
时间:2022-12-17 15:03:47

I am a beginner on Stack Overflow. I am working on a Unix platform in C/C++. Knowing basic programming in these regards how could I start with multithreading?

我是Stack Overflow的初学者。我正在使用C / C ++开发Unix平台。在这些方面了解基本编程我怎样才能从多线程开始?

Multithreading seems to be very interesting and I want to grow my knowledge in this regard.


How could I get started with multithreading and what are the best techniques/books/ebooks/articles available to grab the concepts as early as possible?


11 个解决方案



Study regarding pthread, mutexes and try to implement same that will be beneficial for you.





Learning multi threading programming has two parts:


  1. How to write multi threading applications
  2. 如何编写多线程应用程序

  3. How to use the available API (pthread)
  4. 如何使用可用的API(pthread)

Learning multi-threaded programming is harder, thre's a good article published in the Linux Journal that will help you understand the basic principles.

学习多线程编程更难,这是Linux Journal上发表的一篇好文章,它将帮助您理解基本原理。

To better understand pThreads I suggest reading this tutorial - POSIX Threads Programming

为了更好地理解pThreads,我建议阅读本教程 - POSIX Threads Programming

There is also a good book by O'rielly called PThreads Programming

O'rielly还有一本名为PThreads Programming的好书



If you're getting started with multithreading, my advice would be to first review and better understand I/O on your system. Understand blocking vs. non-blocking I/O, signaling, asynchronous routines, callbacks et cetera. I/O is probably one, if not the primary, reason for adding multithreading to your programs. With that knowledge you can then pick up a book on pthreads or java threads, or wrap your mind around the Boost threads library or another threading library for your favorite technology.

如果您开始使用多线程,我的建议是首先检查并更好地了解系统上的I / O.了解阻塞与非阻塞I / O,信令,异步例程,回调等等。 I / O可能是将多线程添加到程序中的一个原因(如果不是主要原因)。有了这些知识,您就可以在pthreads或java线程上找到一本书,或者将您的思想包裹在Boost线程库或其他线程库中,以获得您喜欢的技术。



I think that the Wikipedia article Multithreading give you a quick overview and by following the external links you'll get a good overview of the topic. After that - or additionally - you could read Tanenbaum's Operating Systems: Design and Implementation (great book by the way). But the most important thing is - in my opinion - to get your hands on it. So just download a sample application from... let's say The Code Project or whatever website you'll find and play around with it. See how the application differs if you use locks or what happens if two threads try to access the same resource and how often this will occur, etc. By that I think you'll get the hang of it pretty quickly. And it's fun to evaluate and play around with techniques that are new to oneself.

我认为*文章多线程为您提供了快速概述,通过跟踪外部链接,您将对该主题有一个很好的概述。在那之后 - 或者另外 - 你可以阅读Tanenbaum的操作系统:设计和实现(顺便说一句好书)。但最重要的是 - 在我看来 - 要抓住它。所以只需从...下载一个示例应用程序,让我们说代码项目或您将找到的任何网站,并使用它。如果您使用锁定或者如果两个线程试图访问相同的资源以及发生的频率会发生什么,请查看应用程序的不同之处等等。我认为您很快就能掌握它。评估和玩弄自己的新技术很有趣。



I found this tutorial very informative and clearly-written. Hope it is helpful.




Maybe a bit controversial, but multithreading really cklicked for me when I attempted to solve a coding puzzle once.


The puzzle was about writing thread safe code without using mutexes. My first attempts were miserable but when I finally got it, it was like learning to ride a bike - I've never felt unsure about concurrency ever since.

难题是关于编写线程安全代码而不使用互斥锁。我的第一次尝试很悲惨,但是当我终于得到它时,就像学骑自行车一样 - 从那以后我从未对并发感到不确定。

Some times I've even stumbled upon programmers who have read books on the subject, but fails to understand simple things like the fact that a primitive assignment may sometimes not be an atomic operation.




Everything depends on you goals. There is plenty of code and articles with common multi-threading problems solved based on POSIX threads framework (I see number of recommendations of good articles here). The main question is what do you want to build. For some tasks it is not recommended to go multi-threading at all.


Here is book "Foundations of Multithreaded, Parallel, and Distributed Programming" which is related to discussed topic and which I'd like to recommend. The most significant advantage of it is 'relatively easy to read' style but no hard linkage to POSIX threads ideology (which is common problem).




If you want to study the details try reading Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment. or start with Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective.




Something else to try: http://www.threadingbuildingblocks.org




since it's UNIX why not start with processes and IPC comms? i.e. message queues, shared memory and mutexes.




Studying various library frameworks and O/S facilities is a good way to understand low-level concurrency. Examples you find there can get you started writing concurrent code in a short amount of time.

研究各种库框架和O / S工具是理解低级并发的好方法。您在那里找到的示例可以让您在很短的时间内开始编写并发代码。

After you debug your way through a few deadlocks and shared memory corruption issues, you will find that you need some tools for reasoning about and decomposing your concurrency problems. I personally like Herb Sutter's The Pillars of Concurrency article as a starting point. The idea is to better understand why you need concurrency. Are you looking for improved response time, parallel calculation, some combination of reasons?

在通过一些死锁和共享内存损坏问题调试之后,您会发现需要一些工具来推理和分解并发问题。我个人喜欢Herb Sutter的The Pillars of Concurrency文章作为起点。这个想法是为了更好地理解为什么需要并发。您是否在寻找改进的响应时间,并行计算,某些原因组合?

Understanding the "why" will lead you to a better "what". From there you can always spider out to different low-level approaches: Active Objects, monitor objects, message passing, etc. As you said, there is a lot to know in this field.




Study regarding pthread, mutexes and try to implement same that will be beneficial for you.





Learning multi threading programming has two parts:


  1. How to write multi threading applications
  2. 如何编写多线程应用程序

  3. How to use the available API (pthread)
  4. 如何使用可用的API(pthread)

Learning multi-threaded programming is harder, thre's a good article published in the Linux Journal that will help you understand the basic principles.

学习多线程编程更难,这是Linux Journal上发表的一篇好文章,它将帮助您理解基本原理。

To better understand pThreads I suggest reading this tutorial - POSIX Threads Programming

为了更好地理解pThreads,我建议阅读本教程 - POSIX Threads Programming

There is also a good book by O'rielly called PThreads Programming

O'rielly还有一本名为PThreads Programming的好书



If you're getting started with multithreading, my advice would be to first review and better understand I/O on your system. Understand blocking vs. non-blocking I/O, signaling, asynchronous routines, callbacks et cetera. I/O is probably one, if not the primary, reason for adding multithreading to your programs. With that knowledge you can then pick up a book on pthreads or java threads, or wrap your mind around the Boost threads library or another threading library for your favorite technology.

如果您开始使用多线程,我的建议是首先检查并更好地了解系统上的I / O.了解阻塞与非阻塞I / O,信令,异步例程,回调等等。 I / O可能是将多线程添加到程序中的一个原因(如果不是主要原因)。有了这些知识,您就可以在pthreads或java线程上找到一本书,或者将您的思想包裹在Boost线程库或其他线程库中,以获得您喜欢的技术。



I think that the Wikipedia article Multithreading give you a quick overview and by following the external links you'll get a good overview of the topic. After that - or additionally - you could read Tanenbaum's Operating Systems: Design and Implementation (great book by the way). But the most important thing is - in my opinion - to get your hands on it. So just download a sample application from... let's say The Code Project or whatever website you'll find and play around with it. See how the application differs if you use locks or what happens if two threads try to access the same resource and how often this will occur, etc. By that I think you'll get the hang of it pretty quickly. And it's fun to evaluate and play around with techniques that are new to oneself.

我认为*文章多线程为您提供了快速概述,通过跟踪外部链接,您将对该主题有一个很好的概述。在那之后 - 或者另外 - 你可以阅读Tanenbaum的操作系统:设计和实现(顺便说一句好书)。但最重要的是 - 在我看来 - 要抓住它。所以只需从...下载一个示例应用程序,让我们说代码项目或您将找到的任何网站,并使用它。如果您使用锁定或者如果两个线程试图访问相同的资源以及发生的频率会发生什么,请查看应用程序的不同之处等等。我认为您很快就能掌握它。评估和玩弄自己的新技术很有趣。



I found this tutorial very informative and clearly-written. Hope it is helpful.




Maybe a bit controversial, but multithreading really cklicked for me when I attempted to solve a coding puzzle once.


The puzzle was about writing thread safe code without using mutexes. My first attempts were miserable but when I finally got it, it was like learning to ride a bike - I've never felt unsure about concurrency ever since.

难题是关于编写线程安全代码而不使用互斥锁。我的第一次尝试很悲惨,但是当我终于得到它时,就像学骑自行车一样 - 从那以后我从未对并发感到不确定。

Some times I've even stumbled upon programmers who have read books on the subject, but fails to understand simple things like the fact that a primitive assignment may sometimes not be an atomic operation.




Everything depends on you goals. There is plenty of code and articles with common multi-threading problems solved based on POSIX threads framework (I see number of recommendations of good articles here). The main question is what do you want to build. For some tasks it is not recommended to go multi-threading at all.


Here is book "Foundations of Multithreaded, Parallel, and Distributed Programming" which is related to discussed topic and which I'd like to recommend. The most significant advantage of it is 'relatively easy to read' style but no hard linkage to POSIX threads ideology (which is common problem).




If you want to study the details try reading Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment. or start with Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective.




Something else to try: http://www.threadingbuildingblocks.org




since it's UNIX why not start with processes and IPC comms? i.e. message queues, shared memory and mutexes.




Studying various library frameworks and O/S facilities is a good way to understand low-level concurrency. Examples you find there can get you started writing concurrent code in a short amount of time.

研究各种库框架和O / S工具是理解低级并发的好方法。您在那里找到的示例可以让您在很短的时间内开始编写并发代码。

After you debug your way through a few deadlocks and shared memory corruption issues, you will find that you need some tools for reasoning about and decomposing your concurrency problems. I personally like Herb Sutter's The Pillars of Concurrency article as a starting point. The idea is to better understand why you need concurrency. Are you looking for improved response time, parallel calculation, some combination of reasons?

在通过一些死锁和共享内存损坏问题调试之后,您会发现需要一些工具来推理和分解并发问题。我个人喜欢Herb Sutter的The Pillars of Concurrency文章作为起点。这个想法是为了更好地理解为什么需要并发。您是否在寻找改进的响应时间,并行计算,某些原因组合?

Understanding the "why" will lead you to a better "what". From there you can always spider out to different low-level approaches: Active Objects, monitor objects, message passing, etc. As you said, there is a lot to know in this field.
