
时间:2021-10-08 19:18:47

I have written a program for insertion shot like following:


int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int arr[10] = {1,2,3,10,5,9,6,8,7,4};
int value;
cin >> value ;
int *ptr;
ptr = insertionshot(arr); //here Im passing whole array
return 0;

int * insertionshot(int arr[])

//Changed after a hint (now, its fine)
int ar[10];
for(int i =0;i < 10; i++)
    ar[i] = arr[i];
 //Changed after a hint

int arrlength = sizeof(ar)/sizeof(ar[0]); //here array length is 1, it should be 10
for(int a = 1; a <= arrlength -1 ;a++)
    int b = a;
    while(b > 0 && ar[b] < ar[b-1])
        int temp;
        temp = ar[b-1];
        ar[b-1] = ar[b];
        ar[b] = temp;
return ar; 

The problem is after passing the whole array to the function, my function definition only shows 1 element in array and also "arraylength" is giving 1.


1 个解决方案



int arr[] in a function formal parameter list is a syntax quirk, it is actually processed as int *arr. So the sizeof trick doesn't behave as you expect.

函数形式参数列表中的int arr []是一个语法怪癖,它实际上被处理为int * arr。所以sizeof技巧不会像你期望的那样表现。

In C it is not possible to pass arrays by value; and furthermore, at runtime an array does not remember its length.


You could include the length information by passing a pointer to the whole array at compile time:


int * insertionshot(int (*arr)[10])

Of course, with this approach you can only ever pass an array of length 10. So if you intend to be able to pass arrays of differing length, you have to pass the length as another parameter.




int arr[] in a function formal parameter list is a syntax quirk, it is actually processed as int *arr. So the sizeof trick doesn't behave as you expect.

函数形式参数列表中的int arr []是一个语法怪癖,它实际上被处理为int * arr。所以sizeof技巧不会像你期望的那样表现。

In C it is not possible to pass arrays by value; and furthermore, at runtime an array does not remember its length.


You could include the length information by passing a pointer to the whole array at compile time:


int * insertionshot(int (*arr)[10])

Of course, with this approach you can only ever pass an array of length 10. So if you intend to be able to pass arrays of differing length, you have to pass the length as another parameter.
