NDSS 2011-ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium 2011

时间:2014-07-04 07:42:11

文件名称:NDSS 2011-ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium 2011



更新时间:2014-07-04 07:42:11

NDSS 论文集 计算机安全 网络安全 ISOC

(我现在主要在CSDN上整理计算机安全、软件工程(可信软件)、系统及通信方面的论文及相关理论书籍,如果对这方面内容感兴趣,可以访问:http://qysh123.download.csdn.net/ 查看我上传的所有资料。内容比较多,需要大家人工手动查找。另外,资料顺序并不按照时间排列,只是想起来了就上传。CSDN这套系统不敢恭维,也请大家见谅。) 计算机安全界的会议ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)2011年的文章,ISOC是互联网领域最专业组织之一,NDSS也是安全界较为重要的国际会议。欢迎大家下载并学习该论文集。

NDSS 2011
----Real-World Security Cloud Computing, Biometrics, and Humans()
--------Usability Testing a Malware-Resistant Input Mechanism.pdf(402KB)
--------Efficient Privacy-Preserving Biometric Identification.pdf(1.09MB)
--------SPARE_ Replicas on Hold.pdf(573KB)
----Software Security Code Analysis()
--------DTA++_ Dynamic Taint Analysis with Targeted Control-Flow Propagation.pdf(248KB)
--------AEG_ Automatic Exploit Generation.pdf(409KB)
--------No Loitering_ Exploiting Lingering Vulnerabilities in Default COM Objects.pdf(324KB)
--------Howard_ A Dynamic Excavator for Reverse Engineering Data Structures.pdf(561KB)
--------TIE_ Principled Reverse Engineering of Types in Binary Programs.pdf(1.36MB)
----Secure Emerging Applications Social Networks and Smartphones()
--------Soundcomber_ A Stealthy and Context-Aware Sound * for Smartphones.pdf(261KB)
--------Location Privacy via Private Proximity Testing.pdf(468KB)
--------A Security API for Distributed Social Networks.pdf(930KB)
----Web Security()
--------HTTPOS_ Sealing Information Leaks with Browser-side Obfuscation of Encrypted Flows.pdf(948KB)
--------Automated Discovery of Parameter Pollution Vulnerabilities in Web Applications.pdf(192KB)
--------WebShield_ Enabling Various Web Defense Techniques without Client Side Modifications.pdf(279KB)
----OS Security()
--------SigGraph_ Brute Force Scanning of Kernel Data Structure Instances Using Graph-based Signatures.pdf(438KB)
--------Efficient Monitoring of Untrusted Kernel-Mode Execution.pdf(655KB)
--------Practical Protection of Kernel Integrity for Commodity OS from Untrusted Extensions.pdf(617KB)
----Network Security()
--------SWIRL_ A Scalable Watermark to Detect Correlated Network Flows.pdf(578KB)
--------Accurate and Provably Secure Latency Estimation with Treeple.pdf(287KB)
--------On Measuring the Similarity of Network Hosts_ Pitfalls, New Metrics, and Empirical Analyses.pdf(772KB)
--------Tracker_ Security and Privacy for RFID-based Supply Chains.pdf(305KB)
--------Privacy-Preserving Aggregation of Time-Series Data.pdf(353KB)
--------PiOS_ Detecting Privacy Leaks in iOS Applications.pdf(272KB)
----Network Malware()
--------Losing Control of the Internet_ Using the Data Plane to Attack the Control Plane.pdf(253KB)
--------EXPOSURE_ Finding Malicious Domains Using Passive DNS Analysis.pdf(201KB)
----Wireless Attacks!()
--------Using Classification to Protect the Integrity of Spectrum Measurements in White Space Networks.pdf(1.46MB)
--------Good Neighbor_ Ad hoc Pairing of Nearby Wireless Devices by Multiple Antennas.pdf(743KB)
--------Relay Attacks on Passive Keyless Entry and Start Systems in Modern Cars.pdf(3.86MB)


  • 很好很完整,谢谢楼主分享!
  • 论文很全,谢谢楼主的分享
  • 谢谢楼主的分享,安全领域的*会议
  • 安全*会议,值得看。
  • 论文很全,这个会议水平很高
  • 非常全面 省了很多时间 非常感谢
  • 收集整理的很全面,节约时间啊。
  • 计算机安全方面非常专业的论文
  • 非常全面的论文集,很有用,谢谢
  • 非常好,很完整
  • 收集整理的很全面,谢谢啦
  • 非常好,很全面
  • 收集的非常全 非常感谢
  • 节约我大量的搜索时间,真的很好