转诊至大学学习障碍中心的儿童的 WISC-R 表现

时间:2021-06-29 21:08:30
文件名称:转诊至大学学习障碍中心的儿童的 WISC-R 表现
更新时间:2021-06-29 21:08:30
学术 论文 WISC-R performance of children referred to a university center for learning disabilities Bannat yne Patterns 183 WISC subtest, scores of disabled readers: A review wit,h respect to Bannatyne’s Assessment of children’s i~rtelligence (Revised reprint.). Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, Stability of WIHGlt subtest, profiles for learning disabled children. Psychology i ~ , Recategorized WISGR scores of Old wine in new skins: Grouping Wechsler subtests in new scales. RUGISL, It. P. reca
