
时间:2022-11-07 19:07:24

I know Java VM has "-XMx" and "-XMs" for setting the size of the heap. It also has a feature called "ergonomics", that can intelligently adjust the size of the heap. But, I have a problem at hand requiring the heap with strictly fixed size.

我知道Java VM有“-XMx”和“-XMs”来设置堆的大小。它还有一个名为“人体工程学”的功能,可以智能地调整堆的大小。但是,我手头有一个问题,要求堆具有严格固定的大小。

Here is the command line arguments:


"-Xms2m -Xmx2m -XX:+PrintGCDetails"

However, by observing the GC logs, it seems the size of the heap was not fixed at 2048K. See, e.g. 2368K, 2432K, 2176K, etc:


[GC [PSYoungGen: 480K->72K(704K)] 1740K->1332K(2368K), 0.0032190 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs] 
[GC [PSYoungGen: 560K->64K(768K)] 2094K->1598K(2432K), 0.0033090 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs] 
[GC [PSYoungGen: 544K->32K(768K)] 1675K->1179K(2176K), 0.0009960 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]

Is there a way to do the "strict sizing" (no more no less) of a Java heap?


5 个解决方案



I believe the JVM will manage the heap as you intend, but the problem in your example is that the max heap size is effectively ignored as too low.


On Sun's Windows JVM version 1.6.0_06 I believe the minimum 'max heap size' is approximately 6MB (i.e. -Xmx6m). If you attempt a setting lower then this the heap may actually grow larger. (I had thought the minimum was 16m but a little experimentation shows that values as low as 6m appear to work.)

在Sun的Windows JVM版本1.6.0_06上,我认为最小'最大堆大小'大约是6MB(即-Xmx6m)。如果您尝试设置较低,那么堆可能实际上变大。 (我原以为最小值是16米,但是一些实验表明,低至6米的值似乎有效。)

If you set -Xms8m and -Xmx8m, however, I think you'll find the heap stays at that size.




There are other options along with -Xmx and -Xms that determine the initial heap size. Check the jvm tuning guide for details.




I guess it is just too small. Try something higher, like 16m or 64m. Additionally the internal and the external size are different shoes. The heap will not be full all the time, so a less than Xmx is always possible, even a less than Xms in case the program just has been started. But externally, you will see that Xms amount of memory has been allocated.




When I first read that I thought it said 2 GB ;)

当我第一次阅读时,我认为它说2 GB;)

Don't forget Java uses at least 10 - 30 MB of non heap space so the few hundred K you save might not make as much difference as you think.

不要忘记Java使用至少10 - 30 MB的非堆空间,所以你节省的几百K可能没有你想象的那么多。



As far as I know this is not possible using the standard VM. Unfortunately I have no references at hand right now.




I believe the JVM will manage the heap as you intend, but the problem in your example is that the max heap size is effectively ignored as too low.


On Sun's Windows JVM version 1.6.0_06 I believe the minimum 'max heap size' is approximately 6MB (i.e. -Xmx6m). If you attempt a setting lower then this the heap may actually grow larger. (I had thought the minimum was 16m but a little experimentation shows that values as low as 6m appear to work.)

在Sun的Windows JVM版本1.6.0_06上,我认为最小'最大堆大小'大约是6MB(即-Xmx6m)。如果您尝试设置较低,那么堆可能实际上变大。 (我原以为最小值是16米,但是一些实验表明,低至6米的值似乎有效。)

If you set -Xms8m and -Xmx8m, however, I think you'll find the heap stays at that size.




There are other options along with -Xmx and -Xms that determine the initial heap size. Check the jvm tuning guide for details.




I guess it is just too small. Try something higher, like 16m or 64m. Additionally the internal and the external size are different shoes. The heap will not be full all the time, so a less than Xmx is always possible, even a less than Xms in case the program just has been started. But externally, you will see that Xms amount of memory has been allocated.




When I first read that I thought it said 2 GB ;)

当我第一次阅读时,我认为它说2 GB;)

Don't forget Java uses at least 10 - 30 MB of non heap space so the few hundred K you save might not make as much difference as you think.

不要忘记Java使用至少10 - 30 MB的非堆空间,所以你节省的几百K可能没有你想象的那么多。



As far as I know this is not possible using the standard VM. Unfortunately I have no references at hand right now.
