I've got a problem.
I've already wrote quite a piece of code in C++. I'm using MS Visual Studio 2010.
我已经在c++中编写了相当多的代码。我使用的是Visual Studio 2010。
It's a class matrix
with few simple numerical functions.
Below are implementations:
#pragma once
#define EPS pow(10., -12.)
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
class matrix
unsigned int n; //number of columns
unsigned int m; //number of rows
double* T;
matrix ();
matrix (unsigned int _n);
matrix (unsigned int _n, unsigned int _m);
~matrix ();
matrix (const matrix& A);
matrix operator = (const matrix& A);
unsigned int size_n () const;
unsigned int size_m () const;
void ones ();
void zeros ();
void identity ();
void push (unsigned int i, unsigned int j, double v);
void lu ();
void gauss ();
double det ();
void transposition ();
void inverse ();
bool symmetric ();
bool diag_strong_domination ();
void swap_rows (unsigned int i, unsigned int j);
matrix gauss_eq (matrix b);
friend bool operator == (const matrix A, const matrix B);
friend matrix operator + (const matrix A, const matrix B);
friend matrix operator * (const matrix A, const matrix B);
double operator () (unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const;
friend ostream& operator << (ostream& out, const matrix& A);
matrix::matrix () : n(0), m(0)
this->T = NULL;
matrix::matrix (unsigned int _n) : n(_n), m(_n)
if (0==_n)
this->T = NULL;
this->T = new double [(this->n)*(this->m)];
for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n*this->m; i++)
this->T[i] = (double)0;
matrix::matrix (unsigned int _n, unsigned int _m) : n(_n), m(_m)
if (0==_m || 0==_n)
throw "Error: Wrong matrix dimensios";
this->T = new double [n*m];
for (unsigned int i=0; i<n*m; i++)
this->T[i] = (double)0;
matrix::~matrix ()
delete this->T;
matrix::matrix (const matrix& A) : n(A.n), m(A.m)
this->T = new double [n*m]; //(double*)malloc(A.m*A.n*sizeof(double));
for (unsigned int i=0; i<n*m; i++)
this->T[i] = A.T[i];
matrix matrix::operator= (const matrix& A)
if (!(*this==A))
this->m = A.m;
this->n = A.n;
delete this->T;
this->T = new double [A.n*A.m];
for (unsigned int i=0; i<A.n*A.m; i++)
this->T[i] = A.T[i];
return *this;
unsigned int matrix::size_n () const
return this->n;
unsigned int matrix::size_m () const
return this->m;
void matrix::ones ()
for (unsigned int i=0; i<(this->m)*(this->m); i++)
(*this).T[i] = double(1);
void matrix::zeros ()
for (unsigned int i=0; i<(this->m)*(this->m); i++)
(*this).T[i] = double(0);
void matrix::identity ()
if (this->m!=this->n)
throw "Error: Matrix have to be square (identity)";
for (unsigned int i=0; i<(this->m)*(this->m); i++)
(*this).T[i] = double(0);
for (unsigned int k=1; k<=this->m; k++)
(*this).push(k, k, (double)1);
void matrix::push (unsigned int i, unsigned int j, double v)
if (i<=0 || i>this->m || j<=0 || j>this->n)
throw "Error: Indeks out of range (push)";
this->T[(i-1)*this->n + (j-1)] = v;
void matrix::lu ()
if (this->m!=this->n)
throw "Error: Matrix have to be square (lu)";
if ((*this).diag_strong_domination())
//Doolittle decomposition
matrix L(this->m);
matrix U(this->m);
for (unsigned int b=1; b<=this->m; b++)
L.push(b, b, (double)1);
for (unsigned int b=1; b<=this->m; b++)
U.push(1, b, (*this)(1,b));
for (unsigned int b=2; b<=this->m; b++)
for (unsigned int c=1; c<=this->m; c++)
for (unsigned int k=1; k<=b-1; k++)
double s1 = 0;
if (1==k)
s1 = (double)0;
for (unsigned int p=1; p<=k-1; p++)
s1 += L(b,p) * U(p,k);
double v = ((*this)(b,k) - s1)/U(k,k);
L.push(b, k, v);
for (unsigned int k=b; k<=this->m; k++)
double s2 = 0;
for (unsigned int p=1; p<=b-1; p++)
s2 += L(b,p) * U(p,k);
double v = (*this)(b,k) - s2;
U.push(b, k, v);
for (unsigned int p=1; p<=this->m; p++)
L.push(p, p, (double)0);
(*this) = L + U;
for (unsigned int x=0; x<(*this).m*(*this).n; x++)
if (abs((*this).T[x])<EPS)
(*this).T[x] = (double)0;
void matrix::gauss()
//LU decomposition (gauss elimination with partal choice of main element)
unsigned int n = (*this).m;
matrix U(*this);
matrix svr(1,n);
for (unsigned int a=1; a<=n; a++)
svr.push(a, 1, a);
for (unsigned int k = 1; k<=(n-1); k++)
//main element choice - column
unsigned int max = k;
for (unsigned int q=k; q<=n; q++)
if (abs(U(q,k)) > abs(U(max,k)))
max = q;
unsigned int p = max;
svr.push(k, 1, p);
if (abs(U(p,k)) < EPS)
throw "Error: det = 0";
//main element swap
if (p!=k)
U.swap_rows(p, k);
for (unsigned int i=(k+1); i<=n; i++)
double tmp = U(i,k)/U(k,k);
for (unsigned int j=(k+1); j<=n; j++)
double v = U(i,j) - tmp * U(k,j);
U.push(i, j, v);
if (abs(U(n,n)) < EPS)
throw "Error: det = 0";
for (unsigned int s=2; s<=n; s++)
for (unsigned int t=1; t<=(s-1); t++)
U.push(s, t, (double)0);
matrix T = (*this);
matrix Uinv(U);
matrix L(n);
for (unsigned int i=1; i<=n; i++)
for (unsigned int j=1; j<=n; j++)
for (unsigned int k=1; k<=n; k++)
double v = T(i,k) * Uinv(k,j);
L.push(i, j, v);
//reversing rows swap
for (unsigned int t=1; t<=n; t++)
if (t!=svr(t,1))
L.swap_rows(t, svr(t,1));
(*this) = L + U;
for (unsigned int k=1; k<=n; k++)
(*this).push(k, k, (*this)(k,k) - (double)1);
for (unsigned int x=0; x<(*this).m*(*this).n; x++)
if (abs((*this).T[x])<EPS)
(*this).T[x] = (double)0;
double matrix::det ()
if (this->m!=this->n)
throw "Error: Matrix have to be square (det)";
double det = 1;
matrix TMP = (*this);
for (unsigned int i=1; i<=this->m; i++)
det *= (double)(TMP(i,i));
return det;
void matrix::transposition()
matrix R(*this);
for (unsigned int i=1; i<=(*this).m; i++)
for (unsigned int j=1; j<=(*this).n; j++)
(*this).push(j, i, R(i,j));
void matrix::inverse ()
unsigned int n = (*this).m;
matrix A(*this);
matrix X(n);
matrix b(1,n);
for (unsigned int i=1; i<=n; i++)
b.push(i, 1, (double)1);
X = A.gauss_eq(b); //error when using inverse in gauss function, used in lu
for (unsigned int k=1; k<=n; k++)
(*this).push(i, k, X(k,1));
for (unsigned int x=0; x<(*this).m*(*this).n; x++)
if (abs((*this).T[x])<EPS)
(*this).T[x] = (double)0;
return; //error when calling inverse
bool matrix::diag_strong_domination()
for (unsigned int i=1; i<=n; i++)
double s = (double)0;
for (unsigned int j=1; j<=n; j++)
if (j!=i)
s += abs((*this)(i,j));
if (s>=abs((*this)(i,i)))
return false;
return true;
void matrix::swap_rows (unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
if (i<=0 || i>this->m || j<=0 || j>this->n)
throw "Error: Indeks out of range (swap_rows)";
matrix R(*this);
for (unsigned int p=1; p<=this->m; p++)
for (unsigned int q=1; q<=this->n; q++)
if (p==i)
(*this).push(p, q, R(j,q));
if (p==j)
(*this).push(p, q, R(i,q));
matrix matrix::gauss_eq (matrix b)
matrix A(*this);
unsigned int n = this->m;
for (unsigned int k=1; k<=n-1; k++)
unsigned int max = k;
for (unsigned int q=k; q<=n; q++)
if (abs(A(q,k)) > abs(A(max,k)))
max = q;
unsigned int p = max;
if (abs(A(p,k)) < EPS)
throw "Error: det = 0 (gauss_eq)";
if (p!=k)
for (unsigned int i=k+1; i<=n; i++)
double tmp = A(i,k) / A(k,k);
for (unsigned int j=k+1; j<=n; j++)
A.push(i, j, A(i,j) - tmp*A(k,j));
b.push(i, 1, b(i,1) - tmp*b(k,1));
if (abs(A(n,n)) < EPS)
throw "Error: det = 0 (gauss_eq)";
matrix X(1,n);
double s = 0;
for (unsigned int i=n; i>=1; i--)
for (unsigned int j=i+1; j<=n; j++)
s = s + (A(i,j)*X(j,1));
X.push(i, 1, (b(i,1)-s)/A(i,i));
s = 0;
return X;
bool operator == (const matrix A, const matrix B)
if (A.size_m()!=B.size_m() || A.size_n()!=B.size_n())
return false;
for (unsigned int i=1; i<=A.size_m(); i++)
for (unsigned int j=1; j<=A.size_n(); j++)
if (A(i,j)!=B(i,j))
return false;
return true;
matrix operator + (const matrix A, const matrix B)
if (A.m!=B.m || A.n!=B.n)
throw "Error: Wrong dimensions";
matrix R(A.n, A.m);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<A.m*A.n; i++)
R.T[i] = A.T[i] + B.T[i];
return R;
matrix operator * (const matrix A, const matrix B)
if (A.n!=B.m)
throw "Error: Wrong dimensions";
matrix R(A.m,B.n);
for (unsigned int i=1; i<=R.m; i++)
for (unsigned int j=1; j<=R.n; j++)
for (unsigned int k=1; k<=A.n; k++)
double v = R(i,j) + A(i,k) * B(k,j);
R.push(i, j, v);
return R;
double matrix::operator () (unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const
if (i<=0 || i>this->m || j<=0 || j>this->n)
throw "Error: Indeks out of range (operator)";
return this->T[(i-1)*this->n + (j-1)];
ostream& operator << (ostream& out, const matrix& A)
if (0==A.size_m() || 0==A.size_n())
out<<endl<<" [ ]"<<endl;
return out;
int s = 10;
out<<endl<<" [ ";
for (unsigned int i=1; i<=A.size_m(); i++)
for (unsigned int j=1; j<=A.size_n(); j++)
out<<" "<<setw(s)<<left<<A(i,j)<<" ";
if (i!=A.size_m())
out<<endl<<" ";
out<<" ] "<<endl;
return out;
And the problem is that i have strange errors concerning memory.
Firstly, when I call function inverse
like that:
#include <iostream>
#include <complex>
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace std;
#include "matrix.h"
int main()
matrix S(4);
for (unsigned int i=1; i<=S.size_m(); i++)
for (unsigned int j=1; j<=S.size_n(); j++)
S.push(i, j, (double)3);
for (unsigned int i=1; i<=S.size_m(); i++)
S.push(i, i, (double)0);
S.inverse(); //<--- here is the problem
cout<<endl<<"S^(-1) = "<<S<<endl;
catch (char* xcp)
return 0;
I got error when returning value in function inverse
. When I step into I go to destrutor and have an error while I free memory.
However it's not all.
Another strange situation occurs when I call function lu
like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <complex>
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace std;
#include "matrix.h"
int main()
matrix S(4);
for (unsigned int i=1; i<=S.size_m(); i++)
for (unsigned int j=1; j<=S.size_n(); j++)
S.push(i, j, (double)3);
for (unsigned int i=1; i<=S.size_m(); i++)
S.push(i, i, (double)0);
S.lu(); //<--- here is the problem
cout<<endl<<"LU decomposition"<<S<<endl;
catch (char* xcp)
return 0;
In this case error occurs also in function inverse
used in function gauss
, but this time when assigning the result of function gauss_eq
to earlier defined matrix.
When I step into that problem I go to copy construtor (I don't know why) and I cannot allocate memory neither with new operator nor with malloc
When debugging nex statement to be executed is in malloc.c
file in this function:
__forceinline void * __cdecl _heap_alloc (size_t size)
if (_crtheap == 0) {
_FF_MSGBANNER(); /* write run-time error banner */
_NMSG_WRITE(_RT_CRT_NOTINIT); /* write message */
__crtExitProcess(255); /* normally _exit(255) */
return HeapAlloc(_crtheap, 0, size ? size : 1);
And parameter size equals 68.
I have no idea what can be wrong.
Whether the problem is in constructors or functions in class matrix or maybe in function from C libraries I use.
I hope someone devote his time to look into this problem despite it's a lot of code to look over.
Thanks for any tips.
5 个解决方案
I haven't read all your code but this is definitely wrong:
matrix::~matrix ()
delete this->T;
You need to be calling the delete[]
operator, not plain delete
. new
must always be matched with delete
, and new[]
must always be matched with delete[]
. Failure to do is is undefined behavior and will usually result in some sort of memory corruption that will crash your program.
Likewise your implementation of operator =
should also call delete[]
There's also no need to prefix every member access with this->
or (*this).
. It's not idiomatic C++ and should only be used in cases where there's a local variable shadowing a member variable (which itself isn't always good practice).
First, way, way too much code. However, the problem is simple; you call delete
on the array that you allocated with new []
. Anything allocated with new[]
must be deallocated with delete[]
. You have the same problem in operator=
You need to use an appropriate managing class, not doing it yourself. Since you already do your own 2D indexing, a std::vector<double>
would be a fine thing.
Your assignment operator is wrong, where you wrote
matrix matrix::operator=(const matrix& A)
if (!(*this==A))
you actually meant to write
matrix& matrix::operator=(const matrix& A)
if (this != &A)
You should be checking in the addresses of the two objects are not equal, not if the matrices themselves are not equal (and also operator= should return a reference).
But in any case this style of assignment operator is bad. There's a better way of writing assignment operators called the copy and swap idiom. It's not only more correct it's also easier to write. See here for an example
OK. I've made some changes and now I free memory like that:
matrix::~matrix ()
delete [] this->T;
matrix& matrix::operator= (const matrix& A)
if (!(*this==A))
this->m = A.m;
this->n = A.n;
delete [] this->T;
this->T = new double [A.n*A.m];
for (unsigned int i=0; i<A.n*A.m; i++)
this->T[i] = A.T[i];
return *this;
But it changed anything in both calling inverse
itself as well in gauss
While debugging I stopped at
extern "C" _CRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtIsValidHeapPointer(
const void * pUserData
if (!pUserData)
return FALSE;
if (!_CrtIsValidPointer(pHdr(pUserData), sizeof(_CrtMemBlockHeader), FALSE))
return FALSE;
return HeapValidate( _crtheap, 0, pHdr(pUserData) ); /<-- here I stopped
in dbgheap.c
I haven't read all your code but this is definitely wrong:
matrix::~matrix ()
delete this->T;
You need to be calling the delete[]
operator, not plain delete
. new
must always be matched with delete
, and new[]
must always be matched with delete[]
. Failure to do is is undefined behavior and will usually result in some sort of memory corruption that will crash your program.
Likewise your implementation of operator =
should also call delete[]
There's also no need to prefix every member access with this->
or (*this).
. It's not idiomatic C++ and should only be used in cases where there's a local variable shadowing a member variable (which itself isn't always good practice).
First, way, way too much code. However, the problem is simple; you call delete
on the array that you allocated with new []
. Anything allocated with new[]
must be deallocated with delete[]
. You have the same problem in operator=
You need to use an appropriate managing class, not doing it yourself. Since you already do your own 2D indexing, a std::vector<double>
would be a fine thing.
Your assignment operator is wrong, where you wrote
matrix matrix::operator=(const matrix& A)
if (!(*this==A))
you actually meant to write
matrix& matrix::operator=(const matrix& A)
if (this != &A)
You should be checking in the addresses of the two objects are not equal, not if the matrices themselves are not equal (and also operator= should return a reference).
But in any case this style of assignment operator is bad. There's a better way of writing assignment operators called the copy and swap idiom. It's not only more correct it's also easier to write. See here for an example
OK. I've made some changes and now I free memory like that:
matrix::~matrix ()
delete [] this->T;
matrix& matrix::operator= (const matrix& A)
if (!(*this==A))
this->m = A.m;
this->n = A.n;
delete [] this->T;
this->T = new double [A.n*A.m];
for (unsigned int i=0; i<A.n*A.m; i++)
this->T[i] = A.T[i];
return *this;
But it changed anything in both calling inverse
itself as well in gauss
While debugging I stopped at
extern "C" _CRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtIsValidHeapPointer(
const void * pUserData
if (!pUserData)
return FALSE;
if (!_CrtIsValidPointer(pHdr(pUserData), sizeof(_CrtMemBlockHeader), FALSE))
return FALSE;
return HeapValidate( _crtheap, 0, pHdr(pUserData) ); /<-- here I stopped
in dbgheap.c