从Google Drive Api(python)获取文件大小

时间:2022-05-25 15:26:04

I'm trying to figure out how to retrieve the file size of a file uploaded to Google Drive. According to the docs this should be in the file metadata... but when I request it, file size is not in the metadata at all.


file = self.drive_service.files().get(fileId=file_id).execute()

>>> {u'mimeType': u'application/x-zip', u'kind': u'drive#file', u'id': u'0B3JGbAfem1CrWnhtWq5qYlkzSXf', u'name': u'myfile.ipa'}

What am I missing here? How can I check the file size?


2 个解决方案



Per default, only a few select attributes are included in the metadata.


To request specific attributes, use the fields parameter:


file = self.drive_service.files().get(fileId=file_id, fields='size,modifiedTime').execute()

This would query a file's size and modification time.


By the way, the link you posted refers to the old v2 API. You can find a list of all file attributes in the current v3 API here.

顺便说一下,您发布的链接是指旧的v2 API。您可以在此处找到当前v3 API中所有文件属性的列表。



You are missing the 'fields' special query parameter here. It is used for giving partial response for google apis. The partial response is used mainly to improve api call performance.


There is a slight change in the newly introduced v3 apis, the file list apis response give some default attributes in the response, unlike the v2 apis, which give all the attributes in response by default.

新引入的v3 apis略有变化,文件列表apis响应在响应中提供了一些默认属性,与v2 apis不同,后者默认提供响应中的所有属性。

Although, if you want all the attributes in the response, pass ' fields=* ' as query.

虽然,如果您想要响应中的所有属性,请将'fields = *'作为查询传递。

Hope, this helps!




Per default, only a few select attributes are included in the metadata.


To request specific attributes, use the fields parameter:


file = self.drive_service.files().get(fileId=file_id, fields='size,modifiedTime').execute()

This would query a file's size and modification time.


By the way, the link you posted refers to the old v2 API. You can find a list of all file attributes in the current v3 API here.

顺便说一下,您发布的链接是指旧的v2 API。您可以在此处找到当前v3 API中所有文件属性的列表。



You are missing the 'fields' special query parameter here. It is used for giving partial response for google apis. The partial response is used mainly to improve api call performance.


There is a slight change in the newly introduced v3 apis, the file list apis response give some default attributes in the response, unlike the v2 apis, which give all the attributes in response by default.

新引入的v3 apis略有变化,文件列表apis响应在响应中提供了一些默认属性,与v2 apis不同,后者默认提供响应中的所有属性。

Although, if you want all the attributes in the response, pass ' fields=* ' as query.

虽然,如果您想要响应中的所有属性,请将'fields = *'作为查询传递。

Hope, this helps!
