
时间:2021-07-02 16:55:34

I am using angular 2 and RxJS, and I am wondering how i can do the following:


In my component, I have defined the following:


count: Observable<number>;

count:Observable ;

In my component's constructor, I am doing the following:


    private store: Store<any>
  ) {
    this.count = this.store.select<any>(state => state.count);

How can I view the current value for the count? Right now if I console.log(this.count) I get a big object to log. If I want to view just the value for this.count, how can I do that?


1 个解决方案



With a regular observable you only get the value when it changes, so if you want to console.log out the value you will need to console.log it in the subscription:


    private store: Store<any>
  ) {
    this.count = this.store.select<any>(state => state.count);
    this.count.subscribe(res => console.log(res));

However if you are wanting to be able to get the current value at any time what you will be wanting is a BehaviorSubject (which combines an Observable and an Observer in function...import it from the rxjs library like you do Observable).


private count:BehaviorSubject<number> = new BehaviorSubject<number>(0);

    private store: Store<any>
  ) {
    let self = this;
    self.store.select<any>(state => self.count.next(state.count));

Then any time you want to get the current value of the count you would call this.count.getValue() to change the value you would call this.count.next(<the value you want to pass in>). That should get you what you are looking for.

然后,只要你想获得计数的当前值,你就可以调用this.count.getValue()来改变你将调用this.count.next( <你要传入的值> )的值。这应该可以帮到你找到你想要的东西。



With a regular observable you only get the value when it changes, so if you want to console.log out the value you will need to console.log it in the subscription:


    private store: Store<any>
  ) {
    this.count = this.store.select<any>(state => state.count);
    this.count.subscribe(res => console.log(res));

However if you are wanting to be able to get the current value at any time what you will be wanting is a BehaviorSubject (which combines an Observable and an Observer in function...import it from the rxjs library like you do Observable).


private count:BehaviorSubject<number> = new BehaviorSubject<number>(0);

    private store: Store<any>
  ) {
    let self = this;
    self.store.select<any>(state => self.count.next(state.count));

Then any time you want to get the current value of the count you would call this.count.getValue() to change the value you would call this.count.next(<the value you want to pass in>). That should get you what you are looking for.

然后,只要你想获得计数的当前值,你就可以调用this.count.getValue()来改变你将调用this.count.next( <你要传入的值> )的值。这应该可以帮到你找到你想要的东西。