
时间:2021-01-03 22:58:17

Is it possible for the apache2 user, http, to have environment variables like normal users do? How would I go about setting those up, if possible?


2 个解决方案


Your question is not clear about how you want to use the environment variables.


For consideration: if in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, you put


SetEnv MYVAR 10

then that environment variable should be available in your scripting language (PHP for example). In PHP, it can be accessed by $_SERVER['MYVAR']

然后,您的脚本语言(例如PHP)中应该提供该环境变量。在PHP中,它可以通过$ _SERVER ['MYVAR']访问


Well, if your http user has a login shell, which most don't, you could put it in there. But that's still probably not going to do what you really want. I usually accomplish what you're trying to do by putting the environment variables in /etc/init.d/httpd.



Your question is not clear about how you want to use the environment variables.


For consideration: if in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, you put


SetEnv MYVAR 10

then that environment variable should be available in your scripting language (PHP for example). In PHP, it can be accessed by $_SERVER['MYVAR']

然后,您的脚本语言(例如PHP)中应该提供该环境变量。在PHP中,它可以通过$ _SERVER ['MYVAR']访问


Well, if your http user has a login shell, which most don't, you could put it in there. But that's still probably not going to do what you really want. I usually accomplish what you're trying to do by putting the environment variables in /etc/init.d/httpd.
