouble trying to get my code to work, my goal is to make a Reddit Bot that refers to Steam's appid JSON to link users to the steam store page when the user says the name of a game.

好的,所以我在尝试让我的代码工作时遇到了麻烦,我的目标是制作一个Reddit Bot,它引用Steam的appid JSON,当用户说出游戏名称时,将用户链接到Steam商店页面。

The bot is almost complete, however, I keep getting "TypeError: list indices must be integers, not str" when the bot runs.

机器人几乎完成,但是,当机器人运行时,我一直得到“TypeError:list indices必须是整数,而不是str”。

Here is my code:


import praw
import time
import json
import codecs

# Death Zone /// I hope you have coffee, brcause you won't leave until this is done

with open('API.json', encoding='utf-8-sig') as steam_strings:
    dic = json.loads(steam_strings.read())
    print("Successfully read JSON")

a = dic.get('appid')
n = dic.get('name')

[app['name'] for app in dic['applist']['apps']['app']]

# End Death Zone

app_id = 'CENSORED'
app_secret = 'CENSORED'
app_uri = ''
app_ua = 'Stop asking me how to get the Windows flair dummy, I am here for that reason'
app_scopes = 'account creddits edit flair history identity livemanage modconfig modcontributors modflair modlog modothers modposts modself modwiki mysubreddits privatemessages read report save submit subscribe vote wikiedit wikiread'
app_account_code = 'CENSORED'
app_refresh = 'CENSORED'

import praw
def login():
    r = praw.Reddit(app_ua)
    r.set_oauth_app_info(app_id, app_secret, app_uri)
    print("Steam Link Bot! Version Alpha 0.1.2")
    return r

r = login()

words_to_reply = dic['applist']['apps']['app']['name']

# {'applist':1,'apps':2, 'app':3, 'name':4}

cache = []

def run_bot():
    subreddit = r.get_subreddit("eegras")
    comments = subreddit.get_comments(limit=100)
    for comment in comments:
        comment_text = comment.body.lower()
        isMatch = any(string in comment_text for string in words_to_reply)
        if comment.id not in cache and isMatch:
            print("I replied to a comment successfully!")

while True:

Any help would be appreciated, I'm kinda a beginner at Python, so take it easy.


1 个解决方案



This type of error is raised when it is accessed a list by a string , deferentially of dictionaries that allow be indexed by strings.


If possible comment line which occurs this error, or you can check the type of data making a print type and checking if it really is a dictionary . However make sure the JSON really is structured like a dictionary , or if there are lists inside.




This type of error is raised when it is accessed a list by a string , deferentially of dictionaries that allow be indexed by strings.


If possible comment line which occurs this error, or you can check the type of data making a print type and checking if it really is a dictionary . However make sure the JSON really is structured like a dictionary , or if there are lists inside.
