
时间:2022-06-01 09:15:13

I notice that when an element of a column from a Pandas DataFrame has numeric substrings, the method isnumeric returns false.

我注意到当Pandas DataFrame中的列的元素具有数字子字符串时,方法isnumeric返回false。

For example:

row 1, column 1 has the following: 0002 0003 1289
row 2, column 1 has the following: 89060 324 123431132
row 3, column 1 has the following: 890GB 32A 34311TT
row 4, column 1 has the following: 82A 34311TT
row 4, column 1 has the following: 82A 34311TT 889 9999C

Clearly, the rows 1 and 2 are all numbers, but isnumeric returns false for rows 1 and 2.


I found a work-around the involves separating each substring into their own columns and then creating a boolean column for each to add the booleans together to reveal whether a row is all numeric or not. This, however, is tedious and my function doesn't look tidy. I also to not want to strip and replace the whitespace (to squeeze all the substrings into just one number) because I need to preserve the original substrings.


Does anyone know of a simpler solution/technique that will correctly tell me that these elements with one or more numeric sub strings is all numeric? My ultimate goal is to delete these numeric-only rows.


2 个解决方案



I think need list comprehension with split with all for check all numeric strings:


mask = ~df['a'].apply(lambda x: all([s.isnumeric() for s in x.split()]))

mask = [not all([s.isnumeric() for s in x.split()]) for x in df['a']]

If want check if at least one numeric string use any:


mask = ~df['a'].apply(lambda x: any([s.isnumeric() for s in x.split()]))

mask = [not any([s.isnumeric() for s in x.split()]) for x in df['a']]



Here is one way using pd.Series.map, any with a generator expression, str.isdecimal and str.split.


import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'col1': ['0002 0003 1289', '89060 324 123431132', '890GB 32A 34311TT',
                            '82A 34311TT', '82A 34311TT 889 9999C']})

df['numeric'] = df['col1'].map(lambda x: any(i.isdecimal() for i in x.split()))

Note that isdecimal is more strict than isdigit. But you may need to use str.isdigit or str.isnumeric in Python 2.7.

请注意,isdecimal比isdigit更严格。但是您可能需要在Python 2.7中使用str.isdigit或str.isnumeric。

To remove such rows where result is False:


df = df[df['col1'].map(lambda x: any(i.isdecimal() for i in x.split()))]


First part of logic:


                    col1 numeric
0         0002 0003 1289    True
1    89060 324 123431132    True
2      890GB 32A 34311TT   False
3            82A 34311TT   False
4  82A 34311TT 889 9999C    True



I think need list comprehension with split with all for check all numeric strings:


mask = ~df['a'].apply(lambda x: all([s.isnumeric() for s in x.split()]))

mask = [not all([s.isnumeric() for s in x.split()]) for x in df['a']]

If want check if at least one numeric string use any:


mask = ~df['a'].apply(lambda x: any([s.isnumeric() for s in x.split()]))

mask = [not any([s.isnumeric() for s in x.split()]) for x in df['a']]



Here is one way using pd.Series.map, any with a generator expression, str.isdecimal and str.split.


import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'col1': ['0002 0003 1289', '89060 324 123431132', '890GB 32A 34311TT',
                            '82A 34311TT', '82A 34311TT 889 9999C']})

df['numeric'] = df['col1'].map(lambda x: any(i.isdecimal() for i in x.split()))

Note that isdecimal is more strict than isdigit. But you may need to use str.isdigit or str.isnumeric in Python 2.7.

请注意,isdecimal比isdigit更严格。但是您可能需要在Python 2.7中使用str.isdigit或str.isnumeric。

To remove such rows where result is False:


df = df[df['col1'].map(lambda x: any(i.isdecimal() for i in x.split()))]


First part of logic:


                    col1 numeric
0         0002 0003 1289    True
1    89060 324 123431132    True
2      890GB 32A 34311TT   False
3            82A 34311TT   False
4  82A 34311TT 889 9999C    True