jquery asp.net悬停框,用于在代码后面创建的多个div进入文字控件

时间:2022-07-15 22:28:17

I'm trying to draw a map and I have a List of a village object. And I work out the view window of the map then loop through each co-ordinate checking to see if a village exists there from a database. If one does, I draw the village. What I really would like is to be able to to have a jquery hover menu when hovering over each village.


At the moment I have it so when you hover over a village, all the hover menus show for every village, because of course they all share the same image id and hover menu ids. But if I change them to be unique ids, how can I make the hover boxes for every village?


This is my code at the moment (I'm looping through and writing to a literal control)



MapLiteral.Text = "";
    MapLiteral.Text += "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">";

    for (int i = minx; i <= maxx; i++)
        MapLiteral.Text += "<tr>";
        for (int j = miny; j <= maxy; j++)
            MapLiteral.Text += "<td width\"50px\" height=\"50px\" style=\"border: solid 1px #2d5c25;\">";
            if (Objects.Village.VillageExists(i, j))
                Objects.Village village = new Objects.Village();
                village = Objects.Village.GetVillage(i, j);
                MapLiteral.Text += "<div class=\"village\"><img src=\"/Images/Map/Village1.gif\" /></div>";
                MapLiteral.Text += "<div class=\"villagehover\" id=\"villagehover\">test</div>";
                MapLiteral.Text += "<img src=\"/Images/Map/Grass.gif\" />";
            MapLiteral.Text += "</td>";
        MapLiteral.Text += "</tr>";

    MapLiteral.Text += "</table>";


<script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/jquery-1.4.1.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {

  function () {
      $('.villagehover').stop().fadeTo("slow", 0.33);
  function () {

<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="Server">
        Map (<asp:Label ID="XTitleLabel" runat="server" />,
        <asp:Label ID="YTitleLabel" runat="server" />)
     <asp:Literal ID="MapLiteral" runat="server"></asp:Literal>

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


1 个解决方案



This can be fixed with a better selector. As you are seeing, $('.villagehover') is selecting all of the hover divs. In jQuery, this is set to the selected element (within the hover function), so you can get the correct hover div by using



Also remember that you can only have one id="villagehover" per page.

还要记住,每页只能有一个id =“villagehover”。



This can be fixed with a better selector. As you are seeing, $('.villagehover') is selecting all of the hover divs. In jQuery, this is set to the selected element (within the hover function), so you can get the correct hover div by using



Also remember that you can only have one id="villagehover" per page.

还要记住,每页只能有一个id =“villagehover”。