
时间:2022-12-29 21:15:25

My co-workers complain that my Perl looks too much like C, which is natural since I program in C most of the time, and Perl just a bit. Here's my latest effort. I'm interest in Perl that is easy to understand. I'm a bit of a Perl critic, and have little tolerance for cryptic Perl. But with readability in mind, how could the following code be more Perlish?


It's goal is to do a traffic analysis and find which IP addresses are within the ranges given in the file "ips". Here's my effort:


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Process the files named in the arguments, which will contain lists of IP addresses, and see if 
# any of them are in the ranges spelled out in the local file "ip", which has contents of the
# form start-dotted-quad-ip-address,end-dotted-quad-ip_address,stuff_to_be_ignored
use English;

open(IPS,"ips") or die "Can't open 'ips' $OS_ERROR";

# Increment a dotted-quad ip address
# Ignore the fact that part1 could get erroneously large.
sub increment {
    $ip = shift;

    my ($part_1, $part_2, $part_3, $part_4) = split (/\./, $ip);
    if ( $part_4 > 255 ) {
        $part_4 = 0;
        if ( $part_3 > 255 ) {
            $part_3 = 0;
            if ( $part_2 > 255 ) {
                $part_2 = 0;
    return ("$part_1.$part_2.$part_3.$part_4");

# Compare two dotted-quad ip addresses.
sub is_less_than {
    $left = shift;
    $right = shift;

    my ($left_part_1, $left_part_2, $left_part_3, $left_part_4)     = split (/\./, $left);
    my ($right_part_1, $right_part_2, $right_part_3, $right_part_4) = split (/\./, $right);

    if  ($left_part_1 != $right_part_1 ) { 
        return ($left_part_1 < $right_part_1);
    if  ($left_part_2 != $right_part_2 ) { 
        return ($left_part_2 < $right_part_2);
    if  ($left_part_3 != $right_part_3 ) { 
        return ($left_part_3 < $right_part_3);
    if  ($left_part_4 != $right_part_4 ) {
        return ($left_part_4 < $right_part_4);
    return (false);  # They're equal

my %addresses;
# Parse all the ip addresses and record them in a hash.   
while (<IPS>) {
    my ($ip, $end_ip, $junk) = split /,/;
    while (is_less_than($ip, $end_ip) ) {
        $ip = increment($ip);

# print IP addresses in any of the found ranges

foreach (@ARGV) {
    open(TRAFFIC, $_) or die "Can't open $_ $OS_ERROR";
    while (<TRAFFIC> ) {
        if (defined $addresses{$_}) {
            print "$_\n";
    close (TRAFFIC);


15 个解决方案



Sometimes the most Perlish thing to do is to turn to CPAN instead of writing any code at all.


Here is a quick and dirty example using Net::CIDR::Lite and Net::IP::Match::Regexp:



use strict;
use warnings;

use English;
use IO::File;
use Net::CIDR::Lite;
use Net::IP::Match::Regexp qw(create_iprange_regexp match_ip);

my $cidr = Net::CIDR::Lite->new();

my $ips_fh = IO::File->new();

$ips_fh->open("ips") or die "Can't open 'ips': $OS_ERROR";

while (my $line = <$ips_fh>) {

    chomp $line;

    my ($start, $end) = split /,/, $line;

    my $range = join('-', $start, $end);




my $regexp = create_iprange_regexp($cidr->list());

foreach my $traffic_fn (@ARGV) {

    my $traffic_fh = IO::File->new();

    $traffic_fh->open($traffic_fn) or die "Can't open '$traffic_fh': $OS_ERROR";

    while (my $ip_address = <$traffic_fh>) {

        chomp $ip_address;

        if (match_ip($ip_address, $regexp)) {
            print $ip_address, "\n";




DISCLAIMER: I just banged that out, it's had minimal testing and no benchmarking. Sanity checks, error handling and comments omitted to keep the line count down. I didn't scrimp on the whitespace, though.


As for your code: There is no need to define your functions before you use them.




From years of seeing Perl code written by C programmers, here's some generic advice:


Use hashes. Use lists. USE HASHES! USE LISTS! Use list operations (map, grep, split, join), especially for small loops. Don't use fancy list algorithms; pop, splice, push, shift and unshift are cheaper. Don't use trees; hashes are cheaper. Hashes are cheap, make them, use them and throw them out! Use the iterator for loop, not the 3-arg one. Don't call things $var1, $var2, $var3; use a list instead. Don't call things $var_foo, $var_bar, $var_baz; use a hash instead. Use $foo ||= "default". Don't use $_ if you have to type it.

使用散列。使用列表。使用散列!使用列表!使用列表操作(map、grep、split、join),特别是对于小循环。不要使用花哨的列表算法;pop、splice、push、shift和unshift更便宜。不要使用树木;散列值是便宜。散列很便宜,做它们,用它们,然后扔出去!使用迭代器进行循环,而不是3-arg循环。不要称事物为$var1, $var2, $var3;使用列表。不要调用$var_foo, $var_bar, $var_baz;使用一个散列。使用$ foo | | =“默认”。如果必须输入$_,不要使用$_。

Don't use prototypes, IT'S A TRAP!!


Use regexes, not substr() or index(). Love regexes. Use the /x modifier to make them readable.


Write statement if $foo when you want a block-less conditional. There's almost always a better way to write a nested condition: try recursion, try a loop, try a hash.

当你想要一个无块的条件时,写if $foo。几乎总是有更好的方法来编写嵌套条件:尝试递归、尝试循环、尝试散列。

Declare variables when you need them, not at the top of the subroutine. use strict. use warnings, and fix them all. use diagnostics. Write tests. Write POD.


Use CPAN. Use CPAN! USE CPAN! Someone's probably already done it, better.

使用CPAN。使用CPAN !使用CPAN !也许有人已经做过了。

Run perlcritic. Run it with --brutal just for kicks. Run perltidy. Think about why you do everything. Change your style.


Use the time not spent fighting the language and debugging memory allocation to improve your code.


Ask questions. Take style commentary on your code graciously. Go to a Perl Mongers meeting. Go onto perlmonks.org. Go to YAPC or a Perl Workshop. Your Perl knowledge will grow by leaps and bounds.

问问题。优雅地评论你的代码。请参加Perl Mongers会议。进入perlmonks.org。去YAPC或Perl研讨会。您的Perl知识将飞速增长。



Most of writing code to be "Perlish" would be taking advantage of the built-in functions in Perl.


For instance, this:


my ($part_1, $part_2, $part_3, $part_4) = split (/\./, $ip);
if ( $part_4 > 255 ) {
    $part_4 = 0;
    if ( $part_3 > 255 ) {
        $part_3 = 0;
        if ( $part_2 > 255 ) {
            $part_2 = 0;

I would rewrite something like:


my @parts = split (/\./, $ip);

foreach my $part(reverse @parts){
  last unless ($part > 255 && !($part = 0));

That does what your code posted above does but is a little cleaner.


Are you sure the code does what you want though? Just to me it looks a little strange that you only move to the previous 'part' of the IP if the one after it is > 255.

你确定这些代码是你想要的吗?对我来说,它看起来有点奇怪,如果你只移动到IP的前一部分,如果它是> 255。



Another example rewrite:


sub is_less_than {
    my $left = shift; # I'm sure you just "forgot" to put the my() here...
    my $right = shift;

    my ($left_part_1, $left_part_2, $left_part_3, $left_part_4)     = split (/\./, $left);
    my ($right_part_1, $right_part_2, $right_part_3, $right_part_4) = split (/\./, $right);

    if  ($left_part_1 != $right_part_1 ) { 
        return ($left_part_1 < $right_part_1);
    if  ($left_part_2 != $right_part_2 ) { 
        return ($left_part_2 < $right_part_2);
    if  ($left_part_3 != $right_part_3 ) { 
        return ($left_part_3 < $right_part_3);
    if  ($left_part_4 != $right_part_4 ) {
        return ($left_part_4 < $right_part_4);
    return (false);  # They're equal

To this:


sub is_less_than {
    my @left = split(/\./, shift);
    my @right = split(/\./, shift);

    # one way to do it...
    for(0 .. 3) {
        if($left[$_] != $right[$_]) {
            return $left[$_] < $right[$_];

    # another way to do it - let's avoid so much indentation...
    for(0 .. 3) {
        return $left[$_] < $right[$_] if $left[$_] != $right[$_];

    # yet another way to do it - classic Perl unreadable one-liner...
    $left[$_] == $right[$_] or return $left[$_] < $right[$_] for 0 .. 3;

    # just a note - that last one uses the short-circuit logic to condense
    # the if() statement to one line, so the for() can be added on the end.
    # Perl doesn't allow things like do_this() if(cond) for(0 .. 3); You
    # can only postfix one conditional. This is a workaround. Always use
    # 'and' or 'or' in these spots, because they have the lowest precedence.

    return 0 == 1; # false is not a keyword, or a boolean value.
    # though honestly, it wouldn't hurt to just return 0 or "" or undef()

Also, here:


my ($ip, $end_ip, $junk) = split /,/;

$junk might need to be @junk to capture all the junk, or you can probably leave it off - if you assign an unknown-sized array to an "array" of two elements, it will silently discard all the extra stuff. So

$ garbage可能需要是@ garbage才能捕获所有的垃圾,或者您可以将它关闭——如果您将一个未知大小的数组分配给一个由两个元素组成的“数组”,它将会默默地丢弃所有额外的东西。所以

my($ip, $end_ip) = split /,/;

And here:


foreach (@ARGV) {
    open(TRAFFIC, $_) or die "Can't open $_ $OS_ERROR";
    while (<TRAFFIC> ) {
        if (defined $addresses{$_}) {
            print "$_\n";
    close (TRAFFIC);

Instead of TRAFFIC, use a variable to store the filehandle. Also, in general, you should use exists() to check if a hash element exists, rather than defined() - it might exist but be set to undef (this shouldn't happen in your program, but it's a nice habit for when your program gets more complicated):


foreach (@ARGV) {
    open(my $traffic, $_) or die "Can't open $_ $OS_ERROR";
    while (<$traffic> ) {
        print "$_\n" if exists $addresses{$_};
    # $traffic goes out of scope, and implicitly closes

Of course, you could also use Perl's wonderful <> operator, which opens each element of @ARGV for reading, and acts as a filehandle that iterates through them:


while(<>) {
    print "$_\n" if exists $addresses{$_};

As has been noted before, try to avoid useing English unless you use English qw( -no_match_vars ); to avoid the significant performance penalty of those evil match_vars in there. And as hasn't been noted yet, but should be...


ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS always use strict; and use warnings; or else Larry Wall will descend from heaven and break your code. I see you have -w - this is enough, because even off of Unix, Perl parses the shebang line, and will find your -w and will use warnings; like it should. However, you need to use strict;. This will catch a lot of serious errors in your code, like not declaring variables with my or using false as a language keyword.

总是使用严格;和使用的警告;否则拉里·沃尔会从天堂降临并破坏你的代码。我看到你有-w -这就足够了,因为即使是在Unix下,Perl也会解析shebang行,并且会找到你的-w,并且会使用警告;应该喜欢它。但是,您需要使用严格;这将捕获代码中的许多严重错误,比如不使用my或使用false作为语言关键字。

Making your code work under strict as well as warnings will result in MUCH cleaner code that never breaks for reasons you can't figure out. You'll spend hours at the debugger debugging and you'll probably end up using strict and warnings anyway just to figure out what the errors are. Only remove them if (and only if) your code is finished and you're releasing it and it never generates any errors.




While doing this certainly is one way to do it in Perl.


use strict;
use warnings;

my $new_ip;
  my @parts = split ('\.', $ip);

  foreach my $part(reverse @parts){

    if( $part > 255 ){
      $part = 0;
  $new_ip = join '.', reverse @parts;

This is how I would actually implement it.


use NetAddr::IP;

my $new_ip = ''.(NetAddr::IP->new($ip,0) + 1) or die;



I can't say that this solution will make your program more Perl-ish, but it might simplify your algorithm.


Rather than treating an IP address as a dotted-quad, base-256 number which needs the nested-if structure to implement the increment function, consider an IP address to be a 32-bit integer. Convert an IP of the form a.b.c.d into an integer with this (not tested):


sub ip2int {
    my $ip = shift;
    if ($ip =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
        return ($1 << 24) + ($2 << 16) + ($3 << 8) + $4;
    } else {
        return undef;

Now it's easy to determine if an IP falls between two endpoint IPs. Just do simple integer arithmetic and comparisons.


$begin = "";
$end = "";
$target = "";
if (ip2int($target) >= ip2int($begin) && ip2int($target) <= ip2int($end)) {
    print "$target is between $begin and $end\n";
} else {
    print "$target is not in range\n";



Tell your coworkers that their perl looks too much like line noise. Please don't obfuscate your code just for the sake of obfuscation - it's asinine development goals like that which give perl such a bad reputation for being unreadable, when it's really bad programmers (apparently, like your coworkers) who write sloppy code. Nicely structured, indented, and logical code is a good thing. C is a good thing.


Seriously, though - the best place to figure out how to write perl is in the O'Reilly "Perl Best Practices", by Damian Conway. It tells you how he thinks you should do things, and he always gives good reasons for his position as well as occasionally giving good reasons to disagree. I do disagree with him on some points, but his reasoning is sound. The odds that you work with anyone who knows perl better than Mr. Conway are pretty slim, and having a printed book (or at least a Safari subscription) gives you some more solid backing for your arguments. Pick up a copy of the Perl Cookbook while you're at it, as looking at code examples for solving common problems should get you on the right track. I hate to say "buy the book", but those are exceptionally good books that any perl developer should read.

不过,认真地说,要弄清楚如何编写perl,最好的地方是Damian Conway的O'Reilly“perl最佳实践”。它告诉你他认为你应该怎么做,他总是为自己的立场给出很好的理由,偶尔也给出很好的理由来反对你。在某些问题上我的确不同意他的观点,但他的推理是正确的。与比康韦更了解perl的人共事的可能性非常小,拥有一本印刷书籍(或至少是Safari订阅)可以为您的论点提供一些更可靠的支持。在阅读Perl Cookbook时获取它的副本,因为查看用于解决常见问题的代码示例应该会使您走上正确的道路。我不想说“买书”,但那些书是任何perl开发人员都应该读的非常好的书。

With regards to your specific code, you're using foreach, $_, split with no parens, shift, etc. It looks plenty perl-ish to my eyes - which have been developing with perl for quite a while. One note, though - I hate the English module. If you must use it, do it like use English qw( -no_match_vars );. The match_vars option slows down regexp parsing measurably, and the $PREMATCH / $POSTMATCH variables it provides aren't usually useful.

关于您的特定代码,您正在使用foreach、$_、split With no parens、shift等等。在我看来,它看起来相当不错——用perl开发它已经有一段时间了。不过有一点要注意——我讨厌英语模块。如果必须使用它,请使用English qw(-no_match_vars);match_vars选项可测量地减慢了regexp解析,并且它提供的$PREMATCH / $POSTMATCH变量通常不太有用。



There is only 1 advice: use strict. Rest of it is hardly relevant.




I know exactly how you feel. My first language was FORTRAN and like a good FORTRAN programmer, I wrote FORTRAN in every language since :).


I have this really wonderful book Effective Perl Programming that I keep re-reading every now and then. Especially a chapter called "Idiomatic Perl". Here are a few things I use to keep my Perl looking like Perl: List Operators like for map and grep, slices and hash slices, the quote operators.


Another thing that keeps my Perl from looking like FORTRAN/C is a regular reading of module sources especially those of the masters.




You could use Acme::Bleach or Acme::Morse




While this would work:


use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

use NetAddr::IP;

my %addresses;
# Parse all the ip addresses and record them in a hash.
  open( my $ips_file, '<', 'ips') or die;

  local $_; # or my $_ on Perl 5.10 or later
  while( my $line = <$ips_file> ){
    my ($ip, $end_ip) = split ',', $line;
    next unless $ip and $end_ip;

    $ip     = NetAddr::IP->new( $ip, 0 ) or die;
    $end_ip = NetAddr::IP->new( $end_ip ) or die;
    while( $ip <= $end_ip ){
      $addresses{$ip->addr} = 1;
  close $ips_file

# print IP addresses in any of the found ranges
use English;

for my $arg (@ARGV) {
  open(my $traffic, '<',$arg) or die "Can't open $arg $OS_ERROR";
  while( my $ip = <$traffic> ){
    chomp $ip;
    if( $addresses{$ip} ){
      say $ip
  close ($traffic);

I would if possible use netmasks, because it gets even simpler:


use Modern::Perl;
use NetAddr::IP;

my @addresses;
  open( my $file, '<', 'ips') or die;

  while( (my $ip = <$file>) =~ s(,.*){} ){
    next unless $ip;
    $ip = NetAddr::IP->new( $ip ) or die;
    push @addresses, $ip

  close $file

for my $filename (@ARGV) {
  open( my $traffic, '<', $filename )
    or die "Can't open $filename";

  while( my $ip = <$traffic> ) {
    chomp $ip;
    next unless $ip;

    $ip = NetAddr::IP->new($ip) or next; # skip line on error
    my @match;
    for my $cmp ( @addresses ){
      if( $ip->within($cmp) ){
        push @match, $cmp;

    say "$ip => @match" if @match;

    say "# no match for $ip" unless @match;
  close ($traffic);

Test ips file:


Test traffic file:




# no match for => 0:0:0:0:0:0:C0A8:0/128 =>



Instead of doing this :


if  ($left_part_1 != $right_part_1 ) { 
    return ($left_part_1 < $right_part_1);

you could do this :


return $left_part_1 < $right_part_1 if($left_part_1 != $right_part_1);

Also, you could use the Fatal module, to avoid checking stuff for errors.




The only criteria I use for "how my code looks" is how easy it is to read and understand the purpose of the code (especially by programmers unfamiliar with Perl), not whether it follows a particular style.


If a Perl language feature makes some logic easier to understand then I use it, if not I don't - even if it can do it in less code.


Your co-workers may think my code is extremely "un perl-ish", but I'll bet they understood exactly what the code is doing and could modify it to fix / extend it without any trouble:


my version:


# Load the allowable ranges into a hash
my %ipRanges = loadIPAddressFile("../conf/ip.cfg");

# Get the IP to check on the command line
my ( $in_ip_address ) = @ARGV;

# Convert it to number for comparison
my $ipToCheckNum = 1 * sprintf("%03d%03d%03d%03d", split(/\./, $in_ip_address));

# Loop through the ranges and see if the number is in any of them
my $startIp;
my $endIp;
my $msg = "IP [$in_ip_address] is not in range.\n";

foreach $startIp (keys(%ipRanges))
   $endIp = $ipRanges{$startIp};

   if ( $startIp <= $ipToCheckNum and $endIp >= $ipToCheckNum ) 
      $msg = "IP [$in_ip_address] is in range [$startIp] to [$endIp]\n";

print $msg;

# Function: loadIPAddressFile()
#   Author: Ron Savage
#     Date: 04/10/2009
# Description:
# loads the allowable IP address ranges into a hash from the specified file.
# Hash key is the starting value of the range, value is the end of the range.
sub loadIPAddressFile
   my $ipFileHandle;
   my $startIP;
   my $endIP;
   my $startIPnum;
   my $endIPnum;
   my %rangeList;

   # Get the arguments sent
   my ( $ipFile ) = @_;

   if ( open($ipFileHandle, "< $ipFile") )
      while (<$ipFileHandle>)
         ( $startIP, $endIP ) = split(/\,/, $_ );

         # Convert them to numbers for comparison
         $startIPnum = 1 * sprintf("%03d%03d%03d%03d", split(/\./, $startIP));
         $endIPnum   = 1 * sprintf("%03d%03d%03d%03d", split(/\./, $endIP));

         $rangeList{$startIPnum} = $endIPnum;

      print "Couldn't open [$ipFile].\n";


(Note: the extra "#" lines are in there to preserve my freakin' spacing, which always gets whacked when posting code here)




Am I missing something... will any of the above array versions work? The mods are performed on variables local to the for loop. I think Brad Gilbert's Net::IP solution would be my choice. Chris Lutz pretty much cleaned the rest the way I would've.

我少了什么……上面的任何一个数组版本都可以工作吗?在for循环的局部变量上执行mods。我认为Brad Gilbert的Net:::IP解决方案将是我的选择。克里斯·鲁兹用我的方式清理了剩下的部分。

As an aside - some of the comments about readability strike me as curious. Are there fewer [vigorous] complaints about the readability of Erlang/Lisp syntax because there is ONLY ONE way to write code in them?




This is probably more like C, but is also more simple:


use Socket qw(inet_aton inet_ntoa);

my $ip = ("");

my $ip_1 = inet_ntoa(pack("N", unpack("N", inet_aton($ip))+1));
print "$ip $ip_1\n";

Update: I posted this before reading all of the code in the question. The code here just does the incrementing of the ip address.




Sometimes the most Perlish thing to do is to turn to CPAN instead of writing any code at all.


Here is a quick and dirty example using Net::CIDR::Lite and Net::IP::Match::Regexp:



use strict;
use warnings;

use English;
use IO::File;
use Net::CIDR::Lite;
use Net::IP::Match::Regexp qw(create_iprange_regexp match_ip);

my $cidr = Net::CIDR::Lite->new();

my $ips_fh = IO::File->new();

$ips_fh->open("ips") or die "Can't open 'ips': $OS_ERROR";

while (my $line = <$ips_fh>) {

    chomp $line;

    my ($start, $end) = split /,/, $line;

    my $range = join('-', $start, $end);




my $regexp = create_iprange_regexp($cidr->list());

foreach my $traffic_fn (@ARGV) {

    my $traffic_fh = IO::File->new();

    $traffic_fh->open($traffic_fn) or die "Can't open '$traffic_fh': $OS_ERROR";

    while (my $ip_address = <$traffic_fh>) {

        chomp $ip_address;

        if (match_ip($ip_address, $regexp)) {
            print $ip_address, "\n";




DISCLAIMER: I just banged that out, it's had minimal testing and no benchmarking. Sanity checks, error handling and comments omitted to keep the line count down. I didn't scrimp on the whitespace, though.


As for your code: There is no need to define your functions before you use them.




From years of seeing Perl code written by C programmers, here's some generic advice:


Use hashes. Use lists. USE HASHES! USE LISTS! Use list operations (map, grep, split, join), especially for small loops. Don't use fancy list algorithms; pop, splice, push, shift and unshift are cheaper. Don't use trees; hashes are cheaper. Hashes are cheap, make them, use them and throw them out! Use the iterator for loop, not the 3-arg one. Don't call things $var1, $var2, $var3; use a list instead. Don't call things $var_foo, $var_bar, $var_baz; use a hash instead. Use $foo ||= "default". Don't use $_ if you have to type it.

使用散列。使用列表。使用散列!使用列表!使用列表操作(map、grep、split、join),特别是对于小循环。不要使用花哨的列表算法;pop、splice、push、shift和unshift更便宜。不要使用树木;散列值是便宜。散列很便宜,做它们,用它们,然后扔出去!使用迭代器进行循环,而不是3-arg循环。不要称事物为$var1, $var2, $var3;使用列表。不要调用$var_foo, $var_bar, $var_baz;使用一个散列。使用$ foo | | =“默认”。如果必须输入$_,不要使用$_。

Don't use prototypes, IT'S A TRAP!!


Use regexes, not substr() or index(). Love regexes. Use the /x modifier to make them readable.


Write statement if $foo when you want a block-less conditional. There's almost always a better way to write a nested condition: try recursion, try a loop, try a hash.

当你想要一个无块的条件时,写if $foo。几乎总是有更好的方法来编写嵌套条件:尝试递归、尝试循环、尝试散列。

Declare variables when you need them, not at the top of the subroutine. use strict. use warnings, and fix them all. use diagnostics. Write tests. Write POD.


Use CPAN. Use CPAN! USE CPAN! Someone's probably already done it, better.

使用CPAN。使用CPAN !使用CPAN !也许有人已经做过了。

Run perlcritic. Run it with --brutal just for kicks. Run perltidy. Think about why you do everything. Change your style.


Use the time not spent fighting the language and debugging memory allocation to improve your code.


Ask questions. Take style commentary on your code graciously. Go to a Perl Mongers meeting. Go onto perlmonks.org. Go to YAPC or a Perl Workshop. Your Perl knowledge will grow by leaps and bounds.

问问题。优雅地评论你的代码。请参加Perl Mongers会议。进入perlmonks.org。去YAPC或Perl研讨会。您的Perl知识将飞速增长。



Most of writing code to be "Perlish" would be taking advantage of the built-in functions in Perl.


For instance, this:


my ($part_1, $part_2, $part_3, $part_4) = split (/\./, $ip);
if ( $part_4 > 255 ) {
    $part_4 = 0;
    if ( $part_3 > 255 ) {
        $part_3 = 0;
        if ( $part_2 > 255 ) {
            $part_2 = 0;

I would rewrite something like:


my @parts = split (/\./, $ip);

foreach my $part(reverse @parts){
  last unless ($part > 255 && !($part = 0));

That does what your code posted above does but is a little cleaner.


Are you sure the code does what you want though? Just to me it looks a little strange that you only move to the previous 'part' of the IP if the one after it is > 255.

你确定这些代码是你想要的吗?对我来说,它看起来有点奇怪,如果你只移动到IP的前一部分,如果它是> 255。



Another example rewrite:


sub is_less_than {
    my $left = shift; # I'm sure you just "forgot" to put the my() here...
    my $right = shift;

    my ($left_part_1, $left_part_2, $left_part_3, $left_part_4)     = split (/\./, $left);
    my ($right_part_1, $right_part_2, $right_part_3, $right_part_4) = split (/\./, $right);

    if  ($left_part_1 != $right_part_1 ) { 
        return ($left_part_1 < $right_part_1);
    if  ($left_part_2 != $right_part_2 ) { 
        return ($left_part_2 < $right_part_2);
    if  ($left_part_3 != $right_part_3 ) { 
        return ($left_part_3 < $right_part_3);
    if  ($left_part_4 != $right_part_4 ) {
        return ($left_part_4 < $right_part_4);
    return (false);  # They're equal

To this:


sub is_less_than {
    my @left = split(/\./, shift);
    my @right = split(/\./, shift);

    # one way to do it...
    for(0 .. 3) {
        if($left[$_] != $right[$_]) {
            return $left[$_] < $right[$_];

    # another way to do it - let's avoid so much indentation...
    for(0 .. 3) {
        return $left[$_] < $right[$_] if $left[$_] != $right[$_];

    # yet another way to do it - classic Perl unreadable one-liner...
    $left[$_] == $right[$_] or return $left[$_] < $right[$_] for 0 .. 3;

    # just a note - that last one uses the short-circuit logic to condense
    # the if() statement to one line, so the for() can be added on the end.
    # Perl doesn't allow things like do_this() if(cond) for(0 .. 3); You
    # can only postfix one conditional. This is a workaround. Always use
    # 'and' or 'or' in these spots, because they have the lowest precedence.

    return 0 == 1; # false is not a keyword, or a boolean value.
    # though honestly, it wouldn't hurt to just return 0 or "" or undef()

Also, here:


my ($ip, $end_ip, $junk) = split /,/;

$junk might need to be @junk to capture all the junk, or you can probably leave it off - if you assign an unknown-sized array to an "array" of two elements, it will silently discard all the extra stuff. So

$ garbage可能需要是@ garbage才能捕获所有的垃圾,或者您可以将它关闭——如果您将一个未知大小的数组分配给一个由两个元素组成的“数组”,它将会默默地丢弃所有额外的东西。所以

my($ip, $end_ip) = split /,/;

And here:


foreach (@ARGV) {
    open(TRAFFIC, $_) or die "Can't open $_ $OS_ERROR";
    while (<TRAFFIC> ) {
        if (defined $addresses{$_}) {
            print "$_\n";
    close (TRAFFIC);

Instead of TRAFFIC, use a variable to store the filehandle. Also, in general, you should use exists() to check if a hash element exists, rather than defined() - it might exist but be set to undef (this shouldn't happen in your program, but it's a nice habit for when your program gets more complicated):


foreach (@ARGV) {
    open(my $traffic, $_) or die "Can't open $_ $OS_ERROR";
    while (<$traffic> ) {
        print "$_\n" if exists $addresses{$_};
    # $traffic goes out of scope, and implicitly closes

Of course, you could also use Perl's wonderful <> operator, which opens each element of @ARGV for reading, and acts as a filehandle that iterates through them:


while(<>) {
    print "$_\n" if exists $addresses{$_};

As has been noted before, try to avoid useing English unless you use English qw( -no_match_vars ); to avoid the significant performance penalty of those evil match_vars in there. And as hasn't been noted yet, but should be...


ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS always use strict; and use warnings; or else Larry Wall will descend from heaven and break your code. I see you have -w - this is enough, because even off of Unix, Perl parses the shebang line, and will find your -w and will use warnings; like it should. However, you need to use strict;. This will catch a lot of serious errors in your code, like not declaring variables with my or using false as a language keyword.

总是使用严格;和使用的警告;否则拉里·沃尔会从天堂降临并破坏你的代码。我看到你有-w -这就足够了,因为即使是在Unix下,Perl也会解析shebang行,并且会找到你的-w,并且会使用警告;应该喜欢它。但是,您需要使用严格;这将捕获代码中的许多严重错误,比如不使用my或使用false作为语言关键字。

Making your code work under strict as well as warnings will result in MUCH cleaner code that never breaks for reasons you can't figure out. You'll spend hours at the debugger debugging and you'll probably end up using strict and warnings anyway just to figure out what the errors are. Only remove them if (and only if) your code is finished and you're releasing it and it never generates any errors.




While doing this certainly is one way to do it in Perl.


use strict;
use warnings;

my $new_ip;
  my @parts = split ('\.', $ip);

  foreach my $part(reverse @parts){

    if( $part > 255 ){
      $part = 0;
  $new_ip = join '.', reverse @parts;

This is how I would actually implement it.


use NetAddr::IP;

my $new_ip = ''.(NetAddr::IP->new($ip,0) + 1) or die;



I can't say that this solution will make your program more Perl-ish, but it might simplify your algorithm.


Rather than treating an IP address as a dotted-quad, base-256 number which needs the nested-if structure to implement the increment function, consider an IP address to be a 32-bit integer. Convert an IP of the form a.b.c.d into an integer with this (not tested):


sub ip2int {
    my $ip = shift;
    if ($ip =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
        return ($1 << 24) + ($2 << 16) + ($3 << 8) + $4;
    } else {
        return undef;

Now it's easy to determine if an IP falls between two endpoint IPs. Just do simple integer arithmetic and comparisons.


$begin = "";
$end = "";
$target = "";
if (ip2int($target) >= ip2int($begin) && ip2int($target) <= ip2int($end)) {
    print "$target is between $begin and $end\n";
} else {
    print "$target is not in range\n";



Tell your coworkers that their perl looks too much like line noise. Please don't obfuscate your code just for the sake of obfuscation - it's asinine development goals like that which give perl such a bad reputation for being unreadable, when it's really bad programmers (apparently, like your coworkers) who write sloppy code. Nicely structured, indented, and logical code is a good thing. C is a good thing.


Seriously, though - the best place to figure out how to write perl is in the O'Reilly "Perl Best Practices", by Damian Conway. It tells you how he thinks you should do things, and he always gives good reasons for his position as well as occasionally giving good reasons to disagree. I do disagree with him on some points, but his reasoning is sound. The odds that you work with anyone who knows perl better than Mr. Conway are pretty slim, and having a printed book (or at least a Safari subscription) gives you some more solid backing for your arguments. Pick up a copy of the Perl Cookbook while you're at it, as looking at code examples for solving common problems should get you on the right track. I hate to say "buy the book", but those are exceptionally good books that any perl developer should read.

不过,认真地说,要弄清楚如何编写perl,最好的地方是Damian Conway的O'Reilly“perl最佳实践”。它告诉你他认为你应该怎么做,他总是为自己的立场给出很好的理由,偶尔也给出很好的理由来反对你。在某些问题上我的确不同意他的观点,但他的推理是正确的。与比康韦更了解perl的人共事的可能性非常小,拥有一本印刷书籍(或至少是Safari订阅)可以为您的论点提供一些更可靠的支持。在阅读Perl Cookbook时获取它的副本,因为查看用于解决常见问题的代码示例应该会使您走上正确的道路。我不想说“买书”,但那些书是任何perl开发人员都应该读的非常好的书。

With regards to your specific code, you're using foreach, $_, split with no parens, shift, etc. It looks plenty perl-ish to my eyes - which have been developing with perl for quite a while. One note, though - I hate the English module. If you must use it, do it like use English qw( -no_match_vars );. The match_vars option slows down regexp parsing measurably, and the $PREMATCH / $POSTMATCH variables it provides aren't usually useful.

关于您的特定代码,您正在使用foreach、$_、split With no parens、shift等等。在我看来,它看起来相当不错——用perl开发它已经有一段时间了。不过有一点要注意——我讨厌英语模块。如果必须使用它,请使用English qw(-no_match_vars);match_vars选项可测量地减慢了regexp解析,并且它提供的$PREMATCH / $POSTMATCH变量通常不太有用。



There is only 1 advice: use strict. Rest of it is hardly relevant.




I know exactly how you feel. My first language was FORTRAN and like a good FORTRAN programmer, I wrote FORTRAN in every language since :).


I have this really wonderful book Effective Perl Programming that I keep re-reading every now and then. Especially a chapter called "Idiomatic Perl". Here are a few things I use to keep my Perl looking like Perl: List Operators like for map and grep, slices and hash slices, the quote operators.


Another thing that keeps my Perl from looking like FORTRAN/C is a regular reading of module sources especially those of the masters.




You could use Acme::Bleach or Acme::Morse




While this would work:


use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

use NetAddr::IP;

my %addresses;
# Parse all the ip addresses and record them in a hash.
  open( my $ips_file, '<', 'ips') or die;

  local $_; # or my $_ on Perl 5.10 or later
  while( my $line = <$ips_file> ){
    my ($ip, $end_ip) = split ',', $line;
    next unless $ip and $end_ip;

    $ip     = NetAddr::IP->new( $ip, 0 ) or die;
    $end_ip = NetAddr::IP->new( $end_ip ) or die;
    while( $ip <= $end_ip ){
      $addresses{$ip->addr} = 1;
  close $ips_file

# print IP addresses in any of the found ranges
use English;

for my $arg (@ARGV) {
  open(my $traffic, '<',$arg) or die "Can't open $arg $OS_ERROR";
  while( my $ip = <$traffic> ){
    chomp $ip;
    if( $addresses{$ip} ){
      say $ip
  close ($traffic);

I would if possible use netmasks, because it gets even simpler:


use Modern::Perl;
use NetAddr::IP;

my @addresses;
  open( my $file, '<', 'ips') or die;

  while( (my $ip = <$file>) =~ s(,.*){} ){
    next unless $ip;
    $ip = NetAddr::IP->new( $ip ) or die;
    push @addresses, $ip

  close $file

for my $filename (@ARGV) {
  open( my $traffic, '<', $filename )
    or die "Can't open $filename";

  while( my $ip = <$traffic> ) {
    chomp $ip;
    next unless $ip;

    $ip = NetAddr::IP->new($ip) or next; # skip line on error
    my @match;
    for my $cmp ( @addresses ){
      if( $ip->within($cmp) ){
        push @match, $cmp;

    say "$ip => @match" if @match;

    say "# no match for $ip" unless @match;
  close ($traffic);

Test ips file:


Test traffic file:




# no match for => 0:0:0:0:0:0:C0A8:0/128 =>



Instead of doing this :


if  ($left_part_1 != $right_part_1 ) { 
    return ($left_part_1 < $right_part_1);

you could do this :


return $left_part_1 < $right_part_1 if($left_part_1 != $right_part_1);

Also, you could use the Fatal module, to avoid checking stuff for errors.




The only criteria I use for "how my code looks" is how easy it is to read and understand the purpose of the code (especially by programmers unfamiliar with Perl), not whether it follows a particular style.


If a Perl language feature makes some logic easier to understand then I use it, if not I don't - even if it can do it in less code.


Your co-workers may think my code is extremely "un perl-ish", but I'll bet they understood exactly what the code is doing and could modify it to fix / extend it without any trouble:


my version:


# Load the allowable ranges into a hash
my %ipRanges = loadIPAddressFile("../conf/ip.cfg");

# Get the IP to check on the command line
my ( $in_ip_address ) = @ARGV;

# Convert it to number for comparison
my $ipToCheckNum = 1 * sprintf("%03d%03d%03d%03d", split(/\./, $in_ip_address));

# Loop through the ranges and see if the number is in any of them
my $startIp;
my $endIp;
my $msg = "IP [$in_ip_address] is not in range.\n";

foreach $startIp (keys(%ipRanges))
   $endIp = $ipRanges{$startIp};

   if ( $startIp <= $ipToCheckNum and $endIp >= $ipToCheckNum ) 
      $msg = "IP [$in_ip_address] is in range [$startIp] to [$endIp]\n";

print $msg;

# Function: loadIPAddressFile()
#   Author: Ron Savage
#     Date: 04/10/2009
# Description:
# loads the allowable IP address ranges into a hash from the specified file.
# Hash key is the starting value of the range, value is the end of the range.
sub loadIPAddressFile
   my $ipFileHandle;
   my $startIP;
   my $endIP;
   my $startIPnum;
   my $endIPnum;
   my %rangeList;

   # Get the arguments sent
   my ( $ipFile ) = @_;

   if ( open($ipFileHandle, "< $ipFile") )
      while (<$ipFileHandle>)
         ( $startIP, $endIP ) = split(/\,/, $_ );

         # Convert them to numbers for comparison
         $startIPnum = 1 * sprintf("%03d%03d%03d%03d", split(/\./, $startIP));
         $endIPnum   = 1 * sprintf("%03d%03d%03d%03d", split(/\./, $endIP));

         $rangeList{$startIPnum} = $endIPnum;

      print "Couldn't open [$ipFile].\n";


(Note: the extra "#" lines are in there to preserve my freakin' spacing, which always gets whacked when posting code here)




Am I missing something... will any of the above array versions work? The mods are performed on variables local to the for loop. I think Brad Gilbert's Net::IP solution would be my choice. Chris Lutz pretty much cleaned the rest the way I would've.

我少了什么……上面的任何一个数组版本都可以工作吗?在for循环的局部变量上执行mods。我认为Brad Gilbert的Net:::IP解决方案将是我的选择。克里斯·鲁兹用我的方式清理了剩下的部分。

As an aside - some of the comments about readability strike me as curious. Are there fewer [vigorous] complaints about the readability of Erlang/Lisp syntax because there is ONLY ONE way to write code in them?




This is probably more like C, but is also more simple:


use Socket qw(inet_aton inet_ntoa);

my $ip = ("");

my $ip_1 = inet_ntoa(pack("N", unpack("N", inet_aton($ip))+1));
print "$ip $ip_1\n";

Update: I posted this before reading all of the code in the question. The code here just does the incrementing of the ip address.
