CEdit数字验证事件C ++ MFC

时间:2022-05-30 19:12:44

I have a CEdit text box which is a part of a property pane and only allows numeric values (positive integers). The box works fine when people enter non-numeric values, but when they delete the value in the box a dialog pops up saying: "Please enter a positive integer."


Here is the situation:
1. I have a number (say 20) in the box.
2. I delete the number.
3. I get the error dialog.
Could anybody tell me how I can intercept this event and put a default value in there?

情况如下:1。我在框中有一个数字(比如20)。我删除了号码。 3.我收到了错误对话框。有人能告诉我如何拦截这个事件并在那里放一个默认值吗?

Here is what my property pane looks like:


const int DEFAULT_VALUE = 20;

class MyPropertyPane:public CPropertyPane
    CEdit m_NumericBox;
    int   m_value;

    afx_msg void OnEnChangeNumericBox();

void MyPropertyPane::MyPropertyPane()
   // Set a default value
   m_value = DEFAULT_VALUE;

void MyPropertyPane::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
    DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_NUMERIC_BOX, m_NumericBox);

    // this sets the displayed value to 20
    DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_NUMERIC_BOX, m_value);

void MyPropertyPane::OnEnChangeNumericBox()
    // Somebody deleted the value in the box and I got an event
    // saying that the value is changed.

    // I try to get the value from the box by updating my data

    // m_value is still 20 although the value is 
    // deleted inside the text box.

3 个解决方案


The message you are receiving is coming from the data validation routines, not the data exchange routines. There is probably a call like this in DoDataExchange():


void MyPropertyPane::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
    DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_NUMERIC_BOX, m_NumericBox);
    DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_NUMERIC_BOX, m_value);
    DDV_MinMaxInt(pDX, m_value, 1, 20); // if the value in m_value is outside the range 1-20, MFC will pop up an error dialog

You can fix this problem by removing the built-in MFC data validation and adding your own:


void MyPropertyPane::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
    DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_NUMERIC_BOX, m_NumericBox);
    DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_NUMERIC_BOX, m_value);

    if( m_value < 1 || m_value > 20 )
        m_value = DefaultValue;


John Dibling's hint led me to this solution:

John Dibling的提示引导我找到这个解决方案:

void MyPropertyPane::OnEnChangeNumericBox()
    CString value;
    if( value.IsEmpty() )
        m_value = DEFAULT_VALUE;

The ONLY validation that I really had to do is to check that the box contains a value, since the actual numeric validation is already handled by the box. The user can't enter a non-numeric value, but they can delete the existing one so that was a situation which was hard to handle in the data exchange function and I had to "hack" the OnChange event.



This one worked for me


void CtimersDlg::OnEnChangeInterval()
   CString value; //or use char *
   CWnd *pWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_INTERVAL);//IDC_EDITBOX


   int i = _wtoi(value); //if char * use _atol()
   if((!value.IsEmpty())&& (i))  //To check i = 0 or 00 entered or not


The message you are receiving is coming from the data validation routines, not the data exchange routines. There is probably a call like this in DoDataExchange():


void MyPropertyPane::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
    DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_NUMERIC_BOX, m_NumericBox);
    DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_NUMERIC_BOX, m_value);
    DDV_MinMaxInt(pDX, m_value, 1, 20); // if the value in m_value is outside the range 1-20, MFC will pop up an error dialog

You can fix this problem by removing the built-in MFC data validation and adding your own:


void MyPropertyPane::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
    DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_NUMERIC_BOX, m_NumericBox);
    DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_NUMERIC_BOX, m_value);

    if( m_value < 1 || m_value > 20 )
        m_value = DefaultValue;


John Dibling's hint led me to this solution:

John Dibling的提示引导我找到这个解决方案:

void MyPropertyPane::OnEnChangeNumericBox()
    CString value;
    if( value.IsEmpty() )
        m_value = DEFAULT_VALUE;

The ONLY validation that I really had to do is to check that the box contains a value, since the actual numeric validation is already handled by the box. The user can't enter a non-numeric value, but they can delete the existing one so that was a situation which was hard to handle in the data exchange function and I had to "hack" the OnChange event.



This one worked for me


void CtimersDlg::OnEnChangeInterval()
   CString value; //or use char *
   CWnd *pWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_INTERVAL);//IDC_EDITBOX


   int i = _wtoi(value); //if char * use _atol()
   if((!value.IsEmpty())&& (i))  //To check i = 0 or 00 entered or not