Sednterp 溶剂性质计算

时间:2021-09-24 14:18:56
文件名称:Sednterp 溶剂性质计算
更新时间:2021-09-24 14:18:56
溶剂性质 AUC 用于计算溶剂的密度、粘度等性质。Sednterp stores the basic physical data and the fitted coefficients for interpretations in the phyconst database file. Storing all of this information in a single file helps in the program set up and in the updating of the algorithms. Likewise, information entered into the program is stored in a single Microsoft Access database allowing users to compile reports and make use of the data in programs other than Sednterp. All computations are carried out using 7-digit precision.
