NDSS 2012-ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium 2012

时间:2015-05-12 15:00:00

文件名称:NDSS 2012-ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium 2012



更新时间:2015-05-12 15:00:00

NDSS 2012 ISOC 计算机安全 网络安全

(我现在主要在CSDN上整理计算机安全、软件工程(可信软件)、系统及通信方面的论文及相关理论书籍,如果对这方面内容感兴趣,可以访问:http://qysh123.download.csdn.net/ 查看我上传的所有资料。内容比较多,需要大家人工手动查找。另外,资料顺序并不按照时间排列,只是想起来了就上传。请大家见谅。) 计算机安全界的会议ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)2012年的文章,ISOC是互联网领域最专业组织之一,NDSS也是安全界较为重要的国际会议。欢迎大家下载并学习该论文集。值得一提的是,今年也同样有一篇*的论文被接收。关于本次会议的详细信息,可参考: http://www.tektalk.org/2012/02/07/ndss-2012-见闻1/

Mobile Networks
----Weaponizing Femtocells_ The Effect of Rogue Devices on Mobile Telecommunications.pdf(815KB)
----Location leaks over the GSM air interface.pdf(921KB)
----You Can Run, but You Can’t Hide_ Exposing Network Location for Targeted DoS Attacks in Cellular Networks.pdf(3.35MB)
----Track Me If You Can_ On the Effectiveness of Context-based Identifier Changes in Deployed Mobile Networks.pdf(1.64MB)
Clouds & Crypto
----Large-Scale Privacy-Preserving Mapping of Human Genomic Sequences on Hybrid Clouds.pdf(622KB)
----Privacy-preserving Logarithmic-time Search on Encrypted Data in Cloud.pdf(396KB)
----Making argument systems for outsourced computation practical (sometimes).pdf(517KB)
----Towards Practical Oblivious RAM.pdf(603KB)
----Static detection of C++ vtable escape vulnerabilities in binary code.pdf(234KB)
----A General Approach for Efficiently Accelerating Software-based Dynamic Data Flow Tracking on Commodity Hardware.pdf(602KB)
----Identifying and Analyzing Pointer Misuses for Sophisticated Memory-corruption Exploit Diagnosis.pdf(510KB)
Social Networks and User Behavior I
----You are what you like_ Information leakage through users' Interests.pdf(373KB)
----Towards Online Spam Filtering in Social Networks.pdf(429KB)
----X-Vine_ Secure and Pseudonymous Routing in DHTs Using Social Networks.pdf(421KB)
Privacy and Anonymity
----BLACR_ TTP-Free Blacklistable Anonymous Credentials with Reputation.pdf(413KB)
----Accountable Wiretapping -or- I know they can hear you now.pdf(1.05MB)
----Shadow_ Running Tor in a Box for Accurate and Efficient Experimentation.pdf(1.67MB)
Distributed Systems
----Gatling_ Automatic Attack Discovery in Large-Scale Distributed Systems.pdf(752KB)
----Automated Synthesis of Secure Distributed Applications.pdf(424KB)
Networking II
----Bypassing Space Explosion in Regular Expression Matching for Network Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems.pdf(424KB)
----Ghost Domain Names_ Revoked Yet Still Resolvable.pdf(542KB)
----ShortMAC_ Efficient Data-Plane Fault Localization.pdf(427KB)
----The Case for Prefetching and Prevalidating TLS Server Certificates.pdf(352KB)
Applied Crypto
----Adaptive Password-Strength Meters from Markov Models.pdf(0B)
----On Limitations of Designing Leakage-Resilient Password Systems_ Attacks, Principals and Usability.pdf(1.48MB)
----Access Pattern disclosure on Searchable Encryption_ Ramification, Attack and Mitigation.pdf(496KB)
----Private Set Intersection_ Are Garbled Circuits Better than Custom Protocols.pdf(992KB)
Host Security
----SecureSwitch_ BIOS-Assisted Isolation and Switch between Trusted and Untrusted Commodity OSes.pdf(305KB)
----Discovering Semantic Data of Interest from Un-mappable Memory with Confidence.pdf(346KB)
----Kruiser_ Semi-synchronized Non-blocking Concurrent Kernel Heap Buffer Overflow Monitoring.pdf(444KB)
----SMART_ Secure and Minimal Architecture for (Establishing Dynamic) Root of Trust.pdf(0B)
----Guess Who's Texting You_ Evaluating the Security of Smartphone Messaging Applications.pdf(644KB)
----Hey, You, Get Off of My Market_ Detecting Malicious Apps in Official and Alternative Android Markets.pdf(212KB)
----MoCFI_ A Framework to Mitigate Control-Flow Attacks on Smartphones.pdf(2.61MB)
----Towards Taming Privilege-Escalation Attacks on Android.pdf(5.81MB)
----Systematic Detection of Capability Leaks in Stock Android Smartphones.pdf(264KB)
----Chrome Extensions_ Threat Analysis and Countermeasures.pdf(724KB)
----Using replicated execution for a more secure and reliable web browser.pdf(2.37MB)
----Host Fingerprinting and Tracking on the Web_ Privacy and Security Implications.pdf(518KB)
----WarningBird_ Detecting Suspicious URLs in Twitter Stream.pdf(651KB)
Networking I
----Persistent OSPF Attacks.pdf(724KB)
----Plain-Text Recovery Attacks Against Datagram TLS.pdf(484KB)
----ANDaNA_ Anonymous Named Data Networking Application.pdf(571KB)
Social Networks and User Behavior II
----Insights into User Behavior in Dealing with Internet Attacks.pdf(368KB)
----The Latent Community Model for Detecting Sybils in Social Networks.pdf(686KB)
----PathCutter_ Severing the Self-Propagation Path of XSS JavaScript Worms in Social Web Networks.pdf(314KB)


  • 全面实用,很棒!
  • 下载了楼主分享的好几个论文集了,省了不少时间,感谢楼主搜集!
  • 很全的论文集,又是A级会议,非常有用!
  • 感谢楼主费心,整理的很好,省去了很多自己的时间
  • 很全很好,谢谢楼主!!
  • 很多好的论文集,获益匪浅。
  • 省了很多时间 非常感谢
  • 好会议的论文集,很全,谢谢分享。
  • 今年的LZ也分享出来了,很有用,谢谢
  • 安全界较为重要的国际会议,论文一定要看看
  • 整理的很全,非常有用,谢谢
  • 正在找这类论文,太感谢了,辛苦了~
  • 好东西,今天找到不少好的论文集,我也恭喜了一部分的。
  • 都做好分类整理了,太感谢了
  • 很全的啊,非常感谢
  • 飞类很清晰,目前正在看分布式相关论文,这个资料很有帮助
  • 非常好的整理,不用我一篇一篇就搜索下载了,真的非常感谢!
  • 分布式系统的*会议,你提供的资料非常好,谢谢!
  • 你很有才,谢谢,分类的特别好,几乎你的资源我都下载了。实在感谢!!!
  • 论文分类很详细 刚好针对我的需求 不错 辛苦了 呵呵