我如何在C ++中优雅地格式化字符串,以便将其四舍五入到6位小数并且具有额外的'0'或'9'被修剪

时间:2023-01-14 16:05:56

How do I write a function that formats a string with decimals digits, without trailing 0's or unnecessary 9's? Given that decimals is 2, here's what I expect:


0.999 -> 1.0
0.99 -> 0.99
1.01 -> 1.01
1.001 -> 1.0
123 -> 123.0
0 -> 0.0
0.1 -> 0.1

(negatives as you'd expect)


Here's what I have so far, but it's pretty ugly code. Is there a nicer way to do this?


string toStrMaxDecimals(double value, uint decimals) {
    value *= pow(10, decimals);
    value = round(value);
    value *= pow(0.1, decimals);
    string temp = boost::lexical_cast<string>(value); 
    size_t dot = temp.find('.');
    if (dot != string::npos) {
        if (temp.size() > dot + decimals + 1)
            temp.erase(dot + decimals + 1);
        if (*temp.rbegin() == '0')
            temp.erase(temp.find_last_not_of("0") + 1);
        if (*temp.rbegin() == '.')
    } else {
    return temp;

3 个解决方案


std::string toStrMaxDecimals(double value, int decimals)
    std::ostringstream ss;
    ss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(decimals) << value;
    std::string s = ss.str();
    if(decimals > 0 && s[s.find_last_not_of('0')] == '.') {
        s.erase(s.size() - decimals + 1);
    return s;


sprintf is going to be far easier, more readable and more performance than C++ streams. You don't need to do any rounding or trimming yourself. Sprintf has flags for that. You probably want something like

与C ++流相比,sprintf将更容易,更易读,性能更高。您不需要自己进行任何舍入或修剪。 Sprintf有旗帜。你可能想要这样的东西

sprintf(targetBuffer, "%.2g", floatingPointValue);

Sprintf does the rounding in Java, and I'm pretty sure it will in C++ as well.

Sprintf在Java中进行四舍五入,我很确定它在C ++中也是如此。


Sorry, the example code I wrote is for your example. For your original question, change the %.2g to %.6g



Changed f to g to suppress trailing zeroes.



Have you considered using plain old sprintf to do the formatting?


It won't do exactly what you need, but if you round to one hundredths, and then sprintf the number as %f (for float) or %lf (for double float).


To round to 100'ths, you could do
num = num + ((int)(num-((int)num))*100)/100;

要舍入到100',你可以做num = num +((int)(num - ((int)num))* 100)/ 100;


std::string toStrMaxDecimals(double value, int decimals)
    std::ostringstream ss;
    ss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(decimals) << value;
    std::string s = ss.str();
    if(decimals > 0 && s[s.find_last_not_of('0')] == '.') {
        s.erase(s.size() - decimals + 1);
    return s;


sprintf is going to be far easier, more readable and more performance than C++ streams. You don't need to do any rounding or trimming yourself. Sprintf has flags for that. You probably want something like

与C ++流相比,sprintf将更容易,更易读,性能更高。您不需要自己进行任何舍入或修剪。 Sprintf有旗帜。你可能想要这样的东西

sprintf(targetBuffer, "%.2g", floatingPointValue);

Sprintf does the rounding in Java, and I'm pretty sure it will in C++ as well.

Sprintf在Java中进行四舍五入,我很确定它在C ++中也是如此。


Sorry, the example code I wrote is for your example. For your original question, change the %.2g to %.6g



Changed f to g to suppress trailing zeroes.



Have you considered using plain old sprintf to do the formatting?


It won't do exactly what you need, but if you round to one hundredths, and then sprintf the number as %f (for float) or %lf (for double float).


To round to 100'ths, you could do
num = num + ((int)(num-((int)num))*100)/100;

要舍入到100',你可以做num = num +((int)(num - ((int)num))* 100)/ 100;