3102. 最小化曼哈顿距离
import random
from collections import Counter, defaultdict, deque
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from functools import lru_cache
from heapq import heapify, heappop, heappush, nlargest, nsmallest
from itertools import combinations, compress, permutations, starmap, tee
from math import ceil, fabs, floor, gcd, log, sqrt
from string import ascii_lowercase, ascii_uppercase
from sys import exit, setrecursionlimit, stdin
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, TypeVar, Union
# Constants
TYPE = TypeVar('TYPE')
N = int(2e5 + 10) # If using AR, modify accordingly
M = int(20) # If using AR, modify accordingly
INF = int(2e9)
OFFSET = int(100)
# Set recursion limit
class Arr:
array = staticmethod(lambda x=0, size=N: [x] * size)
array2d = staticmethod(lambda x=0, rows=N, cols=M: [Arr.array(x, cols) for _ in range(rows)])
graph = staticmethod(lambda size=N: [[] for _ in range(size)])
def to_1_indexed(data: Union[List, str, List[List]]):
"""Adds a zero prefix to the data and returns the modified data and its length."""
if isinstance(data, list):
if all(isinstance(item, list) for item in data): # Check if it's a 2D array
new_data = [[0] * (len(data[0]) + 1)] + [[0] + row for row in data]
return new_data, len(new_data) - 1, len(new_data[0]) - 1
new_data = [0] + data
return new_data, len(new_data) - 1
elif isinstance(data, str):
new_data = '0' + data
return new_data, len(new_data) - 1
raise TypeError("Input must be a list, a 2D list, or a string")
class Str:
letter_to_num = staticmethod(lambda x: ord(x.upper()) - 65) # A -> 0
num_to_letter = staticmethod(lambda x: ascii_uppercase[x]) # 0 -> A
removeprefix = staticmethod(lambda s, prefix: s[len(prefix):] if s.startswith(prefix) else s)
removesuffix = staticmethod(lambda s, suffix: s[:-len(suffix)] if s.endswith(suffix) else s)
class Math:
max = staticmethod(lambda a, b: a if a > b else b)
min = staticmethod(lambda a, b: a if a < b else b)
class IO:
input = staticmethod(lambda: stdin.readline().rstrip("\r\n"))
read = staticmethod(lambda: map(int, IO.input().split()))
read_list = staticmethod(lambda: list(IO.read()))
class Std:
def find(container: Union[List[TYPE], str], value: TYPE):
"""Returns the index of value in container or -1 if value is not found."""
if isinstance(container, list):
return container.index(value)
except ValueError:
return -1
elif isinstance(container, str):
return container.find(value)
def pairwise(iterable):
"""Return successive overlapping pairs taken from the input iterable."""
a, b = tee(iterable)
next(b, None)
return zip(a, b)
def bisect_left(a, x, key=lambda y: y):
"""The insertion point is the first position where the element is not less than x."""
left, right = 0, len(a)
while left < right:
mid = (left + right) >> 1
if key(a[mid]) < x:
left = mid + 1
right = mid
return left
def bisect_right(a, x, key=lambda y: y):
"""The insertion point is the first position where the element is greater than x."""
left, right = 0, len(a)
while left < right:
mid = (left + right) >> 1
if key(a[mid]) <= x:
left = mid + 1
right = mid
return left
class SparseTable:
def __init__(self, data: list, func=lambda x, y: x | y):
"""Initialize the Sparse Table with the given data and function."""
self.func = func
self.st = [list(data)]
i, n = 1, len(self.st[0])
while 2 * i <= n:
pre = self.st[-1]
self.st.append([func(pre[j], pre[j + i]) for j in range(n - 2 * i + 1)])
i <<= 1
def query(self, begin: int, end: int):
"""Query the combined result over the interval [begin, end]."""
lg = (end - begin + 1).bit_length() - 1
return self.func(self.st[lg][begin], self.st[lg][end - (1 << lg) + 1])
class TrieNode:
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize children dictionary and cost. The trie tree is a 26-ary tree."""
self.children = {}
self.cost = INF
def add(self, word, cost):
"""Add a word to the trie with the associated cost."""
node = self
for c in word:
if c not in node.children:
node.children[c] = Std.TrieNode()
node = node.children[c]
node.cost = min(node.cost, cost)
def search(self, word):
"""Search for prefixes of 'word' in the trie and return their lengths and costs."""
node = self
ans = []
for i, c in enumerate(word):
if c not in node.children:
node = node.children[c]
if node.cost != INF:
ans.append([i + 1, node.cost]) # i + 1 to denote length from start
return ans
class StringHash:
def __init__(self, s: str, mod: int = 1_070_777_777):
"""Initialize the StringHash object with the string, base, and mod."""
self.s = s
self.mod = mod
self.base = random.randint(8 * 10 ** 8, 9 * 10 ** 8)
self.n = len(s)
self.pow_base = [1] + Arr.array(0, self.n) # pow_base[i] = BASE^i
self.pre_hash = Arr.array(0, self.n + 1) # pre_hash[i] = hash(s[:i])
def _compute_hash(self):
"""Compute the prefix hash values and power of base values for the string."""
for i, b in enumerate(self.s):
self.pow_base[i + 1] = self.pow_base[i] * self.base % self.mod
self.pre_hash[i + 1] = (self.pre_hash[i] * self.base + ord(b)) % self.mod
def get_sub_hash(self, l: int, r: int) -> int:
"""Get the hash value of the substring s[l:r] """
return (self.pre_hash[r + 1] - self.pre_hash[l] * self.pow_base[r - l + 1] % self.mod + self.mod) % self.mod
def get_full_hash(self) -> int:
"""Get the hash value of the full string"""
return self.pre_hash[self.n]
def compute_hash(self, word: str) -> int:
"""Compute the hash value of a given word using the object's base and mod."""
h = 0
for b in word:
h = (h * self.base + ord(b)) % self.mod
return h
# ————————————————————— Division line ——————————————————————
class Solution:
def minimumDistance(self, points: List[List[int]]) -> int:
n = len(points)
A = [x + y for x, y in points]
B = [x - y for x, y in points]
A_min_st = Std.SparseTable(A, Math.min)
A_max_st = Std.SparseTable(A, Math.max)
B_min_st = Std.SparseTable(B, Math.min)
B_max_st = Std.SparseTable(B, Math.max)
def get_max_distance_without_index(index):
if index == 0:
min_A = A_min_st.query(index + 1, n - 1)
max_A = A_max_st.query(index + 1, n - 1)
min_B = B_min_st.query(index + 1, n - 1)
max_B = B_max_st.query(index + 1, n - 1)
elif index == n - 1:
min_A = A_min_st.query(0, index - 1)
max_A = A_max_st.query(0, index - 1)
min_B = B_min_st.query(0, index - 1)
max_B = B_max_st.query(0, index - 1)
min_A = Math.min(A_min_st.query(0, index - 1), A_min_st.query(index + 1, n - 1))
max_A = Math.max(A_max_st.query(0, index - 1), A_max_st.query(index + 1, n - 1))
min_B = Math.min(B_min_st.query(0, index - 1), B_min_st.query(index + 1, n - 1))
max_B = Math.max(B_max_st.query(0, index - 1), B_max_st.query(index + 1, n - 1))
return Math.max(max_A - min_A, max_B - min_B)
result = INF
for i in range(len(points)):
result = Math.min(result, get_max_distance_without_index(i))
return result