
时间:2021-09-20 22:56:13

I am pretty new to using typedef struct, so I hope you'll be able to give pretty basic explanation so I can understand better.


I have declared an array variable called ExpNum[3] for my typedef struct. I want to be able to pass ExpNum[0].ValueofParamOne[0] and so on and so forth to another function called myfunction(). However, I am not able to do

我已经为我的typedef结构声明了一个名为ExpNum [3]的数组变量。我希望能够将ExpNum [0] .ValueofParamOne [0]等等传递给另一个名为myfunction()的函数。但是,我无法做到


When I run my codes as shown below, the values initialized here do not even get passed. I figure this out because I printf ExpNum[0].ValueofParamOne[0] in the main function and myfunction() and the values are different. The one in the main function is correct while the one in myfunction() printed random long numbers, an error. I know why there is an error. My question is how should I pass this array? Is it even possible in the first place?

当我运行如下所示的代码时,这里初始化的值甚至不会被传递。我想出来是因为我在main函数和myfunction()中的printf ExpNum [0] .ValueofParamOne [0]和值不同。主函数中的一个是正确的,而myfunction()中的一个打印随机长数,一个错误。我知道为什么会有错误。我的问题是我应该如何传递这个数组?它首先是否可能?

I know an easier method is to pass the structure without declaring ExpNum[3]. However this is crucial because my actual programme deals with more Experiments and I need ExpNum[3] to help users ensure that they do not mix up the ValueofParamOne, ValueofParamTwo and it's corresponding ExperimentResults

我知道一种更简单的方法是在不声明ExpNum [3]的情况下传递结构。然而这是至关重要的,因为我的实际程序涉及更多的实验,我需要ExpNum [3]来帮助用户确保他们不会混淆ValueofParamOne,ValueofParamTwo和它相应的ExperimentResults

Or maybe I should change my method entirely? My main focus is to make sure users assign their values accurately.


myfunction() is highly technical and mathematical. Its purpose is to calculate the optimized parameter values. Of course, in my actual function there are more than 3 experiment data.


typedef struct{unsigned int     NumofParam;double     ExperimentResults[3];double     ValueofParamOne[3];double     ValueofParamTwo[3];}EXP_CONDITION;int main(){EXP_CONDITION stInputs;EXP_CONDITION* pstInputs;pstInputs = &stInputs;pstInputs->NumofParam = 2U;EXP_CONDITION ExpNum[3];/*assign values to Experiment 1*/ExpNum[0].ValueofParamOne[0]=200;ExpNum[0].ValueofParamTwo[0]=400;ExpNum[0].ExperimentResults[0]=1000;/*assign values to Experiment 2*/ExpNum[1].ValueofParamOne[1]=210;ExpNum[1].ValueofParamTwo[1]=440;ExpNum[1].ExperimentResults[1]=2000;/*assign values to Experiment 3*/ExpNum[2].ValueofParamOne[2]=220;ExpNum[2].ValueofParamTwo[2]=480;ExpNum[2].ExperimentResults[2]=3000;myfunction(&stInputs);return 0;}

Editted based on the comments from @MaxVollmer and @aschepler :)


3 个解决方案



It is quite apparent that you are just a little bit confused on how to put the values together into a single struct to make use of all values at once.


In your code. You assign a value to your stInputs.NumofParam -- but no other values are assigned.

在你的代码中。您为stInputs.NumofParam分配值 - 但不分配其他值。

You then declare an array of 3-struct in ExpNum, but then inexplicably assign only one row of values in each struct?


From the gist of your question, it looks like you are trying to fill one struct with all values so you can pass that struct to myfunction (which we will presume does something like output all values in the struct)


Before looking at fixes, let's look at some general coding issues.


First, don't use magic numbers in your code (except where absolutely required like with the scanf field-width modifier). Your 3 is a magic number. Instead, If you need a constant, #define one (or more), or use a global enum to do the same thing. That way you have one single place at the top of your code to change things if needed and you don't have to go picking through your declarations or loop limits to change things, e.g.

首先,不要在代码中使用幻数(除非像scanf field-width修饰符那样绝对需要)。你的3是一个神奇的数字。相反,如果你需要一个常量,#define一个(或更多),或使用全局枚举来做同样的事情。这样,如果需要,您可以在代码顶部有一个单独的位置来更改内容,而无需通过声明或循环限制来更改内容,例如:

#include <stdio.h>#define MAXV 3  /* if you need a constant, #define one (or more) */typedef struct {    unsigned int     NumofParam;    double     ExperimentResults[MAXV];    double     ValueofParamOne[MAXV];    double     ValueofParamTwo[MAXV];} EXP_CONDITION;

Next, C avoids the use of camelCase or MixedCase variable names in favor of all lower-case while reserving upper-case names for use with macros and constants. It is a matter of style -- so it is completely up to you, but failing to follow it can lead to the wrong first impression in some circles.

接下来,C避免使用camelCase或MixedCase变量名来支持所有小写,同时保留用于宏和常量的大写名称。这是一个风格问题 - 所以它完全取决于你,但如果不遵循它可能会在某些圈子中产生错误的第一印象。

Now on to your code. First (and especially if you will be looping over elements in an array) initialize your structs to all zero when declared. That will eliminate the chance of invoking Undefined Behavior by inadvertently attempting to read from an uninitialized value. You can either use a named initializer for the first member (all others will be set zero by default), or you can use the universal initializer (e.g. {0}) to accomplish the same thing. Example:


int main (void){    /* initialize your struct to all zero using a named initializer     * or the universal intializer {0}     */    EXP_CONDITION stInputs = { .NumofParam = 0 };    EXP_CONDITION* pstInputs;    pstInputs = &stInputs;    ...    EXP_CONDITION ExpNum[MAXV] = {{ .NumofParam = 0 }};

Now look at the logic of your assignments. You declare 3 stucts in the array ExpNum. Each struct has within it 3 arrays of 3 values each, e.g.


    double     ExperimentResults[MAXV];    double     ValueofParamOne[MAXV];    double     ValueofParamTwo[MAXV];

When you attempt to fill each of ExpNum[0] ExpNum[1] and ExpNum[2] -- you are only filling one element, e.g.

当您尝试填充ExpNum [0] ExpNum [1]和ExpNum [2]中的每一个时 - 您只填充一个元素,例如

    /*assign values to Experiment 1*/    ExpNum[0].ValueofParamOne[0]=200;    ExpNum[0].ValueofParamTwo[0]=400;    ExpNum[0].ExperimentResults[0]=1000;    /*assign values to Experiment 2*/    ExpNum[1].ValueofParamOne[1]=210;    ExpNum[1].ValueofParamTwo[1]=440;    ExpNum[1].ExperimentResults[1]=2000;    ...

To completely fill a single struct your would need


    /*assign values to Experiment 1*/    ExpNum[0].ValueofParamOne[0]=200;    ExpNum[0].ValueofParamTwo[0]=400;    ExpNum[0].ExperimentResults[0]=1000;    ExpNum[0].ValueofParamOne[1]=210;    ExpNum[0].ValueofParamTwo[1]=440;    ExpNum[0].ExperimentResults[1]=2000;    ExpNum[0].ValueofParamOne[2]=220;    ExpNum[0].ValueofParamTwo[2]=480;    ExpNum[0].ExperimentResults[2]=3000;

Now let's look at myfunction which we will assume just outputs the values stored in each struct (this is just for example):


void myfunction (EXP_CONDITION *exp){    printf ("\nNumofParam: %u\n", exp->NumofParam);    for (int i = 0; i < MAXV; i++)        printf (" %7.1lf    %7.1lf    %7.1lf\n", exp->ExperimentResults[i],                exp->ValueofParamOne[i], exp->ValueofParamTwo[i]);    putchar ('\n');     /* tidy up with newline */}

Think about what will print if we call myfunction (pstInputs)? What will print if we call myfunction (&ExpNum[0])? Or myfunction (&ExpNum[1])

想想如果我们调用myfunction(pstInputs)会打印什么?如果我们调用myfunction(&ExpNum [0])会打印什么?或者myfunction(&ExpNum [1])


Initial stInputs structNumofParam: 2     0.0        0.0        0.0     0.0        0.0        0.0     0.0        0.0        0.0Content of each of ExpNum structsNumofParam: 0  1000.0      200.0      400.0     0.0        0.0        0.0     0.0        0.0        0.0NumofParam: 0     0.0        0.0        0.0  2000.0      210.0      440.0     0.0        0.0        0.0NumofParam: 0     0.0        0.0        0.0     0.0        0.0        0.0  3000.0      220.0      480.0

I could be wrong, but logically, it seems you intended to have all experiments within your stInputs struct, and not sprinkled as one-row each in your ExpNum array. The beauty of coding and structs is that you can easily shuffle the data together to now put it in one place so you can manage the data properly. Simple loop over the ExpNum array and copy all data to the stInputs struct in its proper place, e.g.


    /* now put all values in your stInputs struct like it appears     * you intended to do?     */    for (int i = 0; i < MAXV; i++) {        pstInputs->ExperimentResults[i] = ExpNum[i].ExperimentResults[i];        pstInputs->ValueofParamOne[i] = ExpNum[i].ValueofParamOne[i];        pstInputs->ValueofParamTwo[i] = ExpNum[i].ValueofParamTwo[i];    }

Now when you call myfunction (pstInputs) you get all of your data, e.g.


Output of the completely filled stInputs structNumofParam: 2  1000.0      200.0      400.0  2000.0      210.0      440.0  3000.0      220.0      480.0

Putting all the pieces together, your final example could look something like the following:


#include <stdio.h>#define MAXV 3  /* if you need a constant, #define one (or more) */typedef struct {    unsigned int     NumofParam;    double     ExperimentResults[MAXV];    double     ValueofParamOne[MAXV];    double     ValueofParamTwo[MAXV];} EXP_CONDITION;void myfunction (EXP_CONDITION *exp){    printf ("\nNumofParam: %u\n", exp->NumofParam);    for (int i = 0; i < MAXV; i++)        printf (" %7.1lf    %7.1lf    %7.1lf\n", exp->ExperimentResults[i],                exp->ValueofParamOne[i], exp->ValueofParamTwo[i]);    putchar ('\n');     /* tidy up with newline */}int main (void){    /* initialize your struct to all zero using a named initializer     * or the universal intializer {0}     */    EXP_CONDITION stInputs = { .NumofParam = 0 };    EXP_CONDITION* pstInputs;    pstInputs = &stInputs;    pstInputs->NumofParam = 2U;    EXP_CONDITION ExpNum[MAXV] = {{ .NumofParam = 0 }};    /*assign values to Experiment 1*/    ExpNum[0].ValueofParamOne[0]=200;    ExpNum[0].ValueofParamTwo[0]=400;    ExpNum[0].ExperimentResults[0]=1000;    /*assign values to Experiment 2*/    ExpNum[1].ValueofParamOne[1]=210;    ExpNum[1].ValueofParamTwo[1]=440;    ExpNum[1].ExperimentResults[1]=2000;    /*assign values to Experiment 3*/    ExpNum[2].ValueofParamOne[2]=220;    ExpNum[2].ValueofParamTwo[2]=480;    ExpNum[2].ExperimentResults[2]=3000;    /* output your first stInputs struct */    puts ("Initial stInputs struct");    myfunction (&stInputs);    /* output values in each of your ExpNum array of struct     * (but note, you only assign one-row in each struct)     */    puts ("Content of each of ExpNum structs");    for (int i = 0; i < MAXV; i++)        myfunction (&ExpNum[i]);    /* now put all values in your stInputs struct like it appears     * you intended to do?     */    for (int i = 0; i < MAXV; i++) {        pstInputs->ExperimentResults[i] = ExpNum[i].ExperimentResults[i];        pstInputs->ValueofParamOne[i] = ExpNum[i].ValueofParamOne[i];        pstInputs->ValueofParamTwo[i] = ExpNum[i].ValueofParamTwo[i];    }    /* output the completely filled stInputs struct */    puts ("Output of the completely filled stInputs struct");    myfunction (pstInputs);    return 0;}

Full Example Use/Output


$ ./bin/expstructInitial stInputs structNumofParam: 2     0.0        0.0        0.0     0.0        0.0        0.0     0.0        0.0        0.0Content of each of ExpNum structsNumofParam: 0  1000.0      200.0      400.0     0.0        0.0        0.0     0.0        0.0        0.0NumofParam: 0     0.0        0.0        0.0  2000.0      210.0      440.0     0.0        0.0        0.0NumofParam: 0     0.0        0.0        0.0     0.0        0.0        0.0  3000.0      220.0      480.0Output of the completely filled stInputs structNumofParam: 2  1000.0      200.0      400.0  2000.0      210.0      440.0  3000.0      220.0      480.0

Look things over and let me know if you have further questions. If I have misinterpreted your question, just drop a comment or edit your question and let me know.




If you want to pass the ExpNum array, simply pass it. There really isn't much to it:



The compiler will actually pass a pointer to the first element in the array, but that doesn't matter. You know it's 3 elements (and if not, you can simply add a 2nd parameter to the function to provide the number of elements).


Inside myfunction you can then access the elements in the array like so:


void myfunction(EXP_CONDITION* expNum){    double foo = expNum[0].ValueofParamOne[0];    double bar = expNum[1].ValueofParamOne[0];    double baz = expNum[2].ValueofParamOne[0];    // ...}



In your first line:



you've constructed an object of the EXP_CONDITION struct. All it's members are uninitialized (i.e. "random").You then create pointer to this struct and set the value of the NumofParam member. All other members remain uninitialized:


pstInputs = &stInputs;pstInputs->NumofParam = 2U;

Now, and here's where your getting tripped up I think. You create an array of 3 more EXP_CONDITION structs. They are sitting somewhere else in memory. Modifying these structs will not modify the original stInputs object that you declare above.



You finally pass a pointer to the original stInputs object to your function. It is still uninitialized.


Now, when you are assigning results, you have 2 levels of array, where it's not clear why. For example:


/*assign values to Experiment 2*/ExpNum[1].ValueofParamOne[1]=210;ExpNum[1].ValueofParamTwo[1]=440;ExpNum[1].ExperimentResults[1]=2000;

assigns the values to the second ExpNum (which seems fine), but then you assign it to the second index in the arrays inside the struct (e.g. ExpNum[1].ValueofParamTwo[0] is unintialized).

分配值给第二ExpNum(这似乎细),但随后将其分配给阵列中的结构体内部的第二索引(例如ExpNum [1] .ValueofParamTwo [0]是unintialized)。

So, my guess as to what you want: Start with a top level structure that will hold all your experiments, then create a separate structure to hold each experiment's results.


typedef struct {    double     ExperimentResults;    double     ValueofParamOne;    double     ValueofParamTwo;} ExperimentData;typedef struct {    unsigned int     NumofParam;    ExperimentData     experiments[3];} EXP_CONDITION;

and you can assign the values like this:


EXP_CONDITION stInputs;stInputs.NumofParam = 2U;stInputs.experiments[0].ValueofParamOne = 200;stInputs.experiments[0].ValueofParamTwo = 400;stInputs.experiments[0].ExperimentResults =  1000;stInputs.experiments[1].ValueofParamOne = 210;stInputs.experiments[1].ValueofParamTwo = 440;stInputs.experiments[1].ExperimentResults =  2000;// etc . . .



It is quite apparent that you are just a little bit confused on how to put the values together into a single struct to make use of all values at once.


In your code. You assign a value to your stInputs.NumofParam -- but no other values are assigned.

在你的代码中。您为stInputs.NumofParam分配值 - 但不分配其他值。

You then declare an array of 3-struct in ExpNum, but then inexplicably assign only one row of values in each struct?


From the gist of your question, it looks like you are trying to fill one struct with all values so you can pass that struct to myfunction (which we will presume does something like output all values in the struct)


Before looking at fixes, let's look at some general coding issues.


First, don't use magic numbers in your code (except where absolutely required like with the scanf field-width modifier). Your 3 is a magic number. Instead, If you need a constant, #define one (or more), or use a global enum to do the same thing. That way you have one single place at the top of your code to change things if needed and you don't have to go picking through your declarations or loop limits to change things, e.g.

首先,不要在代码中使用幻数(除非像scanf field-width修饰符那样绝对需要)。你的3是一个神奇的数字。相反,如果你需要一个常量,#define一个(或更多),或使用全局枚举来做同样的事情。这样,如果需要,您可以在代码顶部有一个单独的位置来更改内容,而无需通过声明或循环限制来更改内容,例如:

#include <stdio.h>#define MAXV 3  /* if you need a constant, #define one (or more) */typedef struct {    unsigned int     NumofParam;    double     ExperimentResults[MAXV];    double     ValueofParamOne[MAXV];    double     ValueofParamTwo[MAXV];} EXP_CONDITION;

Next, C avoids the use of camelCase or MixedCase variable names in favor of all lower-case while reserving upper-case names for use with macros and constants. It is a matter of style -- so it is completely up to you, but failing to follow it can lead to the wrong first impression in some circles.

接下来,C避免使用camelCase或MixedCase变量名来支持所有小写,同时保留用于宏和常量的大写名称。这是一个风格问题 - 所以它完全取决于你,但如果不遵循它可能会在某些圈子中产生错误的第一印象。

Now on to your code. First (and especially if you will be looping over elements in an array) initialize your structs to all zero when declared. That will eliminate the chance of invoking Undefined Behavior by inadvertently attempting to read from an uninitialized value. You can either use a named initializer for the first member (all others will be set zero by default), or you can use the universal initializer (e.g. {0}) to accomplish the same thing. Example:


int main (void){    /* initialize your struct to all zero using a named initializer     * or the universal intializer {0}     */    EXP_CONDITION stInputs = { .NumofParam = 0 };    EXP_CONDITION* pstInputs;    pstInputs = &stInputs;    ...    EXP_CONDITION ExpNum[MAXV] = {{ .NumofParam = 0 }};

Now look at the logic of your assignments. You declare 3 stucts in the array ExpNum. Each struct has within it 3 arrays of 3 values each, e.g.


    double     ExperimentResults[MAXV];    double     ValueofParamOne[MAXV];    double     ValueofParamTwo[MAXV];

When you attempt to fill each of ExpNum[0] ExpNum[1] and ExpNum[2] -- you are only filling one element, e.g.

当您尝试填充ExpNum [0] ExpNum [1]和ExpNum [2]中的每一个时 - 您只填充一个元素,例如

    /*assign values to Experiment 1*/    ExpNum[0].ValueofParamOne[0]=200;    ExpNum[0].ValueofParamTwo[0]=400;    ExpNum[0].ExperimentResults[0]=1000;    /*assign values to Experiment 2*/    ExpNum[1].ValueofParamOne[1]=210;    ExpNum[1].ValueofParamTwo[1]=440;    ExpNum[1].ExperimentResults[1]=2000;    ...

To completely fill a single struct your would need


    /*assign values to Experiment 1*/    ExpNum[0].ValueofParamOne[0]=200;    ExpNum[0].ValueofParamTwo[0]=400;    ExpNum[0].ExperimentResults[0]=1000;    ExpNum[0].ValueofParamOne[1]=210;    ExpNum[0].ValueofParamTwo[1]=440;    ExpNum[0].ExperimentResults[1]=2000;    ExpNum[0].ValueofParamOne[2]=220;    ExpNum[0].ValueofParamTwo[2]=480;    ExpNum[0].ExperimentResults[2]=3000;

Now let's look at myfunction which we will assume just outputs the values stored in each struct (this is just for example):


void myfunction (EXP_CONDITION *exp){    printf ("\nNumofParam: %u\n", exp->NumofParam);    for (int i = 0; i < MAXV; i++)        printf (" %7.1lf    %7.1lf    %7.1lf\n", exp->ExperimentResults[i],                exp->ValueofParamOne[i], exp->ValueofParamTwo[i]);    putchar ('\n');     /* tidy up with newline */}

Think about what will print if we call myfunction (pstInputs)? What will print if we call myfunction (&ExpNum[0])? Or myfunction (&ExpNum[1])

想想如果我们调用myfunction(pstInputs)会打印什么?如果我们调用myfunction(&ExpNum [0])会打印什么?或者myfunction(&ExpNum [1])


Initial stInputs structNumofParam: 2     0.0        0.0        0.0     0.0        0.0        0.0     0.0        0.0        0.0Content of each of ExpNum structsNumofParam: 0  1000.0      200.0      400.0     0.0        0.0        0.0     0.0        0.0        0.0NumofParam: 0     0.0        0.0        0.0  2000.0      210.0      440.0     0.0        0.0        0.0NumofParam: 0     0.0        0.0        0.0     0.0        0.0        0.0  3000.0      220.0      480.0

I could be wrong, but logically, it seems you intended to have all experiments within your stInputs struct, and not sprinkled as one-row each in your ExpNum array. The beauty of coding and structs is that you can easily shuffle the data together to now put it in one place so you can manage the data properly. Simple loop over the ExpNum array and copy all data to the stInputs struct in its proper place, e.g.


    /* now put all values in your stInputs struct like it appears     * you intended to do?     */    for (int i = 0; i < MAXV; i++) {        pstInputs->ExperimentResults[i] = ExpNum[i].ExperimentResults[i];        pstInputs->ValueofParamOne[i] = ExpNum[i].ValueofParamOne[i];        pstInputs->ValueofParamTwo[i] = ExpNum[i].ValueofParamTwo[i];    }

Now when you call myfunction (pstInputs) you get all of your data, e.g.


Output of the completely filled stInputs structNumofParam: 2  1000.0      200.0      400.0  2000.0      210.0      440.0  3000.0      220.0      480.0

Putting all the pieces together, your final example could look something like the following:


#include <stdio.h>#define MAXV 3  /* if you need a constant, #define one (or more) */typedef struct {    unsigned int     NumofParam;    double     ExperimentResults[MAXV];    double     ValueofParamOne[MAXV];    double     ValueofParamTwo[MAXV];} EXP_CONDITION;void myfunction (EXP_CONDITION *exp){    printf ("\nNumofParam: %u\n", exp->NumofParam);    for (int i = 0; i < MAXV; i++)        printf (" %7.1lf    %7.1lf    %7.1lf\n", exp->ExperimentResults[i],                exp->ValueofParamOne[i], exp->ValueofParamTwo[i]);    putchar ('\n');     /* tidy up with newline */}int main (void){    /* initialize your struct to all zero using a named initializer     * or the universal intializer {0}     */    EXP_CONDITION stInputs = { .NumofParam = 0 };    EXP_CONDITION* pstInputs;    pstInputs = &stInputs;    pstInputs->NumofParam = 2U;    EXP_CONDITION ExpNum[MAXV] = {{ .NumofParam = 0 }};    /*assign values to Experiment 1*/    ExpNum[0].ValueofParamOne[0]=200;    ExpNum[0].ValueofParamTwo[0]=400;    ExpNum[0].ExperimentResults[0]=1000;    /*assign values to Experiment 2*/    ExpNum[1].ValueofParamOne[1]=210;    ExpNum[1].ValueofParamTwo[1]=440;    ExpNum[1].ExperimentResults[1]=2000;    /*assign values to Experiment 3*/    ExpNum[2].ValueofParamOne[2]=220;    ExpNum[2].ValueofParamTwo[2]=480;    ExpNum[2].ExperimentResults[2]=3000;    /* output your first stInputs struct */    puts ("Initial stInputs struct");    myfunction (&stInputs);    /* output values in each of your ExpNum array of struct     * (but note, you only assign one-row in each struct)     */    puts ("Content of each of ExpNum structs");    for (int i = 0; i < MAXV; i++)        myfunction (&ExpNum[i]);    /* now put all values in your stInputs struct like it appears     * you intended to do?     */    for (int i = 0; i < MAXV; i++) {        pstInputs->ExperimentResults[i] = ExpNum[i].ExperimentResults[i];        pstInputs->ValueofParamOne[i] = ExpNum[i].ValueofParamOne[i];        pstInputs->ValueofParamTwo[i] = ExpNum[i].ValueofParamTwo[i];    }    /* output the completely filled stInputs struct */    puts ("Output of the completely filled stInputs struct");    myfunction (pstInputs);    return 0;}

Full Example Use/Output


$ ./bin/expstructInitial stInputs structNumofParam: 2     0.0        0.0        0.0     0.0        0.0        0.0     0.0        0.0        0.0Content of each of ExpNum structsNumofParam: 0  1000.0      200.0      400.0     0.0        0.0        0.0     0.0        0.0        0.0NumofParam: 0     0.0        0.0        0.0  2000.0      210.0      440.0     0.0        0.0        0.0NumofParam: 0     0.0        0.0        0.0     0.0        0.0        0.0  3000.0      220.0      480.0Output of the completely filled stInputs structNumofParam: 2  1000.0      200.0      400.0  2000.0      210.0      440.0  3000.0      220.0      480.0

Look things over and let me know if you have further questions. If I have misinterpreted your question, just drop a comment or edit your question and let me know.




If you want to pass the ExpNum array, simply pass it. There really isn't much to it:



The compiler will actually pass a pointer to the first element in the array, but that doesn't matter. You know it's 3 elements (and if not, you can simply add a 2nd parameter to the function to provide the number of elements).


Inside myfunction you can then access the elements in the array like so:


void myfunction(EXP_CONDITION* expNum){    double foo = expNum[0].ValueofParamOne[0];    double bar = expNum[1].ValueofParamOne[0];    double baz = expNum[2].ValueofParamOne[0];    // ...}



In your first line:



you've constructed an object of the EXP_CONDITION struct. All it's members are uninitialized (i.e. "random").You then create pointer to this struct and set the value of the NumofParam member. All other members remain uninitialized:


pstInputs = &stInputs;pstInputs->NumofParam = 2U;

Now, and here's where your getting tripped up I think. You create an array of 3 more EXP_CONDITION structs. They are sitting somewhere else in memory. Modifying these structs will not modify the original stInputs object that you declare above.



You finally pass a pointer to the original stInputs object to your function. It is still uninitialized.


Now, when you are assigning results, you have 2 levels of array, where it's not clear why. For example:


/*assign values to Experiment 2*/ExpNum[1].ValueofParamOne[1]=210;ExpNum[1].ValueofParamTwo[1]=440;ExpNum[1].ExperimentResults[1]=2000;

assigns the values to the second ExpNum (which seems fine), but then you assign it to the second index in the arrays inside the struct (e.g. ExpNum[1].ValueofParamTwo[0] is unintialized).

分配值给第二ExpNum(这似乎细),但随后将其分配给阵列中的结构体内部的第二索引(例如ExpNum [1] .ValueofParamTwo [0]是unintialized)。

So, my guess as to what you want: Start with a top level structure that will hold all your experiments, then create a separate structure to hold each experiment's results.


typedef struct {    double     ExperimentResults;    double     ValueofParamOne;    double     ValueofParamTwo;} ExperimentData;typedef struct {    unsigned int     NumofParam;    ExperimentData     experiments[3];} EXP_CONDITION;

and you can assign the values like this:


EXP_CONDITION stInputs;stInputs.NumofParam = 2U;stInputs.experiments[0].ValueofParamOne = 200;stInputs.experiments[0].ValueofParamTwo = 400;stInputs.experiments[0].ExperimentResults =  1000;stInputs.experiments[1].ValueofParamOne = 210;stInputs.experiments[1].ValueofParamTwo = 440;stInputs.experiments[1].ExperimentResults =  2000;// etc . . .