
时间:2022-12-08 19:57:16

I have a dataset with the following structure:


Classes ‘tbl_df’ and 'data.frame':  10 obs. of  7 variables:
 $ GdeName  : chr  "Aeugst am Albis" "Aeugst am Albis" "Aeugst am Albis" "Aeugst am Albis" ...
 $ Partei   : chr  "BDP" "CSP" "CVP" "EDU" ...
 $ Stand1971: num  NA NA 4.91 NA 3.21 ...
 $ Stand1975: num  NA NA 5.389 0.438 4.536 ...
 $ Stand1979: num  NA NA 6.2774 0.0195 3.4355 ...
 $ Stand1983: num  NA NA 4.66 1.41 3.76 ...
 $ Stand1987: num  NA NA 3.48 1.65 5.75 ...

I want to provide a function which allows to compute the difference between any value, and I would like to do this using dplyrs mutate function like so: (assume the parameters from and to are passed as arguments)

我想提供一个允许计算任何值之间差异的函数,我想使用dplyrs mutate函数这样做:(假设参数from和to作为参数传递)

from <- "Stand1971"
to <- "Stand1987"

data %>%
  mutate(diff = from - to)

Of course, this doesn't work, as dplyr uses non-standard evaluation. And I know there's now an elegant solution to the problem using mutate_, and I've read this vignette, but I still can't get my head around it.


What to do?


Here's the first few rows of the dataset for a reproducible example


structure(list(GdeName = c("Aeugst am Albis", "Aeugst am Albis", 
"Aeugst am Albis", "Aeugst am Albis", "Aeugst am Albis", "Aeugst am Albis", 
"Aeugst am Albis", "Aeugst am Albis", "Aeugst am Albis", "Aeugst am Albis"
), Partei = c("BDP", "CSP", "CVP", "EDU", "EVP", "FDP", "FGA", 
"FPS", "GLP", "GPS"), Stand1971 = c(NA, NA, 4.907306434, NA, 
3.2109535926, 18.272143463, NA, NA, NA, NA), Stand1975 = c(NA, 
NA, 5.389079711, 0.4382328556, 4.5363022622, 18.749259742, NA, 
NA, NA, NA), Stand1979 = c(NA, NA, 6.2773722628, 0.0194647202, 
3.4355231144, 25.294403893, NA, NA, NA, 2.7055961071), Stand1983 = c(NA, 
NA, 4.6609804428, 1.412940467, 3.7563539244, 26.277246489, 0.8529335746, 
NA, NA, 2.601878177), Stand1987 = c(NA, NA, 3.4767860929, 1.6535933856, 
5.7451770193, 22.146844746, NA, 3.7453183521, NA, 13.702211858
)), .Names = c("GdeName", "Partei", "Stand1971", "Stand1975", 
"Stand1979", "Stand1983", "Stand1987"), class = c("tbl_df", "data.frame"
), row.names = c(NA, -10L))

2 个解决方案



Using the latest version of dplyr (>=0.7), you can use the rlang !! (bang-bang) operator.

使用最新版本的dplyr(> = 0.7),你可以使用rlang !! (bang-bang)运营商。

from <- "Stand1971"
to <- "Stand1987"

data %>%

You just need to convert the strings to names with as.name and then insert them into the expression. Unfortunately I seem to have to use a few more parenthesis than I would like, but the !! operator seems to fall in a weird order-of-operations order.


Original answer, dplyr (0.3-<0.7):

原始答案,dplyr(0.3- <0.7):

From that vignette (vignette("nse","dplyr")), use lazyeval's interp() function



from <- "Stand1971"
to <- "Stand1987"

data %>%
  mutate_(diff=interp(~from - to, from=as.name(from), to=as.name(to)))



Why not simply paste?


data %>%
  mutate_(diff = paste(from, "-", to))



Using the latest version of dplyr (>=0.7), you can use the rlang !! (bang-bang) operator.

使用最新版本的dplyr(> = 0.7),你可以使用rlang !! (bang-bang)运营商。

from <- "Stand1971"
to <- "Stand1987"

data %>%

You just need to convert the strings to names with as.name and then insert them into the expression. Unfortunately I seem to have to use a few more parenthesis than I would like, but the !! operator seems to fall in a weird order-of-operations order.


Original answer, dplyr (0.3-<0.7):

原始答案,dplyr(0.3- <0.7):

From that vignette (vignette("nse","dplyr")), use lazyeval's interp() function



from <- "Stand1971"
to <- "Stand1987"

data %>%
  mutate_(diff=interp(~from - to, from=as.name(from), to=as.name(to)))



Why not simply paste?


data %>%
  mutate_(diff = paste(from, "-", to))