mfc CEdit什么时候应该进行验证?

时间:2022-12-31 00:06:55

So based on the title, when should I do validation on a CEdit (textbox)?


Background: I was transferred in a new dev group on our company, and their practice is pressing enter, that's when they do their validations on a CEdit (mfc dialog). Whereas I, came from .net, specifically from WinForms, where there are the Validated and Validating events, which every dev will see and realize that this is the correct event where you should do validation.


My question in detail is:


Should I follow their practice (pressing enter)? Or what I have in mind is using EN_KILLFOCUS (which is close/related to the above events mentioned)? Or both are incorrect and is there an event much more suited for validation?


I need your suggestions since if my co-devs are the ones to be asked, they'll all immediately say that I should handle validation upon pressing enter. Thank you!


3 个解决方案



Even in my company we have two parties.


1st party strictly says information is only validated when Enter is pressed, so in the moment when ALL information is available. Advantage if you have a bunch of information that influences each other this method is easy. The MFC DoDataExchange approach is their favorite.

第一方严格说信息仅在按下Enter时验证,因此在所有信息可用时。如果你有一堆相互影响的信息很容易,那么这种方法很有优势。 MFC DoDataExchange方法是他们的最爱。

2nd party says: information must be validated as early as possible. I think this approach is ok when each value is nearly independent. In this case you check all data upon EN_CHANGE or EN_KILLFOCUS and disable the OK button until all data is valid.


Negative to the second method is that you have to give more information to the user in the moment when data is entered, to guide him to correct the data. The first method may explain the problem in one error message.


I use both methods in my programs. And in most cases we use the 1st method, because we found out, that a comprehensive error message with detailed information is easier to maintain and to understand by users, as when they see a dialog an can't get to an enabled OK button...

我在我的程序中使用这两种方法。在大多数情况下,我们使用第一种方法,因为我们发现,具有详细信息的全面错误消息更易于维护和用户理解,因为当他们看到对话框时无法获得启用的OK按钮。 ..

BTW: I hate dialogs where I can enter negative numbers, where only positive numbers are allowed. Always use the correct and best input fields you can get to allow the best guidance. So the MFC method saying "Out of range" after pressing enter is not a good solution. If you have a minimum and a maximum you can even correct the value directly after the user gave the input.


But this answer and the question tends to be opinion based.




Whatever you decide to do, you should try to minimize any disruption of the work flow for your users. And, at the same time, you need to be consistent with what the user has come to expect for validation behavior. Don’t let your bias impact the dialog behavior in a way that causes the user confusion, or, extra time working with the dialog. The most important thing to keep in mind is to be consistent with whatever approach you take.




1) MFC provides validation facility for many of the data types. It depends on the type of the data you want to enter in that control. Is this possible use this facility?


In my opinion, EN_KILLFOCUS is a better option because how will validate if the user doesn't press enter and presses tab to move on to the next control? You can still discuss this with your peers and conclude which is a better place to handle the validation.




Even in my company we have two parties.


1st party strictly says information is only validated when Enter is pressed, so in the moment when ALL information is available. Advantage if you have a bunch of information that influences each other this method is easy. The MFC DoDataExchange approach is their favorite.

第一方严格说信息仅在按下Enter时验证,因此在所有信息可用时。如果你有一堆相互影响的信息很容易,那么这种方法很有优势。 MFC DoDataExchange方法是他们的最爱。

2nd party says: information must be validated as early as possible. I think this approach is ok when each value is nearly independent. In this case you check all data upon EN_CHANGE or EN_KILLFOCUS and disable the OK button until all data is valid.


Negative to the second method is that you have to give more information to the user in the moment when data is entered, to guide him to correct the data. The first method may explain the problem in one error message.


I use both methods in my programs. And in most cases we use the 1st method, because we found out, that a comprehensive error message with detailed information is easier to maintain and to understand by users, as when they see a dialog an can't get to an enabled OK button...

我在我的程序中使用这两种方法。在大多数情况下,我们使用第一种方法,因为我们发现,具有详细信息的全面错误消息更易于维护和用户理解,因为当他们看到对话框时无法获得启用的OK按钮。 ..

BTW: I hate dialogs where I can enter negative numbers, where only positive numbers are allowed. Always use the correct and best input fields you can get to allow the best guidance. So the MFC method saying "Out of range" after pressing enter is not a good solution. If you have a minimum and a maximum you can even correct the value directly after the user gave the input.


But this answer and the question tends to be opinion based.




Whatever you decide to do, you should try to minimize any disruption of the work flow for your users. And, at the same time, you need to be consistent with what the user has come to expect for validation behavior. Don’t let your bias impact the dialog behavior in a way that causes the user confusion, or, extra time working with the dialog. The most important thing to keep in mind is to be consistent with whatever approach you take.




1) MFC provides validation facility for many of the data types. It depends on the type of the data you want to enter in that control. Is this possible use this facility?


In my opinion, EN_KILLFOCUS is a better option because how will validate if the user doesn't press enter and presses tab to move on to the next control? You can still discuss this with your peers and conclude which is a better place to handle the validation.
