3.1 选择研究课题(Choose Research Topics )
几点考虑(Considerations on choosing research topics)
社会需要(Demand from social and economic development)
好奇心和个人兴趣(Curiosity and personal interests)
结合社会需要和个人兴趣(Combing social requirements with personal interests)
选择正确的研究方向对你的职业影响很重要(Choose right research topics has deep impact on one's career)
跨学科研究的重要性(Importance of interdisciplinary research)
趋势(Tendency of modern science and technology and possible drive forces of discipline change and development)
40% of the work winning Nobel Prize is in the areas no one claim to be in
一个领域的知识可能会改变另一个领域(The concepts and knowledge in one area may change the course of another area)
做跨学科研究可能产生新的领域(New areas may come out as the inter-disciplinary research)
跨学科研究的形式(Form of interdisciplinary research)
不同背景的人共同写作去解决某一个特定的问题(Researchers from different fields collaborate to work on some particular problems)
另一个领域的研究者看待这个领域的角度有所不同,可能会创造一些新奇的东西(Researchers mutually work on the problems of other fields, Researchers outside of the field may have a different angle)
one from field A works on the problem of field B
one from field B works on the problem of field A
来自不同领域的研究者一起提出一个新的领域(Researchers from different fields propose a new field)
选择研究课题的方法(Approach to choosing a research topic)
对已经发展起来的领域内的最新技术要有综合性的了解,比如多看最近的论文并对这些东西有了深刻的理解(Comprehensive understanding of the state of art in well established areas)
需求导向和方法导向,需求导向是从现实问题出发,利用更好的方法来解决问题;方法导向是发现更好的技术去解决问题;老师建议需求导向,做方法导向可能使你拿到一个锤子到处乱锤 (Demand oriented versus methodology oriented approach)
遇到不熟悉的领域,要花时间去理解背景和相关课题 ( Spend time in understanding the background and issues of unfamiliar areas )
做好准备为新领域奋斗,新领域一般没有很多的参考文献(Prepare to work in a new area without many references)
做好准备为科研而吃苦(Prepare to work on difficult problems)