NDSS 2013-ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium 2013

时间:2016-05-21 14:42:16

文件名称:NDSS 2013-ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium 2013



更新时间:2016-05-21 14:42:16

网络安全 NDSS ISOC 论文集 2013

(我现在主要在CSDN上整理计算机安全、软件工程(可信软件)、系统及通信方面的论文及相关理论书籍,如果对这方面内容感兴趣,可以访问:http://download.csdn.net/user/qysh123 查看我上传的所有资料。内容比较多,需要大家人工手动查找。另外,资料顺序并不按照时间排列,只是想起来了就上传。请大家见谅。) 计算机安全界的会议ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)2013年的文章,ISOC是互联网领域最专业组织之一,NDSS也是安全界较为重要的国际会议。欢迎大家下载并学习该论文集。 共收录了2013年NDSS 11个session,47篇论文,没有包括Keynote和Session 8(short talks),所以压缩包中没有Session 8,请大家注意。 另外,本人的一位曾经的师兄(目前在米国任教),今年也有一篇第一作者的文章。很是羡慕啊!

NDSS 2013
----Session 12 Network Security II()
--------Behind the Scenes of Online Attacks_ an Analysis of Exploitation Behaviors on the Web.pdf(1.8MB)
--------Detection of Malicious PDF Files Based on Hierarchical Document Structure.pdf(419KB)
--------Fix Me Up_ Repairing Access-Control Bugs in Web Applications.pdf(246KB)
--------Automatically Inferring the Evolution of Malicious Activity on the Internet.pdf(409KB)
----Session 9 Privacy and Anonymity()
--------An Empirical Evaluation of Relay Selection in Tor.pdf(2.74MB)
--------rBridge_ User Reputation based Tor Bridge Distribution with Privacy Preservation.pdf(764KB)
--------One (Block) Size Fits All_ PIR and SPIR with Variable-Length Records via Multi-Block Queries.pdf(446KB)
----Session 5 Social Networks and Application Security()
--------Preserving Link Privacy in Social Network Based Systems.pdf(2.38MB)
--------Pisces_ Anonymous Communication Using Social Networks.pdf(342KB)
--------COMPA_ Detecting Compromised Accounts on Social Networks.pdf(273KB)
----Session 7 Network Security I()
--------Juice_ A Longitudinal Study of an SEO Botnet.pdf(1.59MB)
--------Clickonomics_ Determining the Effect of Anti-Piracy Measures for One-Click Hosting.pdf(397KB)
--------FRESCO_ Modular Composable Security Services for Software-Defined Networks.pdf(779KB)
--------Intention and Origination_ An Inside Look at Large-Scale Bot Queries.pdf(534KB)
--------I want my voice to be heard_ IP over Voice-over-IP for unobservable censorship circumvention.pdf(538KB)
----Session 3 Systems and Software Security()
--------Attack Surface Metrics and Automated Compile-Time OS Kernel Tailoring.pdf(700KB)
--------High Accuracy Attack Provenance via Binary-based Execution Partition.pdf(803KB)
--------CAMP_ Content-Agnostic Malware Protection.pdf(308KB)
--------Taming Hosted Hypervisors with (Mostly) Deprivileged Execution.pdf(538KB)
--------When Firmware Modifications Attack_ A Case Study of Embedded Exploitation.pdf(3.69MB)
----Session 2 Mobile Security()
--------Detecting Passive Content Leaks and Pollution in Android Applications.pdf(596KB)
--------PlaceRaider_ Virtual Theft in Physical Spaces with Smartphones.pdf(2.69MB)
--------Unobservable Re-authentication for Smartphones.pdf(3.41MB)
--------The Core of the Matter_ Analyzing Malicious Traffic in Cellular Carriers.pdf(1.5MB)
--------Security Enhanced (SE) Android_ Bringing Flexible MAC to Android.pdf(175KB)
----Session 10 Anonymity, Authentication and Attacks()
--------LIRA_ Lightweight Incentivized Routing for Anonymity.pdf(1.15MB)
--------Tailing RFID Tags for Clone Detection.pdf(506KB)
--------One Bad Apple_ Backwards Compatibility Attacks on State-of-the-Art Cryptography.pdf(528KB)
--------KinWrite_ Handwriting-Based Authentication Using Kinect.pdf(1.76MB)
--------Does Counting Still Count_ Revisiting the Security of Counting based User Authentication Protocols against Statistical Attacks.pdf(662KB)
----Session 1 Authentication()
--------I can be You_ Questioning the use of Keystroke Dynamics as Biometrics.pdf(691KB)
--------A Practical, Targeted, and Stealthy Attack Against WPA Enterprise Authentication.pdf(674KB)
----Session 11 Distributed Systems Security()
--------Verito_ A Practical System for Transparency and Accountability in Virtual Economies.pdf(396KB)
--------Toward Online Verification of Client Behavior in Distributed Applications.pdf(1.82MB)
--------Clear and Present Data_ Opaque Traffic and its Security Implications for the Future.pdf(996KB)
--------Analyzing Unique-Bid Auction Sites for Fun and Profit.pdf(797KB)
--------Secure Computation on Floating Point Numbers.pdf(365KB)
----Session 6 Mobile and Wireless Security and Privacy()
--------Low-cost Standard Signatures in Wireless Sensor Networks_ A Case for Reviving Pre-computation Techniques.pdf(5.23MB)
--------Comparing Mobile Privacy Protection through Cross-Platform Applications.pdf(461KB)
--------On Implementing Deniable Storage Encryption for Mobile Devices.pdf(327KB)
--------Social Turing Tests_ Crowdsourcing Sybil Detection.pdf(443KB)
--------Contextual Policy Enforcement in Android Applications with Permission Event Graphs.pdf(457KB)
----Session 4 Web Security()
--------NEIGHBORWATCHER_ A Content-Agnostic Comment Spam Inference System.pdf(2.71MB)
--------The Postman Always Rings Twice_ Attacking and Defending postMessage in HTML5 Websites.pdf(2.31MB)
--------Preventing Side-Channel Leaks in Web Traffic_ A Formal Approach.pdf(436KB)
--------AUTHSCAN_ Automatic Extraction of Web Authentication Protocols from Implementations.pdf(1.61MB)
--------InteGuard_ Toward Automatic Protection of Third-Party Web Service Integrations.pdf(2.15MB)


  • 整理的比较全面,好实用
  • 非常有用的论文集,*会议的论文
  • 不错不错,什么时候能上传14年的啊
  • 真心不错,名副其实
  • 楼主好人,找了好久,很全面,谢谢楼主
  • lz太有心了,整理了这么多论文集,资源很有用!
  • lz太有心了,整理了这么多论文集,资源很有用!
  • 不错,值得看看。
  • 整理的比较全面啊,我正在学习,很有用的!
  • 谢谢,评晚了点,抱歉。
  • 安全方面的*会议,lz辛苦了
  • 楼主很用心啊,资料很好,谢谢分享。
  • 百学百用 ,十分好,
  • 非常好,文章很全,节省了不少下载文章的时间
  • 非常有价值的论文集,虽然我只取其中的一小部分,但是还是了解了前沿
  • 谢谢分享,论文有点难啊
  • 非常感谢,安全方面的*会议
  • 感觉今年的NDSS水平略低一点。感谢分享。
  • 非常好,安全方面的*会议,lz辛苦了