I'd like to get your opinion on How to get started with Perl 6? Shall one use Rakudo which is being build on Parrot or still better go with the Pugs implementation?
我想了解如何开始使用Perl 6?是否可以使用正在Parrot上构建的Rakudo,或者更好地使用Pugs实现?
If Rakudo, what is the best way to install it? The monthly releases of Parrot, right from the SVN of Parrot, other?
如果Rakudo,安装它的最佳方法是什么? Parrot的每月发行版,来自鹦鹉的SVN,其他?
6 个解决方案
Notice the date on my answer. I'll leave it here, but it's not how the world is anymore. See raiph's answer.
I'd recommend using the latest monthly release of parrot from either the Parrot site or the parrot release on CPAN. I've found that sometimes the latest stuff in trunk/ doesn't work for whatever reason. That's just to get started.
Once you're started and brave enough, the bleeding edge stuff might be more appropriate. The Parrot download page has the repository details.
一旦你开始并勇敢,最前沿的东西可能更合适。 Parrot下载页面包含存储库详细信息。
Note, however, that you shouldn't install parrot. Unless they've fixed this since last I looked, having parrot installed messes up the build process. Make it in it's source directory, but don't use the install target. You can still build languages/perl6 and create the perl6 target and install that where you like.
但请注意,您不应该安装鹦鹉。除非他们从上次看起来已经解决了这个问题,否则安装鹦鹉会破坏构建过程。在它的源目录中创建它,但不要使用安装目标。您仍然可以构建languages / perl6并创建perl6目标并安装在您喜欢的位置。
I gave up on Pugs because installing the latest GHC was always such a pain. I haven't looked at it for awhile though, but every new Pugs release seems to require a GHC upgrade. Maybe that's more sane now.
After my first visit to the #perl6 at irc.freenode.org, I got the following answers to the same question:
- Perl 5 to Perl 6
- Perl 5到Perl 6
- Advent calendar
- 出现日历
- Synopses
- 提要
- RFCs
- RFC文档
- Rakudo book
- Rakudo书
I would recommend to use monthly Rakudo Star releases: http://rakudo.org/downloads/star Rakudo Star includes Rakudo Perl 6, MoarVM, panda and some Perl 6 modules. The February 2015 release will be the last one to include the parrot VM.
我建议每月使用Rakudo Star版本:http://rakudo.org/downloads/star Rakudo Star包括Rakudo Perl 6,MoarVM,panda和一些Perl 6模块。 2015年2月的发布将是包含鹦鹉VM的最后一个版本。
Join the freenode IRC channel #perl6 to use online evalbots and/or get help of any sort. All are welcome.
加入freenode IRC频道#perl6以使用在线评估人和/或获得任何类型的帮助。欢迎所有人。
If you'd like to use Perl 6 inside Perl 5 -- load Perl 6 modules, use Perl 6 objects, write Perl 6 code -- consider trying the new Inline::Perl6 (a Perl 5 module on CPAN that wraps and embeds the Rakudo-on-MoarVM Perl 6 compiler).
如果您想在Perl 5中使用Perl 6 - 加载Perl 6模块,使用Perl 6对象,编写Perl 6代码 - 考虑尝试新的Inline :: Perl6(CPAN上的Perl 5模块包装并嵌入Rakudo-on-MoarVM Perl 6编译器)。
If you'd like to install a recent, tested, stable compiler/doc/module bundle release, try a Rakudo Star distro.
如果您想安装最新的,经过测试的,稳定的编译器/ doc / module捆绑版本,请尝试使用Rakudo Star发行版。
For code, see examples, RosettaCode, learnXinYminutes, and Perl 6 Advent Calendars.
有关代码,请参阅示例,RosettaCode,learnXinYminutes和Perl 6 Advent Calendars。
Rakudo, SVN.
I'm pretty sure you know this already.
Installing Rakudo is the best way to get started programming in Perl 6. Rakudo is a Perl 6 compiler and implementation.
安装Rakudo是在Perl 6中开始编程的最佳方式.Rakudo是一个Perl 6编译器和实现。
I personally recommend installing Rakudo using the rakudobrew installation manager as it simplifies the installation process. Follow the instructions here https://github.com/tadzik/rakudobrew. In addition to installing Rakudo and MoarVM it will also install Panda which is a Perl 6 module installer.
我个人建议使用rakudobrew安装管理器安装Rakudo,因为它简化了安装过程。按照https://github.com/tadzik/rakudobrew中的说明操作。除了安装Rakudo和MoarVM之外,它还将安装Panda,这是一个Perl 6模块安装程序。
All the information you want to know about Perl 6 can be found here at http://perl6.org/.
有关Perl 6的所有信息,请访问http://perl6.org/。
Notice the date on my answer. I'll leave it here, but it's not how the world is anymore. See raiph's answer.
I'd recommend using the latest monthly release of parrot from either the Parrot site or the parrot release on CPAN. I've found that sometimes the latest stuff in trunk/ doesn't work for whatever reason. That's just to get started.
Once you're started and brave enough, the bleeding edge stuff might be more appropriate. The Parrot download page has the repository details.
一旦你开始并勇敢,最前沿的东西可能更合适。 Parrot下载页面包含存储库详细信息。
Note, however, that you shouldn't install parrot. Unless they've fixed this since last I looked, having parrot installed messes up the build process. Make it in it's source directory, but don't use the install target. You can still build languages/perl6 and create the perl6 target and install that where you like.
但请注意,您不应该安装鹦鹉。除非他们从上次看起来已经解决了这个问题,否则安装鹦鹉会破坏构建过程。在它的源目录中创建它,但不要使用安装目标。您仍然可以构建languages / perl6并创建perl6目标并安装在您喜欢的位置。
I gave up on Pugs because installing the latest GHC was always such a pain. I haven't looked at it for awhile though, but every new Pugs release seems to require a GHC upgrade. Maybe that's more sane now.
After my first visit to the #perl6 at irc.freenode.org, I got the following answers to the same question:
- Perl 5 to Perl 6
- Perl 5到Perl 6
- Advent calendar
- 出现日历
- Synopses
- 提要
- RFCs
- RFC文档
- Rakudo book
- Rakudo书
I would recommend to use monthly Rakudo Star releases: http://rakudo.org/downloads/star Rakudo Star includes Rakudo Perl 6, MoarVM, panda and some Perl 6 modules. The February 2015 release will be the last one to include the parrot VM.
我建议每月使用Rakudo Star版本:http://rakudo.org/downloads/star Rakudo Star包括Rakudo Perl 6,MoarVM,panda和一些Perl 6模块。 2015年2月的发布将是包含鹦鹉VM的最后一个版本。
Join the freenode IRC channel #perl6 to use online evalbots and/or get help of any sort. All are welcome.
加入freenode IRC频道#perl6以使用在线评估人和/或获得任何类型的帮助。欢迎所有人。
If you'd like to use Perl 6 inside Perl 5 -- load Perl 6 modules, use Perl 6 objects, write Perl 6 code -- consider trying the new Inline::Perl6 (a Perl 5 module on CPAN that wraps and embeds the Rakudo-on-MoarVM Perl 6 compiler).
如果您想在Perl 5中使用Perl 6 - 加载Perl 6模块,使用Perl 6对象,编写Perl 6代码 - 考虑尝试新的Inline :: Perl6(CPAN上的Perl 5模块包装并嵌入Rakudo-on-MoarVM Perl 6编译器)。
If you'd like to install a recent, tested, stable compiler/doc/module bundle release, try a Rakudo Star distro.
如果您想安装最新的,经过测试的,稳定的编译器/ doc / module捆绑版本,请尝试使用Rakudo Star发行版。
For code, see examples, RosettaCode, learnXinYminutes, and Perl 6 Advent Calendars.
有关代码,请参阅示例,RosettaCode,learnXinYminutes和Perl 6 Advent Calendars。
Rakudo, SVN.
I'm pretty sure you know this already.
Installing Rakudo is the best way to get started programming in Perl 6. Rakudo is a Perl 6 compiler and implementation.
安装Rakudo是在Perl 6中开始编程的最佳方式.Rakudo是一个Perl 6编译器和实现。
I personally recommend installing Rakudo using the rakudobrew installation manager as it simplifies the installation process. Follow the instructions here https://github.com/tadzik/rakudobrew. In addition to installing Rakudo and MoarVM it will also install Panda which is a Perl 6 module installer.
我个人建议使用rakudobrew安装管理器安装Rakudo,因为它简化了安装过程。按照https://github.com/tadzik/rakudobrew中的说明操作。除了安装Rakudo和MoarVM之外,它还将安装Panda,这是一个Perl 6模块安装程序。
All the information you want to know about Perl 6 can be found here at http://perl6.org/.
有关Perl 6的所有信息,请访问http://perl6.org/。