
时间:2022-09-06 15:19:15

[EDIT:] I have removed a lot of code now. And I have reduced it to a more straight forward question.


Is it OK, to pass this variable...


char Record_Info[file_length + 1];

to another function, like this:


listdir(tempdesc, 0, sockid, Record_Info);

which uses this header:


int listdir(char *dirname, int lvl, int sockid, char Record_Info[])

And the listdir() can call its-self many times?



* Orig Question *


I was wondering if another set of eyes can look at this please. It was working, but I added some more code (probably more sprintf, near the bottom) and now a Segmentation fault occurs.


This program creates/sends the web page, correctly, but crashes when it returns from the send_recordings_list() function back to the parsing_request() function. I don't think its necessary to understand how its formatting the data from the file, but I included that bit anyway.


For the most part, I'm using static variables, and when I attempt to free() any thing, it causes another seg fault, or gcc lib fault. Also I am unsure if passing the variables between the functions() might be causing the issue?

在大多数情况下,我使用静态变量,当我尝试释放()任何东西时,它会导致另一个seg错误或gcc lib错误。另外我不确定在函数()之间传递变量是否可能导致问题?

Also worth mentioning, a different function (not shown in here) sends out a web page which is about 4MB, I can call this one many times and it does not crash. I have placed a few // ****** at some lines which might be of interest?

另外值得一提的是,一个不同的功能(这里没有显示)发出一个大约4MB的网页,我可以多次调用它,它不会崩溃。我在一些可能感兴趣的线路上放了一些// ******吗?

Oh yes, I have not done much standard error handling yet... (I'll do it later), so assume its a spherical chicken in a vacuum.



So it starts at parsing_request()


goes to send_recordings_list()


goes to listdir() . (this calls its self many times)

转到listdir()。 (这称自己很多次)

back to send_recordings_list()


. (seg fault here)

。 (这里有段错误)

back to parsing_request()



I'm hoping some will go 'ahh i see what you did fool......'


Embedded Linux 2.6.27, GCC 4.2.4, 32MB Ram

嵌入式Linux 2.6.27,GCC 4.2.4,32MB Ram

void parsing_request(int sockid, char *buff)
  char *res_line=malloc(MAXLINE), path[MAXLINE], *line;
  // Cut code
  if (strcmp(line, "/recordings_body.htm") == 0)
    send_recordings_list (sockid);      // ****** IT GOES HERE 1st ******
  free (res_line);

int send_recordings_list(int sockid)
    int  hnd;
    int  hnd2;
    char tempdesc[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];

    // Copy all of the data <1 MiB   (Slow reading)
    int file_length = lseek (hnd2, 0, SEEK_END);
    char Record_Info[file_length + 1];      // ******
    lseek (hnd2, 0, SEEK_SET);
    read (hnd2, Record_Info, file_length);
    close (hnd2);

    // Cut out code

    del_file_cnt = 0;
    sprintf (tempdesc, "%s/Recordings", TOPPY_DIR);
    listdir(tempdesc, 0, sockid, Record_Info);        // ***** Major 2nd call here
    return 0;

int listdir(char *dirname, int lvl, int sockid, char Record_Info[])

    int i;
    DIR* d_fh;
    struct dirent* entry;
    char longest_name[4096];
    char tempdesc[4096], morespace[128];
    int  row_col;
    char chan_name[128], alt_name[128], desc[500], category[128], rec_time[14], start_time[14], end_time[14];
    char trim_file_name[128], trim_file_name2[128], trim_alt_name[128], file_links[1535];
    char logo[128];
    int  length, u_score, dot;
    char *looky_pos1, *looky_pos2;
    int  is_match;

    struct tm tm_rec, tm_start, tm_end;
    time_t tim_rec, tim_start, tim_end;

    // Cut out code

  return 0;

3 个解决方案



Sorry, this is a hopeless mess. Learn how to use Linux tools like valgrind and gdb. Check carefully that the memory you request is eventually freed once and after its use is done. Check that you don't pass pointers to local variables out of functions. Check that your strings are long enough to accomodate the data expected (or check as part as your as of now nonexistent error handling).


One debugging strategy that is suprisingly effective is the Teddy Bear Consultant: Get a teddy bear and explain your problem to it step by step. Only if that doesn't help is a real human warranted. [It works because sorting out your understanding to explain it forces you to really think it through.]

一个令人惊讶的有效调试策略是泰迪熊顾问:买一只泰迪熊并逐步解释你的问题。只有这样做无济于事才是真正的人类保证。 [它的工作原理是因为整理出你的理解来解释它会迫使你真正思考它。]



After looking quickly at your code, you have two options:


  1. Learn how to handle errors, how to manage resources and how to avoid global variables
  2. 了解如何处理错误,如何管理资源以及如何避免全局变量
  3. Use a programming language which does it for you
  4. 使用编程语言为您完成

Both will take a long time but using the second approach, you will be much more productive.


I suggest to try to implement the above with Python just to get a feeling.




Answering your most recent post, asking if you can pass the character value into the function... I don't understand what you're trying to do. In the function prototype you have the final parameter as a char variable_name[], are you trying to pass a array in? If so, why not use a pointer?

回答你最近的帖子,询问你是否可以将字符值传递给函数...我不明白你要做什么。在函数原型中,您将最终参数作为char variable_name [],您是否尝试传入数组?如果是这样,为什么不使用指针?

so the prototype would like like:


int listdir(char *dirname, int lvl, int sockid, char* Record_Info);

Passing by reference always tends to give you a little bit more control, whether you want it or not. Are you trying to pass in a specific element of an array?




Sorry, this is a hopeless mess. Learn how to use Linux tools like valgrind and gdb. Check carefully that the memory you request is eventually freed once and after its use is done. Check that you don't pass pointers to local variables out of functions. Check that your strings are long enough to accomodate the data expected (or check as part as your as of now nonexistent error handling).


One debugging strategy that is suprisingly effective is the Teddy Bear Consultant: Get a teddy bear and explain your problem to it step by step. Only if that doesn't help is a real human warranted. [It works because sorting out your understanding to explain it forces you to really think it through.]

一个令人惊讶的有效调试策略是泰迪熊顾问:买一只泰迪熊并逐步解释你的问题。只有这样做无济于事才是真正的人类保证。 [它的工作原理是因为整理出你的理解来解释它会迫使你真正思考它。]



After looking quickly at your code, you have two options:


  1. Learn how to handle errors, how to manage resources and how to avoid global variables
  2. 了解如何处理错误,如何管理资源以及如何避免全局变量
  3. Use a programming language which does it for you
  4. 使用编程语言为您完成

Both will take a long time but using the second approach, you will be much more productive.


I suggest to try to implement the above with Python just to get a feeling.




Answering your most recent post, asking if you can pass the character value into the function... I don't understand what you're trying to do. In the function prototype you have the final parameter as a char variable_name[], are you trying to pass a array in? If so, why not use a pointer?

回答你最近的帖子,询问你是否可以将字符值传递给函数...我不明白你要做什么。在函数原型中,您将最终参数作为char variable_name [],您是否尝试传入数组?如果是这样,为什么不使用指针?

so the prototype would like like:


int listdir(char *dirname, int lvl, int sockid, char* Record_Info);

Passing by reference always tends to give you a little bit more control, whether you want it or not. Are you trying to pass in a specific element of an array?
