如何在oracle 10g中根据住址进行排序?

时间:2022-06-30 02:52:10

I want to query the Oracle 10g database and get result on the basis of residential address in ascending or descending order. So the problem is building addresses are at time in the form of 110C or 200D, so according to sql "order by" asc or desc, I get the result as 200D before 20. for eg, if adresses are 10 110 112 200D 232 95 20 100A 1050 944

我想查询Oracle 10g数据库,并根据住宅地址按升序或降序获得结果。所以问题是建立地址的时间是110C或200D,所以根据sql“order by”asc或desc,我得到结果为20D之前的20D。例如,如果地址是10 110 112 200D 232 95 20 100A 1050 944

In ascending order it will result in:-

按升序排列将导致: -

 10 100 100A 1050 110 112 20 200D 232 944 95

The problem is as the adresses have characters in it, i can't consider them to be as integers or number, they have to considered as String.


5 个解决方案



Use regular expressions:


Warning! Potential non-working code ahead. I do not have an Oracle instance to test it against at the moment.


SELECT YourAddress
FROM YourTable
order by TO_NUMBER(REGEXP_SUBSTR(AddressColumn, '^[0-9]+'));

REGEXP_SUBSTR will find the number's substring which is supposed to start the address, convert it to a real number and order by it.


Caveat: you will have to improve the query to handle cases where a number will not be present. However, this answer can get you very well started.


When in need to fine-tune the query, here are the resources you should use:


And, yes, REGEXP_SUBSTR is available in Oracle 10g.

并且,是的,Oracle 10g中提供了REGEXP_SUBSTR。



The regular expression based solutions are more elegant. But assuming you want to first sort on the numeric component using a numeric sort and then sort on the character component using a character sort, you can also use the TRANSLATE function.


SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf

  1  with x as (
  2    select '10' addr from dual union all
  3    select '100' from dual union all
  4    select '100A' from dual union all
  5    select '1050' from dual union all
  6    select '110' from dual union all
  7    select '200D' from dual union all
  8    select '20' from dual
  9  )
 10  select addr,
 11         to_number( translate( addr,
 12                               '1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ',
 13                               '1234567890' ) ) addr_num,
 14         translate( addr,
 15                    'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890',
 16                    'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ') addr_str
 17    from x
 18   order by to_number( translate( addr,
 19                                  '1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ',
 20                                  '1234567890' ) ),
 21            translate( addr,
 22                       'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890',
 23*                      'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')
SQL> /

---- ---------- ----------------
10           10
20           20
100A        100 A
100         100
110         110
200D        200 D
1050       1050

7 rows selected.



The only way to accomplish this is to parse the street numbers into numeric and non-numeric parts, and store them in separate columns so you can index (or order by) on the numeric part first (as a number) and then the non-numeric part. It may be possible to write an expression that does this, but then you lose any indexing (if that's important).


In Oracle 11 there's a REGEXP_SUBSTR function that could be used to accomplish this, but I'm not sure it exists in Oracle 10g.

在Oracle 11中有一个可用于实现此目的的REGEXP_SUBSTR函数,但我不确定它是否存在于Oracle 10g中。



You have two basic options that I am aware of:
1. Force the field to a consistent format
2. Separate the numeric and non-numeric portions out


For option one, you would change '10' to be '00010-', and '100A' to be '00100A', etc. They will then naturally order themselves.


For option two, you would change '10' to be (10,''), and '100A' to be (100,'A'), etc. Then order by the two portions (numeric and non-numeric) separately.


Either way, you need to know (or tell us) a little bit more about the definitive characteristics of the data. (Is the pattern always [numeric][alpha], is the [alpha] portion always 1 character long, Do you ever have building Names, etc, etc?)

无论哪种方式,您都需要了解(或告诉我们)更多关于数据的确定性特征。 (模式总是[数字]α,是α部分总是1个字符长,你有建筑名称等等吗?)



I have no experience with oracle but generally with SQL something like that could help:


ORDER BY CAST(house AS integer), house

So basically you order by integer part of the field first (CAST should disregard all trailing non numerical chars), and if they are the same it should compare them as a string so 100A would be before 100b


Apparently this will not work in Oracle. See comments




Use regular expressions:


Warning! Potential non-working code ahead. I do not have an Oracle instance to test it against at the moment.


SELECT YourAddress
FROM YourTable
order by TO_NUMBER(REGEXP_SUBSTR(AddressColumn, '^[0-9]+'));

REGEXP_SUBSTR will find the number's substring which is supposed to start the address, convert it to a real number and order by it.


Caveat: you will have to improve the query to handle cases where a number will not be present. However, this answer can get you very well started.


When in need to fine-tune the query, here are the resources you should use:


And, yes, REGEXP_SUBSTR is available in Oracle 10g.

并且,是的,Oracle 10g中提供了REGEXP_SUBSTR。



The regular expression based solutions are more elegant. But assuming you want to first sort on the numeric component using a numeric sort and then sort on the character component using a character sort, you can also use the TRANSLATE function.


SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf

  1  with x as (
  2    select '10' addr from dual union all
  3    select '100' from dual union all
  4    select '100A' from dual union all
  5    select '1050' from dual union all
  6    select '110' from dual union all
  7    select '200D' from dual union all
  8    select '20' from dual
  9  )
 10  select addr,
 11         to_number( translate( addr,
 12                               '1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ',
 13                               '1234567890' ) ) addr_num,
 14         translate( addr,
 15                    'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890',
 16                    'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ') addr_str
 17    from x
 18   order by to_number( translate( addr,
 19                                  '1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ',
 20                                  '1234567890' ) ),
 21            translate( addr,
 22                       'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890',
 23*                      'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')
SQL> /

---- ---------- ----------------
10           10
20           20
100A        100 A
100         100
110         110
200D        200 D
1050       1050

7 rows selected.



The only way to accomplish this is to parse the street numbers into numeric and non-numeric parts, and store them in separate columns so you can index (or order by) on the numeric part first (as a number) and then the non-numeric part. It may be possible to write an expression that does this, but then you lose any indexing (if that's important).


In Oracle 11 there's a REGEXP_SUBSTR function that could be used to accomplish this, but I'm not sure it exists in Oracle 10g.

在Oracle 11中有一个可用于实现此目的的REGEXP_SUBSTR函数,但我不确定它是否存在于Oracle 10g中。



You have two basic options that I am aware of:
1. Force the field to a consistent format
2. Separate the numeric and non-numeric portions out


For option one, you would change '10' to be '00010-', and '100A' to be '00100A', etc. They will then naturally order themselves.


For option two, you would change '10' to be (10,''), and '100A' to be (100,'A'), etc. Then order by the two portions (numeric and non-numeric) separately.


Either way, you need to know (or tell us) a little bit more about the definitive characteristics of the data. (Is the pattern always [numeric][alpha], is the [alpha] portion always 1 character long, Do you ever have building Names, etc, etc?)

无论哪种方式,您都需要了解(或告诉我们)更多关于数据的确定性特征。 (模式总是[数字]α,是α部分总是1个字符长,你有建筑名称等等吗?)



I have no experience with oracle but generally with SQL something like that could help:


ORDER BY CAST(house AS integer), house

So basically you order by integer part of the field first (CAST should disregard all trailing non numerical chars), and if they are the same it should compare them as a string so 100A would be before 100b


Apparently this will not work in Oracle. See comments
