SQL - 从列的文本中删除子字符串

时间:2021-12-02 19:36:39

I've the following two columns in Postgres table


name | last_name
AA   | AA aa
BBB  | BBB bbbb
.... | ..... 
.... | ..... 

How can I update the last_name by removing name text from it?


final out put should be like


name | last_name
AA   | aa
BBB  | bbbb
.... | ..... 
.... | ..... 

3 个解决方案



UPDATE table SET last_name = regexp_replace(last_name, '^' || name || ' ', '');

This only removes one copy from the beginning of the column and correctly removes the trailing space.



I'm using a regular expression here. '^' || name || ' ' builds the regular expression, so with the 'Davis McDavis' example, it builds the regular expression '^Davis '. The ^ causes the regular expression to be anchored to the beginning of the string, so it's going to match the word 'Davis' followed by a space only at the beginning of the string it is replacing in, which is the last_name column.

我在这里使用正则表达式。 '^'||名字|| ''建立正则表达式,所以使用'戴维斯麦克戴维斯'的例子,它构建了正则表达式'^ Davis'。 ^使正则表达式锚定到字符串的开头,因此它将匹配单词'Davis',后跟一个空格,仅在它替换的字符串的开头,即last_name列。

You could achieve the same effect without regular expressions like this:


UPDATE table SET last_name = substr(last_name, length(name) + 2);

You need to add two to the length to create the offset because substr is one-based (+1) and you want to include the space (+1). However, I prefer the regular expression solution even though it probably performs worse because I find it somewhat more self-documenting. It has the additional advantage that it is idempotent: if you run it again on the database it won't have any effect. The substr/offset method is not idempotent; if you run it again, it will eat more characters off your last name.

您需要在长度上添加两个来创建偏移量,因为substr是从一开始的(+1)并且您想要包含空格(+1)。但是,我更喜欢正则表达式解决方案,即使它可能表现更差,因为我发现它有点自我记录。它具有额外的优势,它是幂等的:如果你在数据库上再次运行它将没有任何效果。 substr / offset方法不是幂等的;如果你再次运行它,它会从你的姓氏中吃掉更多的字符。



Not sure about syntax, but try this:


UPDATE table   
SET last_name = TRIM(REPLACE(last_name,name,''))  

I suggest first to check it by selecting :


 SELECT REPLACE(last_name,name,'')  FROM  table 



you need the replace function see http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/static/functions-string.html


UPDATE table SET last_name = REPLACE(last_name,name,'')



UPDATE table SET last_name = regexp_replace(last_name, '^' || name || ' ', '');

This only removes one copy from the beginning of the column and correctly removes the trailing space.



I'm using a regular expression here. '^' || name || ' ' builds the regular expression, so with the 'Davis McDavis' example, it builds the regular expression '^Davis '. The ^ causes the regular expression to be anchored to the beginning of the string, so it's going to match the word 'Davis' followed by a space only at the beginning of the string it is replacing in, which is the last_name column.

我在这里使用正则表达式。 '^'||名字|| ''建立正则表达式,所以使用'戴维斯麦克戴维斯'的例子,它构建了正则表达式'^ Davis'。 ^使正则表达式锚定到字符串的开头,因此它将匹配单词'Davis',后跟一个空格,仅在它替换的字符串的开头,即last_name列。

You could achieve the same effect without regular expressions like this:


UPDATE table SET last_name = substr(last_name, length(name) + 2);

You need to add two to the length to create the offset because substr is one-based (+1) and you want to include the space (+1). However, I prefer the regular expression solution even though it probably performs worse because I find it somewhat more self-documenting. It has the additional advantage that it is idempotent: if you run it again on the database it won't have any effect. The substr/offset method is not idempotent; if you run it again, it will eat more characters off your last name.

您需要在长度上添加两个来创建偏移量,因为substr是从一开始的(+1)并且您想要包含空格(+1)。但是,我更喜欢正则表达式解决方案,即使它可能表现更差,因为我发现它有点自我记录。它具有额外的优势,它是幂等的:如果你在数据库上再次运行它将没有任何效果。 substr / offset方法不是幂等的;如果你再次运行它,它会从你的姓氏中吃掉更多的字符。



Not sure about syntax, but try this:


UPDATE table   
SET last_name = TRIM(REPLACE(last_name,name,''))  

I suggest first to check it by selecting :


 SELECT REPLACE(last_name,name,'')  FROM  table 



you need the replace function see http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/static/functions-string.html


UPDATE table SET last_name = REPLACE(last_name,name,'')