I wrote a function to check whether a number is prime or not:
prime n = prime' n 2 (floor (sqrt n))
where prime' n c u | n `mod` c == 0 = False
| c > u = True
| otherwise = prime' n (c+1) u
I can't figure out what the type signature of this function should be. At first I thought it should be this:
prime :: Integral a => a -> Bool
But then I get errors when compiling because sqrt
expects a Floating a
and floor
expects a RealFrac a
instead of an Integral a
. When I remove the type signature, it compiles, but the function does not work:
但是在编译时我会遇到错误,因为sqrt期望浮动a和floor需要RealFrac而不是Integral a。当我删除类型签名时,它会编译,但该函数不起作用:
*Euler> :t prime
prime :: (Integral a, RealFrac a, Floating a) => a -> Bool
*Euler> prime 5
Ambiguous type variable `t' in the constraints:
`Floating t' arising from a use of `prime' at <interactive>:1:0-6
`RealFrac t' arising from a use of `prime' at <interactive>:1:0-6
`Integral t' arising from a use of `prime' at <interactive>:1:0-6
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
How can I make this function work?
4 个解决方案
The problem is that you use sqrt
on n
, which forces n
to be a floating-point number; and you also use mod
on n
, which forces n to be an integer. Intuitively, from looking at your code, n
should be an integer, so you can't directly call sqrt
on it. Instead, you can use something like fromIntegral
to convert it from an integer into another numeric type.
问题是你在n上使用sqrt,这迫使n成为一个浮点数;你还使用mod on n,它强制n为整数。直观地说,从查看代码开始,n应该是一个整数,因此您无法直接在其上调用sqrt。相反,您可以使用fromIntegral之类的东西将其从整数转换为另一种数字类型。
prime :: (Integral a) => a -> Bool
prime n = prime' n 2 (floor (sqrt (fromIntegral n)))
where prime' n c u | n `mod` c == 0 = False
| c > u = True
| otherwise = prime' n (c+1) u
Just to go over one last bit that the other answers haven't covered...
*Euler> :t prime
prime :: (Integral a, RealFrac a, Floating a) => a -> Bool
The typechecker has inferred that prime
can take an argument of type a
as long as a
is an instance of the Integral
, RealFrac
, and Floating
classes all at once.
*Euler> prime 5
Ambiguous type variable `t' in the constraints:
`Floating t' arising from a use of `prime' at <interactive>:1:0-6
`RealFrac t' arising from a use of `prime' at <interactive>:1:0-6
`Integral t' arising from a use of `prime' at <interactive>:1:0-6
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
When you ask it to prime 5
, however, it complains that none of the default types of 5
can satisfy those conditions.
It's quite possible that you could write your own
instance (Integral a, RealFrac b, Floating b) => Integral (Either a b) where ...
instance (Integral a, RealFrac b, Floating b) => RealFrac (Either a b) where ...
instance (Integral a, RealFrac b, Floating b) => Floating (Either a b) where ...
(and you'd also have to add Num
, Ord
, Real
, Fractional
, etc. instances), and then prime 5
would be acceptable, since there would exist a 5 :: Either Integer Float
which does satisfy the type conditions.
(并且你还必须添加Num,Ord,Real,Fractional等实例),然后prime 5是可以接受的,因为存在一个满足类型条件的5 :: Either Integer Float。
Alternatively, you could change the upper-bound test:
prime n = prime' n 2
where prime' n c | n `mod` c == 0 = False
| c * c > n = True
| otherwise = prime' n (c+1)
Btw, you don't need n
as an argument to prime'
since it is constant through all calls.
You can change (sqrt n)
to (sqrt (fromInteger n))
to make the function work as expected. This is needed because the type of sqrt
您可以将(sqrt n)更改为(sqrt(fromInteger n))以使函数按预期工作。这是必需的,因为sqrt的类型是:
sqrt :: (Floating a) => a -> a
so it is wrong, for example, to do:
sqrt (2 :: Int)
The problem is that you use sqrt
on n
, which forces n
to be a floating-point number; and you also use mod
on n
, which forces n to be an integer. Intuitively, from looking at your code, n
should be an integer, so you can't directly call sqrt
on it. Instead, you can use something like fromIntegral
to convert it from an integer into another numeric type.
问题是你在n上使用sqrt,这迫使n成为一个浮点数;你还使用mod on n,它强制n为整数。直观地说,从查看代码开始,n应该是一个整数,因此您无法直接在其上调用sqrt。相反,您可以使用fromIntegral之类的东西将其从整数转换为另一种数字类型。
prime :: (Integral a) => a -> Bool
prime n = prime' n 2 (floor (sqrt (fromIntegral n)))
where prime' n c u | n `mod` c == 0 = False
| c > u = True
| otherwise = prime' n (c+1) u
Just to go over one last bit that the other answers haven't covered...
*Euler> :t prime
prime :: (Integral a, RealFrac a, Floating a) => a -> Bool
The typechecker has inferred that prime
can take an argument of type a
as long as a
is an instance of the Integral
, RealFrac
, and Floating
classes all at once.
*Euler> prime 5
Ambiguous type variable `t' in the constraints:
`Floating t' arising from a use of `prime' at <interactive>:1:0-6
`RealFrac t' arising from a use of `prime' at <interactive>:1:0-6
`Integral t' arising from a use of `prime' at <interactive>:1:0-6
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
When you ask it to prime 5
, however, it complains that none of the default types of 5
can satisfy those conditions.
It's quite possible that you could write your own
instance (Integral a, RealFrac b, Floating b) => Integral (Either a b) where ...
instance (Integral a, RealFrac b, Floating b) => RealFrac (Either a b) where ...
instance (Integral a, RealFrac b, Floating b) => Floating (Either a b) where ...
(and you'd also have to add Num
, Ord
, Real
, Fractional
, etc. instances), and then prime 5
would be acceptable, since there would exist a 5 :: Either Integer Float
which does satisfy the type conditions.
(并且你还必须添加Num,Ord,Real,Fractional等实例),然后prime 5是可以接受的,因为存在一个满足类型条件的5 :: Either Integer Float。
Alternatively, you could change the upper-bound test:
prime n = prime' n 2
where prime' n c | n `mod` c == 0 = False
| c * c > n = True
| otherwise = prime' n (c+1)
Btw, you don't need n
as an argument to prime'
since it is constant through all calls.
You can change (sqrt n)
to (sqrt (fromInteger n))
to make the function work as expected. This is needed because the type of sqrt
您可以将(sqrt n)更改为(sqrt(fromInteger n))以使函数按预期工作。这是必需的,因为sqrt的类型是:
sqrt :: (Floating a) => a -> a
so it is wrong, for example, to do:
sqrt (2 :: Int)