
时间:2022-11-07 16:29:03

Given the following code, what is the reason behind the ambiguity? Can I circumvent it or will I have to keep the (annoying) explicit casts?


#include <functional>

using namespace std;

int a(const function<int ()>& f)
    return f();

int a(const function<int (int)>& f)
    return f(0);

int x() { return 22; }

int y(int) { return 44; }

int main()
    a(x);  // Call is ambiguous.
    a(y);  // Call is ambiguous.

    a((function<int ()>)x);    // Works.
    a((function<int (int)>)y); // Works.

    return 0;

Interestingly, if I comment out the a() function with the function<int ()> parameter and call a(x) in my main, the compilation correctly fails because of the type mismatch between x and the argument function<int (int)> of the only a() function available. If the compiler fails in that case, why would there be any ambiguity when the two a() functions are present?

有趣的是,如果我用函数 参数注释掉a()函数,并在main中调用a(x),那么编译就会失败,因为x和参数函数 之间的类型不匹配,而a()函数是唯一可用的a()函数。如果编译器在这种情况下失败了,那么当两个a()函数存在时,为什么会有歧义呢? ()>

I've tried with VS2010 and g++ v. 4.5. Both give me the exact same ambiguity.

我尝试过VS2010和g++ v4.5。两者都给了我同样的模糊性。

4 个解决方案



The problem is that both function<int()> and function<int(int)> are constructible from the same function. This is what the constructor declaration of std::function looks like in VS2010:

问题是函数 和函数 都是由同一个函数构造的。这是std:::函数在VS2010中的构造函数声明: (int)> ()>

template<class _Fx>
function(_Fx _Func, typename _Not_integral<!_Is_integral<_Fx>::value, int>::_Type = 0);

Ignoring the SFINAE part, it is constructible from pretty much anything.
std::/boost::function employ a technique called type erasure, to allow arbitary objects/functions to be passed in, so long they satisfy the signature when being called. One drawback from that is, that you get an error in the deepest part of the implementation (where the saved function is being called) when supplying an object which can't be called like the signature wants it to, instead of in the constructor.


The problem can be illustrated with this little class:


template<class Signature>
class myfunc{
    template<class Func>
    myfunc(Func a_func){
        // ...

Now, when the compiler searches for valid functions for the overload set, it tries to convert the arguments if no perfect fitting function exists. The conversion can happen through the constructor of the parameter of the function, or through a conversion operator of the argument given to the function. In our case, it's the former.
The compiler tries the first overload of a. To make it viable, it needs to make a conversion. To convert a int(*)() to a myfunc<int()>, it tries the constructor of myfunc. Being a template that takes anything, the conversion naturally succeeds.
Now it tries the same with the second overload. The constructor still being the same and still taking anything given to it, the conversion works too.
Being left with 2 functions in the overload set, the compiler is a sad panda and doesn't know what to do, so it simply says the call is ambigious.

现在,当编译器为重载集搜索有效函数时,如果不存在完美的拟合函数,它将尝试转换参数。转换可以通过函数参数的构造函数进行,也可以通过对函数的参数的转换操作符来实现。在我们的例子中,它是前者。编译器尝试a的第一个重载,为了使它可行,它需要进行转换。要将int(*)()转换为func ,它将尝试myfunc的构造函数。作为一个需要任何东西的模板,转换自然会成功。现在它又尝试了第二个重载。构造函数仍然是相同的,并且仍然接受给定的任何东西,转换也可以工作。在重载集中只剩下两个函数,编译器是一个悲伤的熊猫,不知道该怎么做,所以它只说调用是矛盾的。 ()>

So in the end, the Signature part of the template does belong to the type when making declarations/definitions, but doesn't when you want to construct an object.


With all my attention on answering the title-question, I totally forgot about your second question. :(


Can I circumvent it or will I have to keep the (annoying) explicit casts?


Afaik, you have 3 options.


  • Keep the cast
  • 让演员
  • Make a function object of the appropriate type and pass that


    function<int()> fx = x; function<int(int)> fy = y; a(fx); a(fy);

    < int()函数> fx = x;< int(int)>年度= y的函数;(外汇);(年度);

  • Hide the tedious casting in a function and use TMP to get the right signature


The TMP (template metaprogramming) version is quite verbose and with boilerplate code, but it hides the casting from the client. An example version can be found here, which relies on the get_signature metafunction that is partially specialized on function pointer types (and provides a nice example how pattern matching can work in C++):


template<class F>
struct get_signature;

template<class R>
struct get_signature<R(*)()>{
  typedef R type();

template<class R, class A1>
struct get_signature<R(*)(A1)>{
  typedef R type(A1);

Of course, this needs to be extended for the number of arguments you want to support, but that is done once and then buried in a "get_signature.h" header. :)


Another option I consider but immediatly discarded was SFINAE, which would introduce even more boilerplate code than the TMP version.


So, yeah, that are the options that I know of. Hope one of them works for you. :)




I've seen this question come up one too many times. libc++ now compiles this code without ambiguity (as a conforming extension).


Overdue Update


This "extension" proved sufficiently popular that it was standardized in C++14 (though I was not personally responsible for getting that job done).

这个“扩展”被证明是非常流行的,它在c++ 14中被标准化了(尽管我个人并不负责完成这项工作)。

In hindsight, I did not get this extension exactly correct. Earlier this month (2015-05-09) the committee voted in LWG issue 2420 which effectively changes the definition of Callable so that if the std::function has a void return type it will ignore the return type of the wrapped functor, but still otherwise consider it Callable if everything else matches up, instead of considering it not Callable.


This post-C++14 tweak does not impact this particular example since the return types involved are consistently int.

这个后c++ 14调整不会影响这个特定示例,因为涉及的返回类型始终是int型的。



Here's an example of how to wrap std::function in a class that checks invokability of its constructor parameters:


template<typename> struct check_function;
template<typename R, typename... Args>
struct check_function<R(Args...)>: public std::function<R(Args...)> {
    template<typename T,
        class = typename std::enable_if<
            std::is_same<R, void>::value
            || std::is_convertible<
        check_function(T &&t): std::function<R(Args...)>(std::forward<T>(t)) { }

Use like this:


int a(check_function<int ()> f) { return f(); }
int a(check_function<int (int)> f) { return f(0); }

int x() { return 22; }
int y(int) { return 44; }

int main() {

Note that this isn't quite the same as overloading on function signature, as it treats convertible argument (and return) types as equivalent. For exact overloading, this should work:


template<typename> struct check_function_exact;
template<typename R, typename... Args>
struct check_function_exact<R(Args...)>: public std::function<R(Args...)> {
    template<typename T,
        class = typename std::enable_if<
            std::is_convertible<T, R(*)(Args...)>::value>::type>
        check_function_exact(T &&t): std::function<R(Args...)>(std::forward<T>(t)) { }



std::function<T> has a conversion ctor that takes an arbitrary type (i.e., something other than a T). Sure, in this case, that ctor would result in a type mismatch error, but the compiler doesn't get that far -- the call is ambiguous simply because the ctor exists.

函数 有一个转换ctor,它接受任意类型(例如。当然,在这种情况下,ctor会导致类型不匹配错误,但是编译器不会得到那么远的结果——调用是不明确的,因为ctor存在。



The problem is that both function<int()> and function<int(int)> are constructible from the same function. This is what the constructor declaration of std::function looks like in VS2010:

问题是函数 和函数 都是由同一个函数构造的。这是std:::函数在VS2010中的构造函数声明: (int)> ()>

template<class _Fx>
function(_Fx _Func, typename _Not_integral<!_Is_integral<_Fx>::value, int>::_Type = 0);

Ignoring the SFINAE part, it is constructible from pretty much anything.
std::/boost::function employ a technique called type erasure, to allow arbitary objects/functions to be passed in, so long they satisfy the signature when being called. One drawback from that is, that you get an error in the deepest part of the implementation (where the saved function is being called) when supplying an object which can't be called like the signature wants it to, instead of in the constructor.


The problem can be illustrated with this little class:


template<class Signature>
class myfunc{
    template<class Func>
    myfunc(Func a_func){
        // ...

Now, when the compiler searches for valid functions for the overload set, it tries to convert the arguments if no perfect fitting function exists. The conversion can happen through the constructor of the parameter of the function, or through a conversion operator of the argument given to the function. In our case, it's the former.
The compiler tries the first overload of a. To make it viable, it needs to make a conversion. To convert a int(*)() to a myfunc<int()>, it tries the constructor of myfunc. Being a template that takes anything, the conversion naturally succeeds.
Now it tries the same with the second overload. The constructor still being the same and still taking anything given to it, the conversion works too.
Being left with 2 functions in the overload set, the compiler is a sad panda and doesn't know what to do, so it simply says the call is ambigious.

现在,当编译器为重载集搜索有效函数时,如果不存在完美的拟合函数,它将尝试转换参数。转换可以通过函数参数的构造函数进行,也可以通过对函数的参数的转换操作符来实现。在我们的例子中,它是前者。编译器尝试a的第一个重载,为了使它可行,它需要进行转换。要将int(*)()转换为func ,它将尝试myfunc的构造函数。作为一个需要任何东西的模板,转换自然会成功。现在它又尝试了第二个重载。构造函数仍然是相同的,并且仍然接受给定的任何东西,转换也可以工作。在重载集中只剩下两个函数,编译器是一个悲伤的熊猫,不知道该怎么做,所以它只说调用是矛盾的。 ()>

So in the end, the Signature part of the template does belong to the type when making declarations/definitions, but doesn't when you want to construct an object.


With all my attention on answering the title-question, I totally forgot about your second question. :(


Can I circumvent it or will I have to keep the (annoying) explicit casts?


Afaik, you have 3 options.


  • Keep the cast
  • 让演员
  • Make a function object of the appropriate type and pass that


    function<int()> fx = x; function<int(int)> fy = y; a(fx); a(fy);

    < int()函数> fx = x;< int(int)>年度= y的函数;(外汇);(年度);

  • Hide the tedious casting in a function and use TMP to get the right signature


The TMP (template metaprogramming) version is quite verbose and with boilerplate code, but it hides the casting from the client. An example version can be found here, which relies on the get_signature metafunction that is partially specialized on function pointer types (and provides a nice example how pattern matching can work in C++):


template<class F>
struct get_signature;

template<class R>
struct get_signature<R(*)()>{
  typedef R type();

template<class R, class A1>
struct get_signature<R(*)(A1)>{
  typedef R type(A1);

Of course, this needs to be extended for the number of arguments you want to support, but that is done once and then buried in a "get_signature.h" header. :)


Another option I consider but immediatly discarded was SFINAE, which would introduce even more boilerplate code than the TMP version.


So, yeah, that are the options that I know of. Hope one of them works for you. :)




I've seen this question come up one too many times. libc++ now compiles this code without ambiguity (as a conforming extension).


Overdue Update


This "extension" proved sufficiently popular that it was standardized in C++14 (though I was not personally responsible for getting that job done).

这个“扩展”被证明是非常流行的,它在c++ 14中被标准化了(尽管我个人并不负责完成这项工作)。

In hindsight, I did not get this extension exactly correct. Earlier this month (2015-05-09) the committee voted in LWG issue 2420 which effectively changes the definition of Callable so that if the std::function has a void return type it will ignore the return type of the wrapped functor, but still otherwise consider it Callable if everything else matches up, instead of considering it not Callable.


This post-C++14 tweak does not impact this particular example since the return types involved are consistently int.

这个后c++ 14调整不会影响这个特定示例,因为涉及的返回类型始终是int型的。



Here's an example of how to wrap std::function in a class that checks invokability of its constructor parameters:


template<typename> struct check_function;
template<typename R, typename... Args>
struct check_function<R(Args...)>: public std::function<R(Args...)> {
    template<typename T,
        class = typename std::enable_if<
            std::is_same<R, void>::value
            || std::is_convertible<
        check_function(T &&t): std::function<R(Args...)>(std::forward<T>(t)) { }

Use like this:


int a(check_function<int ()> f) { return f(); }
int a(check_function<int (int)> f) { return f(0); }

int x() { return 22; }
int y(int) { return 44; }

int main() {

Note that this isn't quite the same as overloading on function signature, as it treats convertible argument (and return) types as equivalent. For exact overloading, this should work:


template<typename> struct check_function_exact;
template<typename R, typename... Args>
struct check_function_exact<R(Args...)>: public std::function<R(Args...)> {
    template<typename T,
        class = typename std::enable_if<
            std::is_convertible<T, R(*)(Args...)>::value>::type>
        check_function_exact(T &&t): std::function<R(Args...)>(std::forward<T>(t)) { }



std::function<T> has a conversion ctor that takes an arbitrary type (i.e., something other than a T). Sure, in this case, that ctor would result in a type mismatch error, but the compiler doesn't get that far -- the call is ambiguous simply because the ctor exists.

函数 有一个转换ctor,它接受任意类型(例如。当然,在这种情况下,ctor会导致类型不匹配错误,但是编译器不会得到那么远的结果——调用是不明确的,因为ctor存在。