
时间:2021-07-02 16:55:58

I have here two different query. First query is for both table that has a same item_code, and second table is only for table 1 that has a item code. I add console.log to run a script on the other page. The process of my code is if the first query (query for both table) failed to execute, the second query (query for table 1 only) execute. Both query executing correctly but I received this error on console.log.


Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\xampplite\htdocs\edit.php on line 21,23,25

“注意:尝试在第21,23,25行的C:\ xampplite \ htdocs \ edit.php中获取非对象的属性”

The line 21,23 and 25 error is my if else statement. I need to get console.log 1.

第21,23和25行错误是我的if else语句。我需要获得console.log 1。

Why is that?


Any help will appreciated.


Both table have the item code A000321


table 1     |   table 2
item_code   |  item_code
   A000321  |    A000321

Only table 1 have the item code A000321


table 1     |   table 2
item_code   |  item_code
   A000321  |    


$val1_id= $_POST['val1_id'];
$val1_item_copy= $_POST['val1_item_copy'];
$val1_catcode= $_POST['val1_catcode'];
$val1_itemcode= $_POST['val1_itemcode'];

$sql = $mysqli->query("
UPDATE  code t1
        app t2
ON      t2.item_code= t1.item_code
SET     t1.item = '$val1_item_copy',t2.item_name = '$val1_item_copy'
WHERE   t1.item_code = '$val1_itemcode' AND t1.cat_code = '$val1_catcode';
")or die('There was an error running the query [' . $mysqli->error . ']');

if(($sql->num_rows)>= 1){
echo '1';
} else if(($sql->num_rows) == 0) {
$sql1 = $mysqli->query("UPDATE code SET item='$val1_item_copy' WHERE id='$val1_id'")or die('There was an error running the query [' . $mysqli->error . ']');
if(($sql1->num_rows)>= 1){
echo '1';
} else {
echo '0';


2 个解决方案



You're likely getting a "1" because the update query is successful. This does not mean it made any changes, just that it didn't crash.


You can check the affected records by checking


printf("Affected rows (Non-Select): %d\n", $mysqli->affected_rows);



I just edit some details. I used if($mysqli->affected_rows >= 1) instead of if(($sql->num_rows)>= 1)

我只是编辑一些细节。我使用if($ mysqli-> affected_rows> = 1)而不是if(($ sql-> num_rows)> = 1)

if($mysqli->affected_rows >= 1) {
echo '1';
} else {
$sql1 = $mysqli->query("UPDATE code SET item='$val1_item_copy' WHERE id='$val1_id'")or die('There was an error running the query [' . $mysqli->error . ']');
if($mysqli->affected_rows >= 1) {
echo '1';
} else {
echo '0';



You're likely getting a "1" because the update query is successful. This does not mean it made any changes, just that it didn't crash.


You can check the affected records by checking


printf("Affected rows (Non-Select): %d\n", $mysqli->affected_rows);



I just edit some details. I used if($mysqli->affected_rows >= 1) instead of if(($sql->num_rows)>= 1)

我只是编辑一些细节。我使用if($ mysqli-> affected_rows> = 1)而不是if(($ sql-> num_rows)> = 1)

if($mysqli->affected_rows >= 1) {
echo '1';
} else {
$sql1 = $mysqli->query("UPDATE code SET item='$val1_item_copy' WHERE id='$val1_id'")or die('There was an error running the query [' . $mysqli->error . ']');
if($mysqli->affected_rows >= 1) {
echo '1';
} else {
echo '0';