Applied Mathematics in Integrated Navigation Systems

时间:2015-12-01 03:04:10
文件名称:Applied Mathematics in Integrated Navigation Systems
更新时间:2015-12-01 03:04:10
Applied Mathematics Navigation Systems "The subject of integrated navigation systems covered in this book is designed for those directly involved with the design, integration, and test and evaluation of navigation systems. It is assumed that the reader has a background in mathematics, including calculus. Integrated navigation systems are the combination of an onboard navigation solution (position, velocity, and attitude) and independent navigation data (aids to navigation) to update or correct navigation solutions. In this book, this combination is accomplished with Kalman filter algorithms. This presentation is segmented into two parts. In the first part, elements of basic mathematics, kinematics, equations describing navigation systems/sensors and their error models, aids to navigation, and Kalman filtering are developed. Detailed derivations are presented and examples are given to aid in the understanding of these elements of integrated navigation systems. Problems are included to expand the application of the materials presented. The third edition includes additional background material, exercises and software. The added material includes: development of general form for Earth's gravitational potential with simplification to an ellipsoid model; development of satellite orbital equations for position and velocity and the impact of non-spherical earth gravitation on satellite orbital parameters; and illustrations in the development of derivative free Kalman filters including the Unscented and Divided Difference filter forms. Additional exercises are included that expand and supplement the material in the text and demonstrate properties of the Kalman filter. Additional software is included in this edition for simulating random processes and derivative free filter implementations. This edition provides a more complete foundation for addressing the different aspects of integrated navigation systems."


  • 值得学习,组合导航
  • 还没看 应该挺好的
  • 很好,电子版很方便
  • 非常好,多谢楼主分享,
  • 非常好的书,可以参考
  • 内容覆盖面很广,是一本很实用的书
  • 导航方面经典的参考书之一,对初学者有良好的启发,可惜网上找不到第三版
  • 很有用的导航基础资料!
  • 谢谢分享,正需要补充一些相关知识,希望能学懂。
  • 非常有用的书!
  • 所述算法十分实用
  • 蛮好的导航参考书,谢谢分享!
  • very good. the exact one i am looking for
  • 内容很全,慢慢看
  • 书中所述算法十分实用,是应用方面的较好的参考资料。