
时间:2021-04-26 04:15:17

I have a simple function Bar that uses a set of values from a data set that is passed in in the form of an Array of data structures. The data can come from two sources: a constant initialized array of default values, or a dynamically updated cache.


The calling function determines which data is used and should be passed to Bar. Bar doesn't need to edit any of the data and in fact should never do so. How should I declare Bar's data parameter so that I can provide data from either set?

调用函数确定使用哪些数据并应传递给Bar。 Bar不需要编辑任何数据,实际上不应该这样做。我应该如何声明Bar的数据参数,以便我可以从任何一组中提供数据?

union Foo
long _long;
int _int;

static const Foo DEFAULTS[8] = {1,10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000,10000000};
static Foo Cache[8] = {0};

void Bar(Foo* dataSet, int len);//example function prototype

Note, this is C, NOT C++ if that makes a difference;

注意,这是C,而不是C ++,如果这有所不同;

Oh, one more thing. When I use the example prototype I get a type qualifier mismatch warning, (because I'm passing a mutable reference to a const array?). What do I have to change for that?


2 个解决方案



You want:

void Bar(const Foo *dataSet, int len);

The parameter declaration const Foo *x means:

参数声明const Foo * x表示:

x is a pointer to a Foo that I promise not to change.


You will be able to pass a non-const pointer into Bar with this prototype.




As you have done - the function takes a pointer to the data (const if it doesn't need to change it)

正如您所做的那样 - 该函数采用指向数据的指针(如果不需要更改,则为const)

Then either pass the pointer if you allocated the data with malloc, or the first element if this is a static array.




You want:

void Bar(const Foo *dataSet, int len);

The parameter declaration const Foo *x means:

参数声明const Foo * x表示:

x is a pointer to a Foo that I promise not to change.


You will be able to pass a non-const pointer into Bar with this prototype.




As you have done - the function takes a pointer to the data (const if it doesn't need to change it)

正如您所做的那样 - 该函数采用指向数据的指针(如果不需要更改,则为const)

Then either pass the pointer if you allocated the data with malloc, or the first element if this is a static array.
