什么时候可以用char *等式来比较C字符串?

时间:2022-07-15 22:28:23

I know it doesn't make sense for two arbitrary c-strings (const char *) by comparing them (a == b).

我知道对任意两个c-string (const char *)进行比较(a = b)是没有意义的。

But I think that when both are defined by the SAME string literal, this is legal.


For example, here:


#include <stddef.h>

const char * const meals[] = {

#define NO_MEALS  meals[0]
#define BREAKFAST meals[1]
#define LUNCH     meals[2]
#define DINNER    meals[3]

// i hours after midnight, hour_to_meals_map[floor(i)] is being served.
const char * hour_to_meal_map[] = {
    BREAKFAST, // i = 5
    LUNCH, // i = 11
    DINNER, // i = 17
    DINNER // i = 23

// Returns a boolean for whether the two hours have the same meal being eaten.
int same_meal(size_t hour_one, size_t hour_two) {
    return hour_to_meal_map[hour_one] == hour_to_meal_map[hour_two];

(As for why you would make hour_to_meal_map map to strings rather than to indices is anyone's guess.. but I'm working on a project that is set up this way.)


Am I correct that this is legal here, and that what matters is that there is only one spot that each value is written as a literal? (#define NO_MEALS "none" was deliberately avoided!!)

我说的对吗,这在这里是合法的,重要的是每一个值只有一个点是作为文字写的?(#define NO_MEALS“none”是故意避免的!)

If this code is in a header file, that doesn't make a difference, does it? (I expect the standard requires that meals have identical values in each compilation unit?).


I find lots of questions from beginners asking about cases where it's pretty clear they should be using strcmp, but I can't find one that answers this particular case. Any help would be appreciated, particularly if you can point me to the right part of the C standard so I can be really sure I understand all the subtleties.


2 个解决方案



Comparing two strings of the same type with == or != is always legal. This is detailed in section 6.5.9 of the C standard which details Equality Operators:


2 One of the following shall hold:


  • both operands have arithmetic type;
  • 两个操作数都有算术类型;
  • both operands are pointers to qualified or unqualified versions of compatible types;
  • 两个操作数都是指向兼容类型的限定或非限定版本的指针;
  • one operand is a pointer to an object type and the other is a pointer to a qualified or unqualified version of void;or
  • 一个操作数是指向对象类型的指针,另一个是指向限定或不限定的void版本的指针
  • one operand is a pointer and the other is a null pointer constant.
  • 一个操作数是一个指针,另一个是空指针常量。


4 Two pointers compare equal if and only if both are null pointers, both are pointers to the same object (including a pointer to an object and a subobject at its beginning) or function, both are pointers to one past the last element of the same array object, or one is a pointer to one past the end of one array object and the other is a pointer to the start of a different array object that happens to immediately follow the first array object in the address space


In this case you have an array of pointers, and you assign the value of one of those pointers into another array. So if you compare two pointers and they both contain the value of (for example) meals[0], e.g. the address of the string constant "none", they are guaranteed to compare equal.


What you have to watch out for is if a given string constant is used in multiple places. In that case, they're not necessarily the same.


For example, given this:


const char *s1 = "test";
const char *s2 = "test";

The values of s1 and s2 are not guaranteed to be the same as the two strings constants can be distinct from each other, although compilers may choose to make them the same. This differs from:


const char *s1 = "test";
const char *s2 = s1;

Where s1 and s2 will be the same, and this mirrors your case.


As you mentioned, it would make more sense for hour_to_meal_map to contain numeric constants (preferably members of an enum) and for those constants to subsequently map to an array of strings. But the pointers to strings constants are effectively just that.




I can think of a few cases where char * equality is meaningful:

我能想到几个例子,其中char * equality是有意义的:

  1. the case you gave: by copying from the same pointer
  2. 你给出的例子是:从同一个指针复制
  3. for most (all?) compilers: with any same-value string literals in the same translation unit. This is an extremely common optimization, and can easily be tested anyway.
  4. 对于大多数(所有?)编译器:使用同一翻译单元中的任何同值字符串。这是一种非常常见的优化,并且可以很容易地进行测试。
  5. if you explicitly pass the string through an intern() function
  6. 如果显式地将字符串传递给一个intern()函数
  7. as a quick short-circuit comparison before performing an expensive check of the value
  8. 作为一个快速的短路比较,在执行一个昂贵的价值检查之前



Comparing two strings of the same type with == or != is always legal. This is detailed in section 6.5.9 of the C standard which details Equality Operators:


2 One of the following shall hold:


  • both operands have arithmetic type;
  • 两个操作数都有算术类型;
  • both operands are pointers to qualified or unqualified versions of compatible types;
  • 两个操作数都是指向兼容类型的限定或非限定版本的指针;
  • one operand is a pointer to an object type and the other is a pointer to a qualified or unqualified version of void;or
  • 一个操作数是指向对象类型的指针,另一个是指向限定或不限定的void版本的指针
  • one operand is a pointer and the other is a null pointer constant.
  • 一个操作数是一个指针,另一个是空指针常量。


4 Two pointers compare equal if and only if both are null pointers, both are pointers to the same object (including a pointer to an object and a subobject at its beginning) or function, both are pointers to one past the last element of the same array object, or one is a pointer to one past the end of one array object and the other is a pointer to the start of a different array object that happens to immediately follow the first array object in the address space


In this case you have an array of pointers, and you assign the value of one of those pointers into another array. So if you compare two pointers and they both contain the value of (for example) meals[0], e.g. the address of the string constant "none", they are guaranteed to compare equal.


What you have to watch out for is if a given string constant is used in multiple places. In that case, they're not necessarily the same.


For example, given this:


const char *s1 = "test";
const char *s2 = "test";

The values of s1 and s2 are not guaranteed to be the same as the two strings constants can be distinct from each other, although compilers may choose to make them the same. This differs from:


const char *s1 = "test";
const char *s2 = s1;

Where s1 and s2 will be the same, and this mirrors your case.


As you mentioned, it would make more sense for hour_to_meal_map to contain numeric constants (preferably members of an enum) and for those constants to subsequently map to an array of strings. But the pointers to strings constants are effectively just that.




I can think of a few cases where char * equality is meaningful:

我能想到几个例子,其中char * equality是有意义的:

  1. the case you gave: by copying from the same pointer
  2. 你给出的例子是:从同一个指针复制
  3. for most (all?) compilers: with any same-value string literals in the same translation unit. This is an extremely common optimization, and can easily be tested anyway.
  4. 对于大多数(所有?)编译器:使用同一翻译单元中的任何同值字符串。这是一种非常常见的优化,并且可以很容易地进行测试。
  5. if you explicitly pass the string through an intern() function
  6. 如果显式地将字符串传递给一个intern()函数
  7. as a quick short-circuit comparison before performing an expensive check of the value
  8. 作为一个快速的短路比较,在执行一个昂贵的价值检查之前