Pilling, D. 骨科残疾儿童。 1972 年,56 页,[美元]2.00

时间:2024-07-19 13:38:14

文件名称:Pilling, D. 骨科残疾儿童。 1972 年,56 页,[美元]2.00



更新时间:2024-07-19 13:38:14

学术 论文

Pilling, D. The orthopaedically handicapped child. 1972, 56 pp., [dollar]2.00 244 Psychology i n the Schools, April, 1977, Vol. 14, N o . 2 . process by which these children come to be placed in regular schools, and the feelings of the parents and teachers concerning this placement; the social and emo- tional adjustment and academic achievement of these children; and the nature and adequacy of the special provisions found in the regular school. The remainder of the book then presents
