那么先发放福利word文档,百度云大家随意提取。在这里我也把主体部分给大家看一下。提取收藏的点个赞呗~~链接: 百度云 请输入提取密码 密码: n3tb
1. Executive Summary
The executive summary provides a synopsis of the report. It should include:
· A statement on the purpose of the report – what it sets out to achieve
· A brief outline of the scope of the report and/or research methodology
· An outline of the major issues or findings covered in the report
· An outline of the major conclusions and recommendations of the report.
The executive summary should not include new information nor should it be used as an introduction to the report.
As the executive summary is a summary of the report, it should ALWAYS be the LAST section of the report written
2. Introduction or Background
It may include an outline of the terms of reference or the reasons for the decision to write the report (see below).
Explain the background to the issue/problem/topic (this could be the history, etc. that helps us understand the issue/problem/topic.
What are the different points of view/opinions about the issue/problem/topic?
What is likely to happen in the future?
This report was requested by a number of students having difficulty understanding how to write a report.
This report aims to give students a plan to follow when preparing their material and an example of the layout of a report.
The material for this report was gathered from various books and web sites which will be referred to later. This format is not the only way to write a report.
It is written especially for students undertaking Academic English. However it can be a useful guide to any student in any subject.
3. Scope of Report or Research Objectives
Outline the purpose of your report.
The scope of the report should define major issues or research objectives to be addressed by the report.
If in doubt, ask you teacher. They may be able to help you find the right place to look for information.
4. Research Methodology
Most reports will include:
· 4.1 primary sources of information – surveys, questionnaires
· 4.2 secondary sources of information – books, internet
This section needs to detail how the information for the report was obtained and any limitations. The place to start is in your own head. How much do you already know about the topic? Write everything down.
Use the library. Not just the internet. There are books, magazines, newspapers, and staff to help you. Take notes and organise the information in a folder.
Remember to write down all the information about any book or web site, etc. for the bibliography:author, title, date published, publisher and place published (see Appendix B of this report).
Note taking skills are necessary when reading information and you must summarise much of that information.
5. Detailed Findings
The largest section of the report – it will contain all the information and analysis, including tables, charts and diagrams.
The body must be divided into logical sections and subsections with headings identical to those in the Table of Contents.
It will include headings and sub-headings which reflect the contents of each section.
Although a report starts with a synopsis do not start writing it until AFTER you finish the introduction, body and conclusion in that order.
Divide the body of the report into headings and subheadings, so each section can be written on its own. This makes the task seem easier.
Use the passive voice (revise this section of English on Cue, Module 5). Use short sentences and simple, formal language. Include pictures if you want to make it more interesting e.g. ”Diagram 2 shows that……”
Use your computer’s spell check and print preview where possible. Plan the pages carefully. Careless layout will lose marks. Check grammar and punctuation.
When referencing a book, etc. in your writing remember quoting directly must use quotation marks e.g. “There are many reasons why people visit Australia…..” (Smith 2012).
Indirect quotes (paraphrasing): Smith (2012) says there are many different reasons people want to visit Australia.
Save two copies: one on your computer and one on a USB. Lost work means starting again.
Producing the second draft is not hard once your first draft of the report is edited, typed and saved.
6. Conclusion and Recommendations
This is a summary of the main findings of the report, especially those that are for the reader/client.
Conclusion should tell what the detailed findings mean for the reader/client in relation to the scope of the report or research objectives.
The recommendations should list the action that you recommend should be taken based on these conclusions.
It is hoped this guide will benefit students in at least two ways. Firstly, to give a step by step method to report writing. Secondly, it is to be used as an example of report writing.
The process of report writing is obviously a long and complex one. Each step should be completed before moving on to the next one. Do NOT put off starting to research and write just because it is difficult.
Make sure the information in the report is relevant to the topic and discusses the issues mentioned in the introduction.
+ Take one step at a time
+ Do not waste time
+ Use all the resources available
+ Talk to your teacher if in doubt
+ Start now
7 BIBLIOGRAPHYThe bibliography is an alphabetical list of references used in preparation of the report
Students should refer to their textbook for guidelines on how to correctly reference information sources.
Jordan, R.R (1990) Academic Writing Course, Collins ELT, London.
Mangubhai, Francis and Pritchard, R (1996) English on Cue, USQ, Toowoomba.
The appendices section is for material that is relevant and is referred to in the report, but is too long or is not necessary to be included in the body of the report.
Examples: Questionnaire
Appendices to be labelled: Appendix A, Appendix B etc.
Take careful note of the order in which the information appears below – alphabetically! The format is different for books, magazines and internet. Most entries begin with an author but if not then the title, etc. is shown.
Author’s family name, initial or first name, (date of publication), title in italics, name of publisher, place where published.
Barron, M L (2010) Business Finance, McGraw-Hill, Sydney.
Kitchen, P D (Ed.) (1997) Business Law: Fundamentals, Thompson, London.
Brown, M and White, P (2000) Writing Assignments, Thomas Nelson, Melbourne.
Author’s family name, initial or first name, (date of publication),“title of article”, name of journal in italics, volume number, (issue number), pp. numbers.
Smith, B (2002) “Can you write an essay?” ,Education Times, 64, (10), pp. 24-28.
Mitchell, Ben (2000) “Students fail English test”, Xin Hua, 13 September, p. 5.
3.0 Web Sites
Author’s family name, first name/initial, (date of publication), title of page in italics, URL, date accessed. Or
Title of page, URL, date accessed.
Quinion, M, (1996) Citing online sources.Advice on online citations formatsWorld Wide Words: Citing Online Sources (Accessed 7.9.2013)
Information resource, www.immi.gov.au/visas (Accessed 20/10/2012)
The paper that you are requested to write should be a research paper, meaning that its goal is to present the reader with a somewhat new, original way of looking at a concept or idea. In addition to analyzing primary sources – the novel(s), play(s), poem(s), or essay(s) that you chose as your focus – a research paper provides a context for its argument by summarizing and commenting on secondary sources, which are other people’s analyses of primary sources. Hence a research paper is not just a summary of other people’s ideas. Instead, a research paper should evaluate those ideas and either propose a new argument or develop an existing one. The following steps should help you plan and then write your paper.
a) Revisit your paper proposal and think about the questions and the argument that comprise your thesis (you might need to refine, reformulate or expand them slightly at this stage).
b) Revisit your primary sources. Look for patterns in your observations about a text or event and take notes. As you read through your list of evidence, look for ideas that contradict each other, change, or are not fully explained. When writing about literature, a symbol’s meaning might change or contradict itself in a poem, or a character might change his or her attitude toward an idea.
c) Skim through the text(s) again to find specific quotations and any other examples you may have missed. Consult the secondary sources that you have gathered. Focus on evidencethat relates to your topic and strikes you as particularly interesting, confusing, or astute. Think about how each piece of evidence supports or contradicts your topic.
d) Take notes. It is a good idea to note each piece of evidence that may be relevant to your essay. List the source and page number, and make sure it is clear whether each piece of evidence is adirect citation), a close paraphrase, or your own analysis or interpretation.
e) Define a Motive or Purpose for Writing. A good paper should be interesting to a broader audience. When you express your motive, you indicate why you are writing your paper. The motive is not the argument itself but rather the reason that your argument should be interesting to your reader. Motives may take into account what other critics have written, common perceptions of an event, or historical context.
Some examples of motives:
--“Many critics see the relationship between Huck and Jim as fair and harmonious, but closer examination of the novel reveals that this is not the case.”
--“It has been often argued that Hamlet is a character who constantly delays action, especially any action leading to the revenge of his father. However, when one compares his behaviour with Laertes’s, one arrives at a different conclusion. Hamlet has no choice but to delay.”
If you plan the steps of your argument beforeyou write your essay, you are less likely to get stuck or not know where to go next. An outline is like a map of your argument; it should show the sequence of your ideas and argument. The first part of your outline should include your motive and your thesis statement. You also should write down the subcategories of your argument and note the evidence that you plan to use.
The first paragraph of the paper is the most important—and probably the most difficult to write, as it describes the focus of your argument and your reason for making it.
You should start by 1) providing some relevant background information and then 2) explain your motive for writing and 3) state your thesis. Typically, you will want to make your thesis statement in the final sentences of the introductory paragraph.
Example of a strong thesis paragraph:
Use the body paragraphs of your paper to develop your argument. Typically, a short paper has about three body paragraphs between the thesis paragraph and the conclusion. However, you should use as many paragraphs as you need to express your ideas effectively. Each paragraph should develop a single, specific component of your argument. A paragraph should not explore two separate ideas unless it explicitly tells why they are related to each other.
Some important points to consider when writing your body paragraphs:
E ach paragraph should begin with a sentence that develops your thesis statement.
Topic sentences should introduce new information that confirms or complicates the argument that you state in the first paragraph.
Within the paragraph, you should use specific evidence to supportthe idea stated in your topic sentence. Evidence may include historical events, passages from your chosen text (primary source), or arguments that other people have made about your topic (secondary sources).
Analysis sentences explain why this evidence supports the argument that you are making.
The ideas within each body paragraph should come in a logical sequence. This sequence can explain, complicate, or develop the idea of the topic sentence.
Transitional words help your reader understand how you are developing your main idea. These words indicate contrast, provide examples, explain results, or establish a sequence. Common transitional phrases include “furthermore,” “in addition,” “in contrast,” “for example,” “as a result,” “hence” and “thus.”
Example of a good body paragraph:
Just as the ideas within the paragraph should come in a logical sequence, so should the paragraphs themselves. Each paragraph should relate explicitly to the preceding and following paragraph.
A conclusion should explain the significance of your thesis statement in a larger context. Although a conclusion should provide a sense of closure, it should not make broad generalizations that imply that you have supplied an absolute solution to the problem your paper addresses.
One of the most effective ways to provide a sense of closure is to cite a relevant quotation from the text you are working with and to explain how to interpret that quotation using your argument. Another technique is to explain a concept/term that you bring up in your thesis statement. A further possibility is to end your paper by showing that your argument can be applied to a related topic – this reinforces the relevance of your ideas.
You should format your paper according to the rules of the Modern Language Association (MLA).
à Basic Formatting Rules
· Standard A4 paper
· Font: 12-point Times New Roman
· Double-spaced
· Paragraphs indented 0.5 inch from the left margin
· Block quotations indented 1 inch from the left margin
· Page numbers: Number the first page in the upper right-hand corner. On all subsequent pages, place your last name before the page number (Garcia 12). Put the page numbers in the upper right-hand corner of the page, 0.5 inches from the top.
· The heading should include your name, your instructor’s name, the course name, and the date. Double-space the heading.
· Title: You do not need a separate title page. Center the title and place it one double space below the heading. Capitalize all principal words. Do not underline or italicize. Double-space titles longer than one line.
Example of heading and title:
· Three lines of text or fewer: include in the text, surrounded by double quotation marks. [“xxxx.”]
· Three lines of text or more: indent 1 inch from the left margin of the text; omit quotation marks.
· Three lines of poetry or fewer: include in the text, using solidi (/) to indicate line breaks.
· Three lines of poetry or more: offset as you would more than three lines of text (see rules above). Include line breaks. Do not use slashes to indicate line breaks.
· To indicate an omission: use an ellipsis [. . .] (three periods in a row with spaces between them). If the omission is at the end of a sentence or more than one sentence, add a period to the ellipsis.
For every quotation or reference in the text of your paper, indicate the author and page number of the referenced work in a parenthetical note immediately following the reference. The final quotation mark comes before the first parenthesis, and the sentence’s punctuation comes after the final parenthesis. If you do not directly quote the author, but still reference / paraphrase his or her ideas, these rules apply.
Here are some basic MLA rules:
· Works by one author: In parentheses, after the quote, include the author’s last name and the page number. If you name the author in the text of the paper, include the page number but not the author’s name.
Example: It has been said that “all men may be created equal, but not all men live equally well” (Howard 421).
Example: Finton Howard firmly insists that “all men may be created equal, but not all men live equally well” (421).
· Works by two or three authors: Include each author’s name in the parentheses, separated by “and.”
Example: “A man who knows where the fish eat may soon eat fish himself” (Rogers and Llewellyn 15).
· Two or more works by the same author: Include a short version of the work’s title in the parenthetical note, separated from the author’s name with a comma.
Example: In her theory of representation, on the other hand, she is less interested in notions of beauty than in notions of “linguistic accuracy” (Martin, Language 143).
· Poems and verse dramas: Cite act, scene, and line numbers, separated by periods. Do not cite page numbers. Do not use Roman numerals. When poems are not divided into acts or scenes, cite only line numbers.
Example: (Shakespeare, Hamlet 1.23.218–219)
Example: (Keats 14–16) or (Keats lines 14–16)
The Works Cited section should follow the end of your paper. The purpose of this section is to make it possible for your readers to identify and consult the sources that you use to make your argument.
You should list at least two works besides your primary sources – and only one of these works can be in Chinese. If you list four sources, only two can be in Chinese, and so on, meaning that there must be a balance between sources in English and sources in Chinese.
· The Works Cited section must include every work you cite in your paper.
· Place the Works Cited section at the end of the paper, starting on a separate page.
· Single-space entries but leave an additional space between entries.
· Center the words “Works Cited” at the top of the page.
· Alphabetize the entries by author’s last name. For works with no listed author, alphabetize by title.
Henderson, Jonathan. Processes of Consciousness Encoded in Semiotic Sign-Sequences: A Political Approach. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987.
· Books with one, two, or three authors: Authors’ names, title (italicized), city of publication (include state abbreviations for smaller cities), publisher, and date.
Rawson, Claude. God, Gulliver and Genocide: Barbarism and the European Imagination, 1492-1945. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001.
· Books with authors and editors or translators: Include the name of the editor or translator after the title, abbreviating “editor” to “Ed.” and “translator” to “Trans.”
Eliot, George. Middlemarch. Ed. Phillippa Howitzer. New York: Overlook Press, 1981.
· Two or more works by the same author: Sort alphabetically by title. For every entry after the first, replace the author’s name with three em-dashes.
Kelley, Randolph. My Time in Eden. Los Angeles: El Dorado Press, 1990.
———. You Can So Go Home Again. Los Angeles: El Dorado Press, 1972.
· Journal articles: Authors’ names, title of article (in quotes), journal title (italicized), date or volume and issue number, and page numbers.
Satchel, Marcus. “Shakespeare’s Women.” Shakespearean Times 26.7 (1982): 34–41.
· Websites: Complete URL and, if available, author information, title information, date text was posted, date site was accessed, and company or organization information.
Berry, Brandon. “Dodgers Strike Out on New Stadium Deal.” ESPN.com. 17 December 2001. 20 December 2001. http://www.espn.com/berry121701.html.
· Articles in an encyclopedia, dictionary or reference book: Author’s name, title of the article, title of the work, and publication information (including number of volumes).
Ellerbe, Hyman. “Abraham Lincoln.” Encyclopedia of Political Leaders. Ed. Lavar O’ Denby. 4 vols. New York: Random House, 1977.
If no author is given, alphabetize by article title.
“Prolegomena.” The Oxford English Dictionary. 2nd ed. 1989.
à For works in Chinese, you should follow exactly the same MLA rules and indicate all the elements in pinyin.
Double-check your paper carefully before submission. Computer spell-checking misses many, many mistakes. Reread your paper and look at spelling, subject-verb agreement, long sentences, and long paragraphs.
If you fail to use citations to indicate which ideas you got from someone else, you are effectively claiming those ideas as your own, whether you mean to or not. Stealing an idea is called plagiarism, and it is a serious offense that may cost you your grade and reputation.
众所周知,英语论文分为两种:Knowledge essay和 Cited essay(后者的称呼不确定)。
前者是依靠自己的记忆学识来写,通常只有考试时才会出现。比如一些省统考,例如要考过才能上大学的Literacy test。
To justify this, when Lady Macbeth encourages her man successfully, she says “ When in swinish sleep their drenched natures lie as in a death, what cannot you and I perform upon th’ unguarded Duncan”( I. VII. 75-78).
![如何写英文科技论文 papers 如何写英文科技论文 papers](https://image.shishitao.com:8440/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaXRkYWFuLmNvbS9nby9hSFIwY0hNNkx5OXdhV015TG5wb2FXMW5MbU52YlM4Mk1USmxNbUpoTXpKbFlUSTNZalZtWkRNNU5EY3pNelE1WkRGak1qUTVOVjlpTG1wd1p3PT0%3D.jpg?w=700&webp=1)
On the whole, 3U那年被essay虐得死去活来活来死去,到最后的麻木证明了真的只有练才是生路.........多找语法成熟的人帮忙改会有很多领悟。
Argument。也就是你的Thesis Statment,是你写论文最重要的点。你的论文一定要对题,但是同时也不能定的太死,你的定论(Thesis Statment)要有可以让人say no的点。
For example:
In the relationship of marriage, the wife of the thane of Glamis becomes the key that saves Macbeth from his frightened mind.
这是一个Thesis Statement。你可以否定这个定论中the wife of the thane of Glamis到底有没有拯救她的丈夫,或者她丈夫有没有恐慌过。
In the relationship of marriage, the wife of the thane of Glamis is a savor to her panicky husband.
文章难懂的第三个原因,也是最重要的原因是整体构架不好。整体构架不好的文章第一个特点是抓不住重点。要么是在细枝末节上解释太多,对于关键的内容却一笔带过;要么是把关键内容放在不显眼的位置。正常情况下,重要内容应该放于段落的开头(topic sentence,主题句)或者末尾。开头是最常见的位置,因为读者阅读一个段落,首先看的就是第一句话。当把topic sentence放到段落中间的时候,就会被读者忽视。以前我带教的课程需要学生写比较正规的实验报告,当时写作要求里就硬性规定:每一段的开头必须是topic sentence。整体构架不好的文章第二个特点是抓住了重点,但是逻辑不流畅。这与新旧信息的合理安排和思维方式的一致也有相关性。例如先介绍自己做了哪些实验,再介绍存在的问题及为什么要做这些实验,从逻辑上来讲顺序就不对,反过来才讲得通。
正常情况下,写论文应该先构思整体的提纲,然后构思每一部分(introduction,methods,results,discussion)的提纲,最后构思每一段的提纲。只有当提纲构思好了之后,才动笔详写段落和句子。一篇整体构架好的文章,是容易提炼出提纲或者摘要的文章:只要把每一段的topic sentence拿出来就行了。正因为如此,这样的文章才是最容易理解的文章。
在考GRE和托福的时候,我总结出了一个提高英语写作能力的方法:把基本的表达方法背下来(我称之为“表达单元”,例如“A长期被认为”:A haslong been thought to be),然后熟练运用。我总结了几百个这样的表达单元,反复背诵(文末可以下载)。事实证明,这是提高英语表达能力的一种有效方法。对于英文论文写作而言,看十几篇经典文献,从中提炼出自己写作能用得上的表达单元,反复背记,是提高英语论文写作能力的快速方法。
快速提高英文表达能力的另一个方法就是记下自己曾经犯过的错误,常常复习,并避免下次重犯。人们犯一个错误,是因为有犯这个错误的“易感因素”,只要这个易感因素没有消除,这个错误就会不断的重复。解决的方法就是记住这个错误,有意识地避免重犯。所以我会把导师对我写作的修改建议保存下来。电子版的直接存档,手写的,我扫描下来存档。然后经常复习。我发现:自己经常犯的错误主要就是那么几个。所以今后在写作时,我就重点注意防止同样的错误。因此,我推荐两篇关于中国人英语写作的常见错误的总结的文章(见下面):《中式英语与美式英语对照表》和《The Most Common Habits from more than 200 English Papers written byGraduate Chinese Engineering Students》
检索英文网页,直接输入自己不确定的表达方法,例如不清楚“在10月1日”的表达方法是On October 1st,还是At October 1st,就可以分别检索这两种表达方法。正确的检索结果远多于错误的结果。当然还有更基本的检索方法,就是直接输入中文 + 英语翻译,例如“在显微镜下观察英语翻译”。
优点是可以对发表的论文进行全文检索,所以适合用来参考论文写作的表达方法。假如不知道“帕金森病患者”怎样翻译,就可以在Google学术里面输入“patient Parkinson's disease”,然后搜索,可以看到正确的用法是patientwith Parkinson's disease. 值得注意的是,检索的结果也有出错的可能,所以一般选用使用频率最高的表达方法,这样的表达应该最可靠。
1. 缺乏参考文献。每一句话,除非是常识,如果是事实性的,都需要参考文献支持。
2. 句子太长。一般而言是短句比长句好,常用单词比生僻单词好。
3. an,a不分
4. 单复数不分:例如该加s的地方没加s,该用have的地方用了has等。
5. the的用法不对
《The Science of Scientific Writing》
《The Most Common Habits from more than 200 English Papers written byGraduate Chinese Engineering Students》
孙常全:《提高写科研论文效率之“化整为零法 (Modular approach)》科学网—提高写科研论文效率之“化整为零法 (Modular approach)”
The elements of style (51页)
这个方法是分解段落的层次和梳理逻辑关系用的,可以让你的文章更有逻辑性,也可以说是所谓的Critical thinking.
T: Topic, 中心句
E: Evidence 论据
E: Explain 论证
S: Sum up 结论
从一到无穷大 (豆瓣)读完这本呢,我估计你有点热血沸腾,觉得学理工科似乎不是一件那么没有意义的事情,下面我建议读一本心灵鸡汤的书。这种其实书哪本都行,都是自己给自己的心理暗示。
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SCI论文写作和发表 (豆瓣)接着是science research writing,也是针对英文非母语的人群的指导作品。放心,都不厚。
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