
时间:2022-06-30 02:52:04

I have got a TimePickerDialog working to set time which is set to a TextView in order to display it. Now, I need help to set that TimePicker (inside the TimePickerDialog) minutues interval to 15 minutes. I have seen there is a post with 15 minutes interval issue related to TimePicker, but I don't know how to apply it to the TimePickerDialog because I don't know how to use the TimePicker that it is created inside the TimePickerDialog. I am new to Android and completely lost in this matter. Thanks in advance.


4 个解决方案



Using a combination of this from @Rizwan and this other thread, I came up with a combined solution that allows arbitrary minute increments in a TimePickerDialog. The main issue is that most of the functionality is hidden by the android TimePickerDialog and TimePicker classes and it doesn't appear to be

使用@Rizwan和其他线程的组合,我提出了一个组合解决方案,允许在TimePickerDialog中任意分钟增量。主要问题是大多数功能都是由android TimePickerDialog和TimePicker类隐藏的,它似乎不是

  1. Extend TimePickerDialog to allow us easier access
  2. 扩展TimePickerDialog以便于我们访问
  3. Use reflection to reach inside the display and access the required bits (see below)
  4. 使用反射到达显示器内部并访​​问所需的位(见下文)
  5. rewire the minute 'NumberPicker' to display our values
  6. 重新连接分钟'NumberPicker'以显示我们的值
  7. rewire the TimePicker to receive and return values form the NumberPicker honoring our custom increment.
  8. 重新连接TimePicker以接收和返回NumberPicker中的值,以表达我们的自定义增量。
  9. block onStop() so that it doesn't reset the value on close.
  10. 阻止onStop(),以便它不会在关闭时重置值。


The main issue with reaching inside the UI is that elements are referenced by ids which are likely to change, and even the name of the id is not guaranteed to be the same forever. Having said that, this is working, stable solution and likely to work for the foreseeable future. In my opinion the empty catch block should warn that the UI has changed and should fall back to the default (increment 1 minute) behaviour.



    private class DurationTimePickDialog extends TimePickerDialog
        final OnTimeSetListener mCallback;
        TimePicker mTimePicker;
        final int increment;

        public DurationTimePickDialog(Context context, OnTimeSetListener callBack, int hourOfDay, int minute, boolean is24HourView, int increment)
            super(context, callBack, hourOfDay, minute/increment, is24HourView);
            this.mCallback = callBack;
            this.increment = increment;

        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                if (mCallback != null && mTimePicker!=null) {
                    mCallback.onTimeSet(mTimePicker, mTimePicker.getCurrentHour(),

        protected void onStop()
            // override and do nothing

        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
                Class<?> rClass = Class.forName("com.android.internal.R$id");
                Field timePicker = rClass.getField("timePicker");
                this.mTimePicker = (TimePicker)findViewById(timePicker.getInt(null));
                Field m = rClass.getField("minute");

                NumberPicker mMinuteSpinner = (NumberPicker)mTimePicker.findViewById(m.getInt(null));
                List<String> displayedValues = new ArrayList<String>();
                for(int i=0;i<60;i+=increment)
                    displayedValues.add(String.format("%02d", i));
                mMinuteSpinner.setDisplayedValues(displayedValues.toArray(new String[0]));
            catch (Exception e)


constructor accepts the increment value and retains some other references. Note that this omits error checking and we'd prefer 60%increment==0

构造函数接受增量值并保留一些其他引用。请注意,这省略了错误检查,我们更喜欢60%增量== 0

onCreate uses the name of the UI fields and reflection to discover the current location. Again this omits error checking and should be 'fail-safe' ie revert to default behaviour if something goes wrong.


onClick overridden to return the correct minute value to the callback listener


onStop overridden to prevent the (incorrect) index value being returned a second time, when the dialog closes. Go on, try it yourself.


Most of this comes from digging into the TimePickerDialog source.




well thats fine if you used time-picker instead of time-picker-dialog. But there is a solution for this actually.. here is what I used to meet the same requirement.. I used CustomTimePickerDialog. Every thing will be same, only TimePickerDialog will change to CustomTimePickerDialog in the code.


CustomTimePickerDialog timePickerDialog = new CustomTimePickerDialog(myActivity.this, timeSetListener, 
            CustomTimePickerDialog.getRoundedMinute(Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MINUTE) + CustomTimePickerDialog.TIME_PICKER_INTERVAL), 
timePickerDialog.setTitle("2. Select Time");

Here is my CustomTimePickerDialog class... Just use this class in your project and change TimePickerDialog to CustomTimePickerDialog..

这是我的CustomTimePickerDialog类...只需在项目中使用此类并将TimePickerDialog更改为CustomTimePickerDialog ..

public class CustomTimePickerDialog extends TimePickerDialog{

    public static final int TIME_PICKER_INTERVAL=10;
    private boolean mIgnoreEvent=false;

    public CustomTimePickerDialog(Context context, OnTimeSetListener callBack, int hourOfDay, int minute,
        boolean is24HourView) {
    super(context, callBack, hourOfDay, minute, is24HourView);
 * (non-Javadoc)
 * @see android.app.TimePickerDialog#onTimeChanged(android.widget.TimePicker, int, int)
 * Implements Time Change Interval
    public void onTimeChanged(TimePicker timePicker, int hourOfDay, int minute) {
        super.onTimeChanged(timePicker, hourOfDay, minute);
        this.setTitle("2. Select Time");
        if (!mIgnoreEvent){
            minute = getRoundedMinute(minute);

    public static int getRoundedMinute(int minute){
         if(minute % TIME_PICKER_INTERVAL != 0){
            int minuteFloor = minute - (minute % TIME_PICKER_INTERVAL);
            minute = minuteFloor + (minute == minuteFloor + 1 ? TIME_PICKER_INTERVAL : 0);
            if (minute == 60)  minute=0;

        return minute;

After using this CustomTimePickerDialog class, All you will need to do is use CustomTimePickerDialog instead of TimePickerDialog in your code to access/override default functions of TimePickerDialog class. In the simple way, I mean your timeSetListener will be as following after this...


private CustomTimePickerDialog.OnTimeSetListener timeSetListener = new CustomTimePickerDialog.OnTimeSetListener() {
    public void onTimeSet(TimePicker view, int hourOfDay, int minute) {

}// using CustomTimePickerDialog



You can use a regular AlertDialog and use setView to include a custom TimePicker view.




 * Set TimePicker interval by adding a custom minutes list
 * TIME_PICKER_INTERVAL = Enter your Minutes;
 * @param timePicker
private void setTimePickerInterval(TimePicker timePicker) {
    try {
        int TIME_PICKER_INTERVAL = 10;
        NumberPicker minutePicker = (NumberPicker) timePicker.findViewById(Resources.getSystem().getIdentifier(
                "minute", "id", "android"));
        minutePicker.setMaxValue((60 / TIME_PICKER_INTERVAL) - 1);
        List<String> displayedValues = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (int i = 0; i < 60; i += TIME_PICKER_INTERVAL) {
            displayedValues.add(String.format("%02d", i));
        minutePicker.setDisplayedValues(displayedValues.toArray(new String[0]));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Exception: " + e);



Using a combination of this from @Rizwan and this other thread, I came up with a combined solution that allows arbitrary minute increments in a TimePickerDialog. The main issue is that most of the functionality is hidden by the android TimePickerDialog and TimePicker classes and it doesn't appear to be

使用@Rizwan和其他线程的组合,我提出了一个组合解决方案,允许在TimePickerDialog中任意分钟增量。主要问题是大多数功能都是由android TimePickerDialog和TimePicker类隐藏的,它似乎不是

  1. Extend TimePickerDialog to allow us easier access
  2. 扩展TimePickerDialog以便于我们访问
  3. Use reflection to reach inside the display and access the required bits (see below)
  4. 使用反射到达显示器内部并访​​问所需的位(见下文)
  5. rewire the minute 'NumberPicker' to display our values
  6. 重新连接分钟'NumberPicker'以显示我们的值
  7. rewire the TimePicker to receive and return values form the NumberPicker honoring our custom increment.
  8. 重新连接TimePicker以接收和返回NumberPicker中的值,以表达我们的自定义增量。
  9. block onStop() so that it doesn't reset the value on close.
  10. 阻止onStop(),以便它不会在关闭时重置值。


The main issue with reaching inside the UI is that elements are referenced by ids which are likely to change, and even the name of the id is not guaranteed to be the same forever. Having said that, this is working, stable solution and likely to work for the foreseeable future. In my opinion the empty catch block should warn that the UI has changed and should fall back to the default (increment 1 minute) behaviour.



    private class DurationTimePickDialog extends TimePickerDialog
        final OnTimeSetListener mCallback;
        TimePicker mTimePicker;
        final int increment;

        public DurationTimePickDialog(Context context, OnTimeSetListener callBack, int hourOfDay, int minute, boolean is24HourView, int increment)
            super(context, callBack, hourOfDay, minute/increment, is24HourView);
            this.mCallback = callBack;
            this.increment = increment;

        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                if (mCallback != null && mTimePicker!=null) {
                    mCallback.onTimeSet(mTimePicker, mTimePicker.getCurrentHour(),

        protected void onStop()
            // override and do nothing

        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
                Class<?> rClass = Class.forName("com.android.internal.R$id");
                Field timePicker = rClass.getField("timePicker");
                this.mTimePicker = (TimePicker)findViewById(timePicker.getInt(null));
                Field m = rClass.getField("minute");

                NumberPicker mMinuteSpinner = (NumberPicker)mTimePicker.findViewById(m.getInt(null));
                List<String> displayedValues = new ArrayList<String>();
                for(int i=0;i<60;i+=increment)
                    displayedValues.add(String.format("%02d", i));
                mMinuteSpinner.setDisplayedValues(displayedValues.toArray(new String[0]));
            catch (Exception e)


constructor accepts the increment value and retains some other references. Note that this omits error checking and we'd prefer 60%increment==0

构造函数接受增量值并保留一些其他引用。请注意,这省略了错误检查,我们更喜欢60%增量== 0

onCreate uses the name of the UI fields and reflection to discover the current location. Again this omits error checking and should be 'fail-safe' ie revert to default behaviour if something goes wrong.


onClick overridden to return the correct minute value to the callback listener


onStop overridden to prevent the (incorrect) index value being returned a second time, when the dialog closes. Go on, try it yourself.


Most of this comes from digging into the TimePickerDialog source.




well thats fine if you used time-picker instead of time-picker-dialog. But there is a solution for this actually.. here is what I used to meet the same requirement.. I used CustomTimePickerDialog. Every thing will be same, only TimePickerDialog will change to CustomTimePickerDialog in the code.


CustomTimePickerDialog timePickerDialog = new CustomTimePickerDialog(myActivity.this, timeSetListener, 
            CustomTimePickerDialog.getRoundedMinute(Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MINUTE) + CustomTimePickerDialog.TIME_PICKER_INTERVAL), 
timePickerDialog.setTitle("2. Select Time");

Here is my CustomTimePickerDialog class... Just use this class in your project and change TimePickerDialog to CustomTimePickerDialog..

这是我的CustomTimePickerDialog类...只需在项目中使用此类并将TimePickerDialog更改为CustomTimePickerDialog ..

public class CustomTimePickerDialog extends TimePickerDialog{

    public static final int TIME_PICKER_INTERVAL=10;
    private boolean mIgnoreEvent=false;

    public CustomTimePickerDialog(Context context, OnTimeSetListener callBack, int hourOfDay, int minute,
        boolean is24HourView) {
    super(context, callBack, hourOfDay, minute, is24HourView);
 * (non-Javadoc)
 * @see android.app.TimePickerDialog#onTimeChanged(android.widget.TimePicker, int, int)
 * Implements Time Change Interval
    public void onTimeChanged(TimePicker timePicker, int hourOfDay, int minute) {
        super.onTimeChanged(timePicker, hourOfDay, minute);
        this.setTitle("2. Select Time");
        if (!mIgnoreEvent){
            minute = getRoundedMinute(minute);

    public static int getRoundedMinute(int minute){
         if(minute % TIME_PICKER_INTERVAL != 0){
            int minuteFloor = minute - (minute % TIME_PICKER_INTERVAL);
            minute = minuteFloor + (minute == minuteFloor + 1 ? TIME_PICKER_INTERVAL : 0);
            if (minute == 60)  minute=0;

        return minute;

After using this CustomTimePickerDialog class, All you will need to do is use CustomTimePickerDialog instead of TimePickerDialog in your code to access/override default functions of TimePickerDialog class. In the simple way, I mean your timeSetListener will be as following after this...


private CustomTimePickerDialog.OnTimeSetListener timeSetListener = new CustomTimePickerDialog.OnTimeSetListener() {
    public void onTimeSet(TimePicker view, int hourOfDay, int minute) {

}// using CustomTimePickerDialog



You can use a regular AlertDialog and use setView to include a custom TimePicker view.




 * Set TimePicker interval by adding a custom minutes list
 * TIME_PICKER_INTERVAL = Enter your Minutes;
 * @param timePicker
private void setTimePickerInterval(TimePicker timePicker) {
    try {
        int TIME_PICKER_INTERVAL = 10;
        NumberPicker minutePicker = (NumberPicker) timePicker.findViewById(Resources.getSystem().getIdentifier(
                "minute", "id", "android"));
        minutePicker.setMaxValue((60 / TIME_PICKER_INTERVAL) - 1);
        List<String> displayedValues = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (int i = 0; i < 60; i += TIME_PICKER_INTERVAL) {
            displayedValues.add(String.format("%02d", i));
        minutePicker.setDisplayedValues(displayedValues.toArray(new String[0]));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Exception: " + e);