锌离子与辛二酸和菲咯啉的自组装 - 五种新型锌菲咯啉 Suberato 配合物的晶体结构

时间:2021-06-29 20:35:36
文件名称:锌离子与辛二酸和菲咯啉的自组装 - 五种新型锌菲咯啉 Suberato 配合物的晶体结构
更新时间:2021-06-29 20:35:36
学术 论文 Self-assembly of Zinc Ions with Suberic Acid and Phenanthroline - Crystal Structures of five New Zinc Phenanthroline Suberato Complexes Self�assembly of Zinc Ions with Suberic Acid and Phenanthroline � Crystal Structures of five New Zinc Phenanthroline Suberato Complexes Dan-Yi Wei, Yue-Qing Zheng*, and Jian-Li Lin Ningbo/P. R. China, Municipal Key Laboratory of Inorganic Materials Chemistry, Institute for Solid State Chemistry, Ningbo University Received February 12th, 2002. Abstract. Sel
