
时间:2023-02-08 15:41:48

I came across this by mistake one day while programming a game:


var foo = function() { alert("Hello, World!"); }

foo[0] = "Zero";
foo[1] = "One";
foo[2] = "Two";
foo[3] = "Three";

foo(); // Alerts "Hello, World!"
alert(foo[2]); // Alerts "Two"

Why does JavaScript let you do this? Is this a glitch?


8 个解决方案



There are no arrays here. For example, Array.isArray(foo) is false.


Instead, you are giving foo four properties, named "0", "1", "2", and "3" [1], with different values. This is completely valid, because functions are objects; you can always attach properties, with whatever name you like, to objects.


You could also do:


foo.otherProp = "hi!";


[1]: Note that property names are always converted to strings before setting them; doing foo[{ toString: function () { return "baz"; }] = 5 will be the same as foo["baz"] = 5 or foo.baz = 5. Similarly, doing foo[0] = "whatever" is the same as doing foo["0"] = "whatever".

[1]:请注意,属性名称在设置之前始终会转换为字符串;做foo [{toString:function(){return“baz”; }] = 5将与foo [“baz”] = 5或foo.baz = 5相同。同样,执行foo [0] =“whatever”与执行foo相同[“0”] =“无论什么” 。



Why does JavaScript let you store an array and a function in one variable?


It doesn't. It lets you store a reference to a function in a variable. Functions are first-class objects in JavaScript, and so they can have properties, including ones with names like "0", "1", etc.


You're seeing a couple of things at play here:


  1. What I said above, functions are objects, and so you can add properties to them.


  2. You can add properties ad-hoc, there's no need to predefine them as in some other languages.


  3. In JavaScript, you can refer to a property using dot notation and a literal (foo.bar), or using bracketed notation and a string (foo["bar"]).

    在JavaScript中,您可以使用点表示法和文字(foo.bar)或使用括号表示法和字符串(foo [“bar”])来引用属性。

  4. When you use bracketed notation, the thing within the brackets is cast to a string if it isn't already one, so [0] is actually ["0"].


And yes, that last is true even when you're dealing with arrays, because standard arrays in JavaScript aren't really arrays. (There are recent additions, Int32Array and such, which are true arrays, but Array is not.)

是的,即使在处理数组时也是如此,因为JavaScript中的标准数组并不是真正的数组。 (最近有新增内容,Int32Array等,它们都是真正的数组,但Array不是。)



The answer is quite simple, and can be expressed as a syllogism (for my amusement).


All objects can have developer-defined properties1.
All functions are objects.
Therefore, all functions can have developer-defined properties.


1 Technically not all objects. "Hardened" objects cannot be mutated by untrusted code, and objects provided by the application embedding the JavaScript runtime can customize their behavior to prevent this. These are edge cases, though. Un-hardened objects created from within the JavaScript runtime should all exhibit this functionality, and most of the time these are the objects one is trying to mutate.

1技术上并非所有对象。 “硬化”对象不能被不受信任的代码变异,嵌入JavaScript运行时的应用程序提供的对象可以自定义其行为以防止这种情况发生。不过,这些都是边缘情况。从JavaScript运行时创建的未强化对象都应该具有此功能,并且大多数时候这些是试图变异的对象。



foo[0] in this case assigns the value to a property named "0". A function is an object and can have properties added to it.

在这种情况下,foo [0]将值赋给名为“0”的属性。函数是一个对象,可以添加属性。

In the same way, these two are equivilant:





Almost everything (including functions) in Javascript is an object, so you can give it extra properties like 0 and 1.




First of all, your question has nothing to do with your title.


The answer to the question asked in your title, "Why does JavaScript let you store an array and a function in one variable?", JavaScript is a dynamically typed language, and that means you can put whatever you like in a variable, and the interpreter won't complain.


In the body of your question, you wonder why you are allowed to set attributes of a function, as if it were an object or an array.


Well, you just can. That's the definition of the language. It's enormously useful to be able to add metainformation about a function.


But yes, JavaScript is covered with sharp edges and pointy bits, so you have to be careful.




In JavaScript, functions are first class objects.


function foo() {}
var isObject = foo instanceof Object;
// isObject is true

That's the deal with assigning functions to a variable, passing them as arguments, returning them from functions etc.


Reference on MDN




What no one's mentioned so far is that this feature allows you to associate information with a function that might be useful to the function, but without polluting the global space with a lot of public data that might create collisions and so on.


This is of course a feature of OOP/prototyping in general, but it has the added benefit of letting you call a function directly, and not as a property of a more general object.

这当然是OOP /原型设计的一个特性,但它有一个额外的好处,就是让你直接调用一个函数,而不是一个更通用的对象的属性。



There are no arrays here. For example, Array.isArray(foo) is false.


Instead, you are giving foo four properties, named "0", "1", "2", and "3" [1], with different values. This is completely valid, because functions are objects; you can always attach properties, with whatever name you like, to objects.


You could also do:


foo.otherProp = "hi!";


[1]: Note that property names are always converted to strings before setting them; doing foo[{ toString: function () { return "baz"; }] = 5 will be the same as foo["baz"] = 5 or foo.baz = 5. Similarly, doing foo[0] = "whatever" is the same as doing foo["0"] = "whatever".

[1]:请注意,属性名称在设置之前始终会转换为字符串;做foo [{toString:function(){return“baz”; }] = 5将与foo [“baz”] = 5或foo.baz = 5相同。同样,执行foo [0] =“whatever”与执行foo相同[“0”] =“无论什么” 。



Why does JavaScript let you store an array and a function in one variable?


It doesn't. It lets you store a reference to a function in a variable. Functions are first-class objects in JavaScript, and so they can have properties, including ones with names like "0", "1", etc.


You're seeing a couple of things at play here:


  1. What I said above, functions are objects, and so you can add properties to them.


  2. You can add properties ad-hoc, there's no need to predefine them as in some other languages.


  3. In JavaScript, you can refer to a property using dot notation and a literal (foo.bar), or using bracketed notation and a string (foo["bar"]).

    在JavaScript中,您可以使用点表示法和文字(foo.bar)或使用括号表示法和字符串(foo [“bar”])来引用属性。

  4. When you use bracketed notation, the thing within the brackets is cast to a string if it isn't already one, so [0] is actually ["0"].


And yes, that last is true even when you're dealing with arrays, because standard arrays in JavaScript aren't really arrays. (There are recent additions, Int32Array and such, which are true arrays, but Array is not.)

是的,即使在处理数组时也是如此,因为JavaScript中的标准数组并不是真正的数组。 (最近有新增内容,Int32Array等,它们都是真正的数组,但Array不是。)



The answer is quite simple, and can be expressed as a syllogism (for my amusement).


All objects can have developer-defined properties1.
All functions are objects.
Therefore, all functions can have developer-defined properties.


1 Technically not all objects. "Hardened" objects cannot be mutated by untrusted code, and objects provided by the application embedding the JavaScript runtime can customize their behavior to prevent this. These are edge cases, though. Un-hardened objects created from within the JavaScript runtime should all exhibit this functionality, and most of the time these are the objects one is trying to mutate.

1技术上并非所有对象。 “硬化”对象不能被不受信任的代码变异,嵌入JavaScript运行时的应用程序提供的对象可以自定义其行为以防止这种情况发生。不过,这些都是边缘情况。从JavaScript运行时创建的未强化对象都应该具有此功能,并且大多数时候这些是试图变异的对象。



foo[0] in this case assigns the value to a property named "0". A function is an object and can have properties added to it.

在这种情况下,foo [0]将值赋给名为“0”的属性。函数是一个对象,可以添加属性。

In the same way, these two are equivilant:





Almost everything (including functions) in Javascript is an object, so you can give it extra properties like 0 and 1.




First of all, your question has nothing to do with your title.


The answer to the question asked in your title, "Why does JavaScript let you store an array and a function in one variable?", JavaScript is a dynamically typed language, and that means you can put whatever you like in a variable, and the interpreter won't complain.


In the body of your question, you wonder why you are allowed to set attributes of a function, as if it were an object or an array.


Well, you just can. That's the definition of the language. It's enormously useful to be able to add metainformation about a function.


But yes, JavaScript is covered with sharp edges and pointy bits, so you have to be careful.




In JavaScript, functions are first class objects.


function foo() {}
var isObject = foo instanceof Object;
// isObject is true

That's the deal with assigning functions to a variable, passing them as arguments, returning them from functions etc.


Reference on MDN




What no one's mentioned so far is that this feature allows you to associate information with a function that might be useful to the function, but without polluting the global space with a lot of public data that might create collisions and so on.


This is of course a feature of OOP/prototyping in general, but it has the added benefit of letting you call a function directly, and not as a property of a more general object.

这当然是OOP /原型设计的一个特性,但它有一个额外的好处,就是让你直接调用一个函数,而不是一个更通用的对象的属性。