为什么我应该只在测试环境中运行我的rails app上的rspec规范,而不是dev或prod?

时间:2021-05-23 22:58:19

I was told that I shouldn't run my rspec specs in a rails_env other than test.


What are the potential problems running specs in production or development? I run specs in both. I usually run the specs in dev unless I'm testing something that uses the asset pipeline. I switch to production for that and spend 15 minutes pre-compiling assets. Are there any advantages to using the test environment over my current methods?


I searched for an answer but nothing explained why I shouldn't use dev or prod.


3 个解决方案



Running test suites (such as rspec) in a test environment is intended to isolate resources for security concerns, in particular the integrity of your databases. Tests often corrupt or entirely delete data in your databases.


The same holds true for all resources. By using the test environment you are able to cut off and mock resources, thereby preventing you tests from corrupting anything.


There are many reasons to use separate environments but fundamentally it is a separation of resources, and in the context of the test environment it is to enable the validation of your application while ensuring the safety of the production resources and running system.




Let's be clear, especially for nubes that may be reading this post: RAILS_ENV=production (locally) is not the same as running test "in the production environment." I know you (OP) know that, but the danger of running tests in the production env warrant this warning.

让我们明确一点,特别是对于可能正在阅读这篇文章的nubes:RAILS_ENV =生产(本地)与在生产环境中运行测试不同。我知道你(OP)知道这一点,但是在生产环境中运行测试的危险值得警告。

There are several reasons to only run in the test env, generally relating to the handling of the DB:


  • Rspec builds a custom 'version' of the data in the DB, and operates upon that, persisting some changes back to the disk.
  • Rspec在数据库中构建数据的自定义“版本”,并对其进行操作,将一些更改保留回磁盘。

  • Many test wipe out existing data, toward the end of test isolation and making things idempotent. This could wonk-up the data you're using to buildings out in test.
  • 许多测试都会消除现有数据,直到测试隔离结束并使事物具有幂等性。这可能会将您正在使用的数据打造成测试中的建筑物。

other reasons are along them lines you've surmised already:


  1. your prod environment should not include gems that are used for testing. Why?:
    • testing gems add more code that may need ot lod & run, needlessly, in the live app
    • 测试宝石添加更多代码,可能需要在实时应用程序中不必要地运行和运行

    • testing-related gems can introduce security holes into your production app.
    • 与测试相关的宝石可以在您的生产应用中引入安全漏洞。

  2. 您的产品环境不应包含用于测试的宝石。为什么?:测试宝石会添加更多代码,这些代码可能需要运行,不必要地,在实时应用中,与测试相关的宝石可能会在您的生产应用中引入安全漏洞。

  3. certain assets may not test properly after they are 'compiled'.
  4. 某些资产在“编译”后可能无法正常测试。

  5. assets and other deploy-pipe-line precompile can be handled differently / turned off / etc, in service of the testing process.
  6. 在测试过程中,资产和其他部署管道预编译可以不同的方式处理/关闭/等。

  7. Certain APIs and services may be sandboxed, or stubbed, in test/staging, such as API calls to pay-per-use services, like email or reports.
  8. 某些API和服务可能在测试/暂存中被沙箱化或存根,例如对电子邮件或报告等按使用付费服务的API调用。

The possibilities are too-custom (to your app) to suggest a best-practice... but, needless to say, there are many 'test mode' settings that may need configuration when rails_ENV=test

可能性过于自定义(对您的应用程序而言)建议最佳实践...但是,不用说,当rails_ENV = test时,有许多“测试模式”设置可能需要配置



You should get your priorities clear. Why do you run specs?


  1. to be sure, that your environment xyz runs your code at all or
  2. 确保您的环境xyz完全运行您的代码或

  3. to be sure, that your code does as it should
  4. 可以肯定的是,您的代码可以正常运行

I would say, most ppl run specs for 2., and that really should take place in the test environment, just for the reasons given in NewAlexandrias answer.


When you want to check about 1. after deployment, running specs seems a bit farfetched to me. There should be simpler ways.


When you deploy, and you are not sure about 2. ... thats premature deployment, something, you should not be doing.




Running test suites (such as rspec) in a test environment is intended to isolate resources for security concerns, in particular the integrity of your databases. Tests often corrupt or entirely delete data in your databases.


The same holds true for all resources. By using the test environment you are able to cut off and mock resources, thereby preventing you tests from corrupting anything.


There are many reasons to use separate environments but fundamentally it is a separation of resources, and in the context of the test environment it is to enable the validation of your application while ensuring the safety of the production resources and running system.




Let's be clear, especially for nubes that may be reading this post: RAILS_ENV=production (locally) is not the same as running test "in the production environment." I know you (OP) know that, but the danger of running tests in the production env warrant this warning.

让我们明确一点,特别是对于可能正在阅读这篇文章的nubes:RAILS_ENV =生产(本地)与在生产环境中运行测试不同。我知道你(OP)知道这一点,但是在生产环境中运行测试的危险值得警告。

There are several reasons to only run in the test env, generally relating to the handling of the DB:


  • Rspec builds a custom 'version' of the data in the DB, and operates upon that, persisting some changes back to the disk.
  • Rspec在数据库中构建数据的自定义“版本”,并对其进行操作,将一些更改保留回磁盘。

  • Many test wipe out existing data, toward the end of test isolation and making things idempotent. This could wonk-up the data you're using to buildings out in test.
  • 许多测试都会消除现有数据,直到测试隔离结束并使事物具有幂等性。这可能会将您正在使用的数据打造成测试中的建筑物。

other reasons are along them lines you've surmised already:


  1. your prod environment should not include gems that are used for testing. Why?:
    • testing gems add more code that may need ot lod & run, needlessly, in the live app
    • 测试宝石添加更多代码,可能需要在实时应用程序中不必要地运行和运行

    • testing-related gems can introduce security holes into your production app.
    • 与测试相关的宝石可以在您的生产应用中引入安全漏洞。

  2. 您的产品环境不应包含用于测试的宝石。为什么?:测试宝石会添加更多代码,这些代码可能需要运行,不必要地,在实时应用中,与测试相关的宝石可能会在您的生产应用中引入安全漏洞。

  3. certain assets may not test properly after they are 'compiled'.
  4. 某些资产在“编译”后可能无法正常测试。

  5. assets and other deploy-pipe-line precompile can be handled differently / turned off / etc, in service of the testing process.
  6. 在测试过程中,资产和其他部署管道预编译可以不同的方式处理/关闭/等。

  7. Certain APIs and services may be sandboxed, or stubbed, in test/staging, such as API calls to pay-per-use services, like email or reports.
  8. 某些API和服务可能在测试/暂存中被沙箱化或存根,例如对电子邮件或报告等按使用付费服务的API调用。

The possibilities are too-custom (to your app) to suggest a best-practice... but, needless to say, there are many 'test mode' settings that may need configuration when rails_ENV=test

可能性过于自定义(对您的应用程序而言)建议最佳实践...但是,不用说,当rails_ENV = test时,有许多“测试模式”设置可能需要配置



You should get your priorities clear. Why do you run specs?


  1. to be sure, that your environment xyz runs your code at all or
  2. 确保您的环境xyz完全运行您的代码或

  3. to be sure, that your code does as it should
  4. 可以肯定的是,您的代码可以正常运行

I would say, most ppl run specs for 2., and that really should take place in the test environment, just for the reasons given in NewAlexandrias answer.


When you want to check about 1. after deployment, running specs seems a bit farfetched to me. There should be simpler ways.


When you deploy, and you are not sure about 2. ... thats premature deployment, something, you should not be doing.
