以小学为基础的儿童虐待预防计划有效吗? 高中的后续

时间:2024-07-19 14:42:52

文件名称:以小学为基础的儿童虐待预防计划有效吗? 高中的后续



更新时间:2024-07-19 14:42:52

学术 论文

Do elementary school-based child abuse prevention programs work? A high school follow-up DO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-BASED CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION PROGRAMS WORK? A HIGH SCHOOL FOLLOW-UP susan f. ko and merith a. cosden Counseling/Clinical/School Psychology University of California, Santa Barbara Despite the widespread use of school-based abuse prevention programs, few studies support their effectiveness in helping children avoid victimization. Most studies that evaluate prevention pro- grams measu
